Live in the moment, are you really happy or has been hard to breathe from pressure? Your happiness is wealth, healthy, love, or friendship? What is your ideal happiness? Is it far from you? According to this happiness survey, the results may show us the most real life situation we are in now. We also hope that through this survey we provide a more intimate, practical and well-being program. After you published on the money, career, marriage, the views of the relationship between happiness, we talk about the health instead.
A famous director said that what is so-called happiness? That’s good health and good mind. If management is not rough, perhaps happiness does not necessarily decided by the health. But there is no health and happiness is becoming impossible. My friends, in order to be happy, do your body ready?
Purpose: Your body ready for happiness or not?
1. When you look yourself in the mirror, you usually like your body or not?
A. yes, always b. sometimes I like cannot, I don’t like.
2. Do you know your heart rate, pulse, blood pressure is?
A. yes, I know all b. one or two c. not, I don’t.
3. The ratio of height and weight in the normal range?
A. yes, in the normal range b. a little bit higher than the normal range c. deviate from the normal range.
4. Do you often feel too tired?
A. as usual, not b.sometimes I did c. always.
5. Do you think your career of your health in stifling?
A. yes, a great b. a certain extent, are killing c. not, not at all.
6. Do you often go to sports?
A. yes, often b. sometimes, one a time a week c. less, exercise was limited to walking, etc.
7. How many times do you eat at home?
A. 7 times, the basic daily eats meals at home b. 3-7 times, try my best to eat at home c. never.
8. Whether you feel good physically or not?
A. usually feel good b. sometimes you feel good, sometimes bad c. always feel bad.
9. Do you think you have enough sleep?
A. yes, every day sleep 8 hours a. sometimes can guarantee that, but sometimes not c. sleep is not always full.
10. Do you think you can always breathe fresh air?
A. yes b. sometimes c. never.
11. Do you often drink?
A. yes, always b.sometims in bad mood c. never, I never drink.
12. Do you often smoke?
A. yes, a heavy smoker’s b. sometimes or occasionally, but not a heavy smoker c. never.
13. Do you check your body regularly?
A. yes, physical examination at least once a year b. yes, but do guarantee that regular basis c.never do like that.
14. In general, do you think you healthy enough?
A. very healthy and very happy b. basic health, but sometimes physical problems c. The body is not healthy, but a good attitude, so they still feel happy.
15. If you feel healthy, you think that the reasons are?
A. not so well b.do not gets enough exercise c. working pressure and pollution.
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