Africa is considered as the poorest continent in the world many of their population live below poverty level. In Africa most children are enlisted as war combatant at an early age of seven. Children are used for child labor, street hawking and child prostitution. In Uganda most children that ought to be in school are sent out for labor on a menial job, while the sponsor called godfather collects the money without giving the child the attention to grow or been sent to school.
Child labor is real in Africa. in Nigeria 8.5 Million children are on the street ranging from 5 to 18 years doing child labor ranging from CAB conductor, sleeping on the street as a result they grow to become gangster or what is considered as '"street urchin". These children grow up to become notorious arm robbers, Militants, prostitute because they were not properly guided. To them there is no reason to live. Children are dieing in Africa day and night. The level of poverty in Africa is alarming. Most children in Africa are suffering from one sickness or the other the rate of child mortality in Africa is considered very high compare to other parts of the world. Unemployment is very high in Africa with some countries having it high as 90% countries like Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Liberia, Kenya etc.
In Nigeria 144 women die everyday from curable diseases where child mortality in Nigeria is considered at 500/1000. Most schools in Africa are considered as not able to produce world class graduate that can compete with their colleagues out there. With some no University in Africa was among the best 100 university in the world.
In Kenya over four million people are i need of urgent food at least once a day. Over four million people go to bed hungry everyday in Kenya, while children and women suffer and Die in most of this Africa country because there is lack of care and there is little or no Drugs for medication purposes.
We in the western World must move to support this women and children that are suffering in Africa. Like Late Michael Wakco Jackson said Lets we make the world a better place for you and for me and for the entire human race.
Hands of fellowship should be extended to our Africa brothers and sisters. If we must achieve anything called security in the world we must extend hands of fellowship to Africans by supporting through various NGOs that are working to help the women and Children in Africa.
There are several NGOS out there that are doing everything to send some children to school in Africa and give them sense of belonging to this 21st century form.
Visit this site and make your Donation to help the Africa and Asia child http://24sect.com
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