The Green change begins at the daily routine of each and every one of us - at home, at work, at school. To take advantage of environmentally friendly lifestyle, we have to perform acts of green all day, every day, 24 / 7.
It's not that difficult. In fact, it is very easy. And it is in our hands. We are committed to realize the protection of the planet, even in our daily minor personal.
In this article, I will provide examples of simple daily activities that are important to absorb in order to manage environment friendly living and help protect our planet:
• Save electricity - close any electrical device not used. Try using sunlight to illuminate your room. Use fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. Make sure your doors and windows are sealed. Try to use natural resources such as solar or wind to generate electricity for your home. Remember - saving electricity will save you lots of money.
• Recycle - Recycle everything you can. Try not to use disposable products such as nylon bags, tools, plastic and aluminum foil. Use compost for your organic waste. Use rechargeable batteries. Think twice before you print. Use glass bottles instead of those plastic and paper bags instead of nylon.
• Save water - save water from your air condition and re use them to water your plants. Try to reuse rainwater. Use a dishwasher to wash the dishes. Water your plants at night or early morning. If you are building a new home, check "gray water" systems.
• walk or use public transport - cars are a major reason for air pollution. Try to use it only when necessary. If you buy one, check for hybrid cars.
• Get yourself a green environment - grow plants at home and office. Plants make the atmosphere pleasant and helps purify the air around you. Working in the garden is also good for the soul. Encourage your children to help you in your gardening.
• Use green products - Try to use environmentally friendly products for all your actions and cleaning detergents. Try to use environmentally friendly products for your household. When buying electrical products Search for energy savers. Check for green cosmetics.
• Make a donation to the community - instead of dumping old clothes or toys, give them to needy people. Local associations will be grateful for your donations.
• Get your green family - explore nature with your children and your family. Read the green and watch movies in green. Explain the importance of protecting our planet for future generations. Take cycling with them. Teach them to respect the environment wherever you are. Join green activist groups. Make as much as you can for the planet Earth.
These are a few examples to help you become greener. You can find other examples in all other aspects of life. Train your mind to become environmentally friendly and actions will follow, at any time.
The future of the planet is in our hands.
Let our future generations enjoy a healthy and green planet.
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