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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ten Environment Disasters Are Threatening Human!

1. Soil Destroyed

According to a report of reference, the fertilities of cultivatable soil in 110 countries (amounting to ten hundred million people) are reducing. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, because of the disappearance of forest vegetation, the over-development of cultivated lands and the over-grazing, the erosion of soil is very serious. The bare soil becomes very weak, which can not resist the erosion of wind and rain for long time. In some place, the annual soil loss is up to 100 tons per hectare.

2. Weather Change and Energy Waste, the Greenhouse Effect Is Seriously Threatening Human.

According to the prediction of 2500 representative experts, the sea level will rise; many regions with dense population (like Bengal, the coastal regions of China and the Pacific Ocean and most island of the Indian Ocean) would be submerged by local water.

3. Reduction of Biological Diversity

Due to the urbanization, agriculture development, forest reduce and environment pollution, the natural regions are getting smaller which lead to thousands species extinct.

4. Reduction of Forest Area

In recent decades, the forest area reduction of countries located in torrid zone is also very serious.

5. Fresh Water Threatened

According to the estimate of experts, beginning with next century, there will be a quarter region of the world lacking water for a long time. Please remember, we can not create water but try to protect water source.

6. Chemistry Pollution

Several million compounds caused by Industry exist in the air, soil, water, plants, animals and human bodies.

7. Chaotic urbanization

Up until this century, the number of big cities in the world will be up to 21, and the living condition of the big cities will be worsening: crowd, polluted water, bad sanitary condition, lacking security…… these disorderly expansions of big cities also damage the natural regions.

8. Over-Exploitation of Sea and the Coastal Regions Polluted

The population crowd status makes these often quite weak regions lose balance.

9. Air Pollution

In most big cities, there are many pollutants caused by warming, transport and factory production contained in the air. These pollutants threaten the health of millions and millions residents who are living in cities, leading many people to lose their lives.

10. Ozone hole in the polar region

Though the Montreal Protocol has been signed, but every spring, the ozone hole is still formed again in Earth's two polar region's sky.


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