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Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Power of Patience

Patience may be practiced by all of us.  Do we choose to be at peace or complain? Patience is a choice. Patience gives us peace amidst the storm. Patience shows trust and faith in God and His power within us. Prayer & meditation are excellent ways to show God that you have both faith and courage.
Hold your temper, your thoughts, and emotions. You choose ways to show faith and patience. Prayer, meditation, and affirmation and help you to refocus your thoughts on the positive power of patience
Patience means stop counting the seconds as they tick by on the Wheel of Life. Patience is letting go of the outcome and focusing on the here and now. Patience allows ourselves to stop dwelling on the negative, and start dwelling on the positive within us. Patience gives you a chance to think positively and to keep in touch with your spiritual self.
We all have the ability to react calmly. It just seems that we forget in times of stress. In times when patience is challenged, we need to be still and go within Center you with Christ and silently say “I choose peace, I choose peace, I choose peace. Meditate on that thought until you feel at peace and one in God. Consciously choose peace.
A prayer for you from my book '”Inspirations”:
Prayer for Patience
Heavenly Father, Help me to have patience. I am always too easily
Stressed and worried about the future and do not take the time to relax and
Let it go, leave my issues in your competent hands. Help me to remember
That you are in charge and that impatience has no place in my life. Please
Bless me with the gift of patience. Amen.


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