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Monday, May 13, 2013

Having an Eco-Friendly Wedding

If you want to have an eco-friendly wedding, there are many different things you can do to both save on paper and help the environment. Here are a few tips and suggestions that will get you started.

First, think about your dress. Does it have to be new? Why not wear your mother’s wedding gown, or buy a vintage one from an antique shop or a charity shop? Even the internet provides many places where you can buy beautiful vintage gowns or eco-friendly gowns.

Now, what about the food you serve? You may think that food doesn't make much of an impact on the environment, but think about all the plastic or paper dishes you throw away at weddings. What about the fact that people often leave things uneaten on their plates? Limit the choice, and people will probably be less likely to leave things uneaten. Also, why not provide fresh fruit and vegetable from your friends and relatives gardens and allotments?

Anything paper should be made from recycled paper, or go even more eco-friendly and eliminate the paper altogether—use electronic wedding invites instead of paper ones. Wedding invitations are traditionally made from thick, expensive paper, and they tend to cost a lot too. But modern wedding invitations but anything you want, so go electronic and save a tree and a lot of money at the same time.

What about decorations? Why not use wild flowers instead of getting your flowers from the florist? Or ask any relatives you know with gardens to bring some of their best flowers. You can use flowers for hair arrangements as well instead of expensive hair combs or a veil.

These are just a few of the things you can do to have a more eco-friendly wedding. Try to think of your own ideas too.


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