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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Simple is a Key in the Life

A few years ago, I had been to Africa to see the wild animal. I found a phenomenon that there are some parts of animals are stranger than us. Why I say that? Here are some things could explain my ideas.
First thing is that the animals will not to lie to his partners. The 90 messages what the animals release are the fact. In order to protect themselves, sometimes they transmit the false messages. But we all know that our society is full of lies when we break away from the ignorance mind includes the legend stories, great stories and educational stories. All the stories are wonderful. But when we find the facts, we will felt disappointed. In the animal world, we cannot meet with these things. Second, the animals always keep the rules in the nature. Those are the responsibilities for them. For example, the antelopes need to fight to get the female when they want to copulate. When an antelope wins the competition, it will choose the female. The other antelopes will never to plunder. But in the society of human beings, the wife will to be the best friend’s lover. The last thing in the animal’s world is real. When the children will die, mother protects kids. They will not give a high praise to mother, because it is the instinct for them.

The trust is a simple thing, so the life in the animals’ world is simple too. How can we get a simple life? At first, we need to keep the rules. These rules could make the society simple. Why so many people thought that the society is complicate, because of the rules. A boy said to a girl:” I will give the happiness to you.” the boy means that he has to work hard to her. But the girl wants to get the brand clothes and bags, delicious foods and big house immediately. So they broke up at the end because of the different rules. At last, if we want to have a simple life, we need to respect each other in the society. Respect is a key to win the competition.


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