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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

U.N. Climate Change Conference Kicks Off in Cancun!

U.N. Climate Change Conference Kicks Off in Cancun!

Over the next two weeks, representatives of 193 nations will meet for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Mexico in an attempt to overcome the disconnect between rich and poor countries on fighting global warming.

During two weeks of talks, the U.N. conference hopes to conclude agreements that will clear the way to mobilize billions of dollars for developing countries and give them green technology to help them shift from fossil fuels affecting climate change.

After a disappointing summit last year in Copenhagen, no hope remains of reaching an overarching deal this year setting legal limits on how much industrialized countries would be allowed to pollute. Such an accord was meant to help slash greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, when scientists say they should be half of today's levels.

Eighty-five countries have made specific pledges to reduce emissions or constrain their growth, but those promises amount to far less than required to keep temperatures from rising to potentially dangerous levels. Adopting scaled back ambitions for Cancun, if successful, could restore confidence in the process.

As often during the three-year process, attention will focus on the United States and China, the two nations that often butt heads in the negotiations representing the industrialized and developing world.

Congress has thus far failed to pass domestic climate legislation. President Obama has been criticized for what is often described as the feeble U.S. pledge to reduce carbon emissions 17 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels. Lawmakers are working to bundle a slew of waterways, public lands and wildlife bills into a monumental natural resources package that could attract enough bipartisan support to pass before Congress ends next month, but it isn’t clear whether the lame-duck congress will look at the proposed climate bill.

The U.S. has insisted it will agree to bind pollution limits only if China also accepts legal limitations. China, now the world's biggest polluter but also the biggest investor in renewable energy, rejects international limits, saying it still needs to overcome widespread poverty and bears no historic responsibility for the problem.

While delegates haggle over the wording, timing and dollar figures involved in any agreement, scientists and political activists at the conference will be offering the latest indications of the planet's warming. Some 250 presentations are planned on the sidelines of the negotiations.

Meteorologists are likely to report that 2010 will end up tied for the hottest year globally since records began 131 years ago.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ecommerce Application Development!

Ecommerce Application Development!

Ecommerce Application Development is an integral part for any software. With Ecommerce Application Development one can integrate the use of special software to assist in business management and web page control. With the most suitable application you can get the most from your business strategies and also provide your business with the required boost.

A good ecommerce solution can enable the website owner with excellent returns and profit.

Ecommerce Application Development modes-

Global product content: This mode is user friendly as it enables the creation of product categories, adding and deleting items, management of the stores. It also enables accepting payments and managing the dispatch of items.

Sales and added offers: This mode includes ad campaigns, the ability to send newsletters, promo material and setting up pf auto responders. One can also add additional support with the use of pictures, video and various other applications.

The importance of Ecommerce Application Development-

Ecommerce Application Development is useful in order to enhance growth in the sphere of online business. It is a much more convenient option as one can avoid the hassle of installing software applications on separate client computers. Ecommerce application development applications are cost effective and budget oriented.

As a part of the ecommerce application development plan one can either opt for free access for the first twelve months or for a paid application plan, when compared paid applications are much more beneficial than the free version Paid applications are usually more flexible and much more powerful?

The cost of Ecommerce Application Development-

Software features and facilities which would be provided would depend on number of options which is thereafter influenced by the kind of web page which is being run. This is also the same manner in which the customer is billed since the sum would depend on the size of the site and the web traffic which you want to generate.

Mostly the largest packages are designed for sites which generate a good amount of 3,000 visitors per day. Costs would thereby decrease if your website ranks lower and you are only able to generate around 750 visitors on a daily basis. The main reason why costs decrease is because of the limited tools required.

You should always keep in mind the more complex your site, the more extended would by the Ecommerce application development.

With an effective web application you can yield excellent returns on your investment as well as magnify your presence on the internet.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Import and Export Data- A Key to Success!

Import and Export Data- A Key to Success!

The world economy and commerce industries depend very heavily on the international trading process taking place along the coast of various countries. This very bilateral trading process forms the very backbone of major economies in the world. A very powerful tool the respective countries and buyer have at their disposal is import and export data which is a database collection of various details regarding the trading process. This data is primarily a detailed record of the various goods and products that have been imported and exported by a particular country in a particular fiscal year.

The data regarding various imports and exports have also become very important and forms a very integral part of the global trading scenario. The entire data is fed into database which already hosted over the internet and has global access. As a result of this global accessibility, traders and buyers around the world can have a detail analysis regarding a particular importer or exporter thus ensuring a more genuine business. This online database can be exploited as and when desired in whatever possible manner depending on the user. One can easily generate excellent charts and reports regarding buyers etc. These databases provide user friendly search options ranging from a general product wise search query to a more complex buyer/ dealer based search. A company can easily assess its own or a perspective client with the help of these databases.

The import and export data is collected by competent and qualified authorities, mostly working under the customs department of the country, who categorized it under various subheadings as per the needs. This is essentially composed of names of the buyers, names of the importers and exporters, name of other parties involved directly or indirectly in the process, details regarding the product imported or exported, its certain Harmonized Code List which is of primary importance, the quantity of the product, the quality standards under which it was received, the market cap on that particular imported or exported good etc. Most of the countries follow the bill of entry or the bill lading process to collect these data. This process allows the custom or other concerned authorities to make a note of the record associated with the product at the time the product has touched the countries shores. These authorities then pass on the product of the respective ports to carry on with the further trading process. These data also has various reports and case studies on a particular specific product as demanded or desired. It helps making the trading process very transparent and helps a particular buyer or importer to choose his clients beforehand thus making the business authentic and foolproof.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

: Environmental Protection

: Environmental Protection

Roles of Government, Business, and the Consumer in Environmental Protection:


The environment in simple terms could be described as the stimulus or external resources or conditions around which an organism will interact with. We can distinguish between three kinds of environments. These are the social environment, the natural environment and the built environment.

The natural environment consists of living and nonliving things that occur naturally like mountains, the wildlife, natural forests etc. on the other hand the social environment consists of the institutions, culture, as well as the people with whom we interact with. The built environment consists of man-made features like our homesteads, towns etc around which we live.


The environment as a whole needs to be conserved. There are various reasons as to why we need to conserve our environment. Some of these reasons include the fact that we need to preserve resources for future generations. In addition to maintain ecological balance we still need to conserve the environment. Thirdly but not last in order to live in a clean environment then we need to conserve it first. Due to the destructive nature of human beings various laws and or policies have been setup to stipulate the role of every stakeholder in this endeavor.


The main role of the government in environmental conservation is to pass environmental laws. Environmental law or environmental legislation is a body of the legal process. It involves a system of complex and interlocking conventions, acts or edicts, treaties, statutes, common regulations and policies, which are meant to protect the physical natural environment (short, 2003) which may from time to time be impacted, affected, or endangered by the activities of humans in a global perspective.

Some environmental legislation is designed to regulate the nature and quantity of negative impacts of human activities. Many countries and especially the European Union countries have been very successful on this field.


Businesses and most importantly multi-national manufacturing industries have their role to play in conserving the environment. Since these companies are the greatest polluters of the environment they are supposed to produce goods responsibly. This can be done by any of the following means. Firstly they could use less pollutant sources of energy e.g. the use of solar energy instead of coal or oil.

In addition they could produce less pollutant materials that can perform the same task a good example would be the production of paper bags from wood pulp instead of plastic paper bags. In addition businesses especially these big companies could setup recycling plants to reduce the overall effect of pollutant material within our environment.


Consumers have also their role to play in conserving the environment. In many cases consumers pollute the environment in two major ways. Firstly consumers pollute the environment by dumping both industrial goods and farm waste into the environment. Secondly consumers also degrade the environment through their day to day activities. In order to conserve the environment consumers should seek proper waste disposal methods. In addition in cases where they directly degrade the environment they should seek alternatives.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Reason Why You Won't Be Able to Live Without the Benefits of Solar Power!


Don't be concerned, I'm not going to bore you with the environmental benefits of solar power but instead I'm going to cut to the chase. Self generated alternative energy such as solar power is about to become one of the most necessary investments you can make. So much that you really might not be able to afford to live without having the benefits of solar power.

Everyone is well aware of the high dollar government bailout but to help pay back some of that debt; Obama's new 2010 budget included a very costly cap-and-trade energy tax on oil, natural gas, and coal. The White House has even speculated that this could amount to a lot more than $2 Trillion dollars over the next eight years. And do not think this is a temporary problem because this energy tax will carry on until the year 2050.

Just to present you with an idea of the impact, at the moment the existing average cost of home energy is $112.32 each month. But you can anticipate the new energy tax to drive it up to a projected $562.67. So the majority of us will be counting on the benefits of solar power because we cannot manage the additional $450 cost per month.

Obama knows precisely what this is going to do to consumers. This is all part of his strategic plan to help give solar power a shot at competing with the larger and monopolizing oil, coal, and natural gas companies.

So think long and hard about these 3 benefits of solar power.

#1 Benefit of Solar Power - You cannot regulate it

The fact that solar energy can't be regulated is probably the most crucial of all benefits. This means that the federal government is unable to tax the solar energy that you produce yourself at home.

#2 Benefit of Solar Power - It is economically A lot more stable than Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas

The cost of oil, coal, and natural gas are dictated directly by the law of supply and demand. So if the demand increases, so does the price.

But solar power does not fall prey to those same economic laws because it is not a tradable commodity. This is because the demand can in no way be greater than the supply which will never run out.

#3 Benefit of Solar Power – It is 1 of the Only True Sources of Energy which are Free

You will never have to pay for solar power. Do not get me wrong, you've still got to pay for the material costs associated with collecting the solar power but there is no direct cost of the sunlight itself. Bear in mind that even the price of the more pricey solar energy systems will soon be a good deal given the increased cost of energy associated with this new energy tax.

In the end, solar energy is the most cost effective, economically stable, and abundant source of power that you can get. Furthermore you can include all of those lesser yet very valid benefits to the mix. The other option is to start planning an additional $450 into your monthly finances.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Environmental Issue Surveys: What Are They Telling Us?

Environmental Issue Surveys: What Are They Telling Us?

A fresh environmental issue survey from CNN/Opinion Research finds that a majority of Americans believe that the economy should take precedence over the environment. It wasn’t by a huge number – a little more than half (51%) picked “economy: and slightly less than half (45%) picked “environment.” The margin of error was 3%.

Pollsters love this question and they’ve been asking variations of it for decades. Here is how the question was worded this time around, in this particular environmental issues survey:

"With which one of these statements about the environment and the economy do you most agree — protection of the environment should be given priority, even at the risk of curbing economic growth, or economic growth should be given priority, even if the environment suffers to some extent?"

Until recently, majorities of Americans have consistently responded that the environment takes precedence. Sometimes a large majority, sometimes a small one, but always is a majority. It was that way for decades. It’s only now, during this brutal, grinding recession, that the economy has inched ahead. And it’s not just this survey, it’s others.

These poll results are disturbing, sure, but I think they are misleading, too. There’s plenty of evidence out there that everyday citizens actually reject the basic premise of that question. When I sift through my extensive collection of environmental issue surveys, I find plenty of poll questions that explore Americans’ attitudes towards the environment and their wallets in more depth.

I think you can summarize the American public’s general attitude towards the environment and their wallets in three statements:

#1) “Environmental regulations and protection don’t burden the economy much”

As a general matter, when pollsters ask Americans if they believe that environmental regulation hurts the economy, the answer is usually “no.” Here’s one example: In a 2005 study conducted by Yale University, more than 3/4 of those who responded agreed with this statement: “You don’t have to sacrifice environmental protection to get economic growth. The choice between jobs and environment is a false one: we can have both.”

Remember, most Americans work in various service industries now. Only a few of us work in mining, agriculture, commercial fishing, forestry, or other industries where environmental compliance is a daily hassle or expense. The businesses that feel the pinch directly are often very outspoken about it — but that is a minority view.

Statement #2: “Environmental regulations hurt some companies sometimes, but they can be good for the economy, too”

When EPA announced last week that it was cracking down on mountain top removal mining, West Virginia mining interests and politicians thumped the table, squealing about lost jobs and economic ruin. So you might be surprised that just a few years ago, almost half of West Virginians told pollsters they believed environmental protection are often good for the economy, and another quarter said they generally don’t have much impact. Only one in 5 reported that environmental protections were generally bad for the economy — and that’s in coal mining, tree cutting West Virginia.

I think most Americans instinctively understand that people and businesses avoid highly polluted areas that medical costs associated with pollution-related illnesses are a drag on their families’ economic well-being, and that wasteful, polluting businesses are less competitive in the modern economy.

Statement #3: “Environmental regulations and protections may cause higher taxes”

Americans generally see that protecting the environment is a legitimate responsibility of government, and recognize that this costs money — their money. In a study conducted for Duke University’s Nicholas Institute a few years back, researchers found that voters were much more likely to believe that new environmental regulations and protections would lead to tax increases than to lost jobs.

So if everyday citizens are skeptical of the basic premise of the “environment vs. economy” poll questions, what do their answers to those questions tell us? Honestly, I’m not sure. And if everyday citizens are skeptical of the basic premise of this question, why do pollsters keep asking it this way, anyway? Again, I’m not sure.

But I think I’m on safe ground here: The economy is a disaster and few of us have escaped it completely. Everyday citizens want to see our nation’s leaders focusing their attention on getting the economy fired up and moving forward. But there is no evidence whatsoever that voters blame environmental protections for this recession — or that they believe that cutting existing environmental regulations will produce much economic stimulus, either.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Green Tips - Great tips for Green living!

Green Tips - Great tips for Green living!

The Green change begins at the daily routine of each and every one of us - at home, at work, at school. To take advantage of environmentally friendly lifestyle, we have to perform acts of green all day, every day, 24 / 7.

It's not that difficult. In fact, it is very easy. And it is in our hands. We are committed to realize the protection of the planet, even in our daily minor personal.

In this article, I will provide examples of simple daily activities that are important to absorb in order to manage environment friendly living and help protect our planet:

• Save electricity - close any electrical device not used. Try using sunlight to illuminate your room. Use fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. Make sure your doors and windows are sealed. Try to use natural resources such as solar or wind to generate electricity for your home. Remember - saving electricity will save you lots of money.

• Recycle - Recycle everything you can. Try not to use disposable products such as nylon bags, tools, plastic and aluminum foil. Use compost for your organic waste. Use rechargeable batteries. Think twice before you print. Use glass bottles instead of those plastic and paper bags instead of nylon.

• Save water - save water from your air condition and re use them to water your plants. Try to reuse rainwater. Use a dishwasher to wash the dishes. Water your plants at night or early morning. If you are building a new home, check "gray water" systems.

• walk or use public transport - cars are a major reason for air pollution. Try to use it only when necessary. If you buy one, check for hybrid cars.

• Get yourself a green environment - grow plants at home and office. Plants make the atmosphere pleasant and helps purify the air around you. Working in the garden is also good for the soul. Encourage your children to help you in your gardening.

• Use green products - Try to use environmentally friendly products for all your actions and cleaning detergents. Try to use environmentally friendly products for your household. When buying electrical products Search for energy savers. Check for green cosmetics.

• Make a donation to the community - instead of dumping old clothes or toys, give them to needy people. Local associations will be grateful for your donations.

• Get your green family - explore nature with your children and your family. Read the green and watch movies in green. Explain the importance of protecting our planet for future generations. Take cycling with them. Teach them to respect the environment wherever you are. Join green activist groups. Make as much as you can for the planet Earth.

These are a few examples to help you become greener. You can find other examples in all other aspects of life. Train your mind to become environmentally friendly and actions will follow, at any time.

The future of the planet is in our hands.

Let our future generations enjoy a healthy and green planet.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ten Environment Disasters Are Threatening Human!

1. Soil Destroyed

According to a report of reference, the fertilities of cultivatable soil in 110 countries (amounting to ten hundred million people) are reducing. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, because of the disappearance of forest vegetation, the over-development of cultivated lands and the over-grazing, the erosion of soil is very serious. The bare soil becomes very weak, which can not resist the erosion of wind and rain for long time. In some place, the annual soil loss is up to 100 tons per hectare.

2. Weather Change and Energy Waste, the Greenhouse Effect Is Seriously Threatening Human.

According to the prediction of 2500 representative experts, the sea level will rise; many regions with dense population (like Bengal, the coastal regions of China and the Pacific Ocean and most island of the Indian Ocean) would be submerged by local water.

3. Reduction of Biological Diversity

Due to the urbanization, agriculture development, forest reduce and environment pollution, the natural regions are getting smaller which lead to thousands species extinct.

4. Reduction of Forest Area

In recent decades, the forest area reduction of countries located in torrid zone is also very serious.

5. Fresh Water Threatened

According to the estimate of experts, beginning with next century, there will be a quarter region of the world lacking water for a long time. Please remember, we can not create water but try to protect water source.

6. Chemistry Pollution

Several million compounds caused by Industry exist in the air, soil, water, plants, animals and human bodies.

7. Chaotic urbanization

Up until this century, the number of big cities in the world will be up to 21, and the living condition of the big cities will be worsening: crowd, polluted water, bad sanitary condition, lacking security…… these disorderly expansions of big cities also damage the natural regions.

8. Over-Exploitation of Sea and the Coastal Regions Polluted

The population crowd status makes these often quite weak regions lose balance.

9. Air Pollution

In most big cities, there are many pollutants caused by warming, transport and factory production contained in the air. These pollutants threaten the health of millions and millions residents who are living in cities, leading many people to lose their lives.

10. Ozone hole in the polar region

Though the Montreal Protocol has been signed, but every spring, the ozone hole is still formed again in Earth's two polar region's sky.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How to Pick a Great Domain Name?

How to Pick a Great Domain Name!

The most of the websites are associated with a domain name. It is very easy to remember a name like rather than a numerical address like The highly desirable domains names are becoming more and more difficult to acquire, especially with favored extensions like .com and .net. With major industries like domain trading, traders are rapidly devouring desirable domain names. Here are few tips for domain name suggestions.

Domain Extensions: - The certain extensions are more desirable than others and some extensions are intended to categorize. For example, the .org extension is traditionally used to categorize non-profit organizations. Likewise a .go extension is intended to categorize government websites. There are country extensions as well such as .ca (
Canada) or .jp (Japan) in an attempt to organize registrations by nation.

Domain Trading: - As mentioned earlier, domain trading is a major industry. There are many domain auction sites where you may be able to acquire your preferred domain name. Domain trading sites offer thousands of domains for sale to be purchased directly or through an auction. The domain names are often appraised; trading sites may have a huge listing for under $1,000. More desirable domain names in the multi thousand dollar range. In rare cases a domain may sell for tens of thousands in U.S. dollars, and in very rare cases more than one million U.S. dollars. With registration fees for a new domain often less than $10 the domain trading market is growing very rapidly. If you have a very specific domain you wish to acquire you may be able to look up the current registrant in a "whose" database and make an offer.

Make it memorable: - The most important aspect of choosing a name is ensuring that your audience will remember it. A memorable website name is short, easy to spell (no hyphens), and has a hook. Short names have an added aesthetic benefit, are easier to fit on logos, and make better brands. However, short and simple is not enough. Tools dot com is easy to forget. Cars dot com spent a great deal of money on marketing to overcome that fault.

Make sure it is unique: - The clarity is important in the short and long term. A domain name becomes synonymous with the business it represents. A website name that is easily confused with another is no better than a forgettable name. A name that cannot be trademarked is far less valuable than one that can. Business can lose rights or lose the domain name outright if it is similar to a brand that is or becomes trademarked. Uniqueness ensures that you keep what you invest in getting your URL.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Are You Ready to Get Happiness? Let’s Go

Are You Ready to Get Happiness? Let’s Go

Live in the moment, are you really happy or has been hard to breathe from pressure? Your happiness is wealth, healthy, love, or friendship? What is your ideal happiness? Is it far from you? According to this happiness survey, the results may show us the most real life situation we are in now. We also hope that through this survey we provide a more intimate, practical and well-being program. After you published on the money, career, marriage, the views of the relationship between happiness, we talk about the health instead.

A famous director said that what is so-called happiness? That’s good health and good mind. If management is not rough, perhaps happiness does not necessarily decided by the health. But there is no health and happiness is becoming impossible. My friends, in order to be happy, do your body ready?

Purpose: Your body ready for happiness or not?

1. When you look yourself in the mirror, you usually like your body or not?

A. yes, always b. sometimes I like cannot, I don’t like.

2. Do you know your heart rate, pulse, blood pressure is?

A. yes, I know all b. one or two c. not, I don’t.

3. The ratio of height and weight in the normal range?

A. yes, in the normal range b. a little bit higher than the normal range c. deviate from the normal range.

4. Do you often feel too tired?

A. as usual, not b.sometimes I did c. always.

5. Do you think your career of your health in stifling?

A. yes, a great b. a certain extent, are killing c. not, not at all.

6. Do you often go to sports?

A. yes, often b. sometimes, one a time a week c. less, exercise was limited to walking, etc.

7. How many times do you eat at home?

A. 7 times, the basic daily eats meals at home b. 3-7 times, try my best to eat at home c. never.

8. Whether you feel good physically or not?

A. usually feel good b. sometimes you feel good, sometimes bad c. always feel bad.

9. Do you think you have enough sleep?

A. yes, every day sleep 8 hours a. sometimes can guarantee that, but sometimes not c. sleep is not always full.

10. Do you think you can always breathe fresh air?

A. yes b. sometimes c. never.

11. Do you often drink?

A. yes, always b.sometims in bad mood c. never, I never drink.

12. Do you often smoke?

A. yes, a heavy smoker’s b. sometimes or occasionally, but not a heavy smoker c. never.

13. Do you check your body regularly?

A. yes, physical examination at least once a year b. yes, but do guarantee that regular basis c.never do like that.

14. In general, do you think you healthy enough?

A. very healthy and very happy b. basic health, but sometimes physical problems c. The body is not healthy, but a good attitude, so they still feel happy.

15. If you feel healthy, you think that the reasons are?

A. not so well not gets enough exercise c. working pressure and pollution.
