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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Simple Guidelines for Relaxation

Well, all of us know the best way to relax. All of us know of approaches and techniques to lie down and waste time undertaking absolutely nothing. But most of us are too busy to do it a lot during the day, and when we do it, our minds are always bothered on something else, thoughts normally run wild in our heads. This can be hardly relaxing time. We just cannot take pleasure in the relaxation with the moment.

So, carrying out nothing at all can be a waste of time, or it can be a great benefit for our thoughts, physique and common well being. Here some tips on how you can be a master in relaxation, enhance your life, lose the tension and make yourself supercharged whenever you have to do some operate.

A crucial portion inside the art of relaxation is getting the capability to let go all our thoughts. If we're tense, contemplating our performance or chores, relaxing will be quite, very challenging. That unwind begins by discovering a comfy spot in the house, a soft chair, a couch or clean bed, and we have to be alone for this a minimum of inside the room. When you've identified this spot inside your house, lie in it, and use your mindfulness to let go all of your thoughts, just watch them without attachment or preoccupation. Think about of how babies lie down, without having a care on the planet. Once they want to sleep or relax babies are very, very great at carrying out totally nothing at all, they may be a great inspiration on this subject.

Then, if your thoughts are nonetheless operating, try the breathing method. Focus only on your breathe and watch it enter in your nose and mouth, notice how it goes all of the way down to your lungs and, then, observe how your breathe inverse his path from the lungs to the open air. It is essential to spend attention only on the sound of one's breathing.

In case you will be not totally relaxed by now, attempt self massage. Yes, massage is considerably far better when administered by somebody else or perhaps a specialist therapist, but self massage is fantastic for relaxation just because you currently know your physique. Just begin together with your shoulders and neck. Walk your way to your back, and legs and arms. Don't rush, go slowly and, should you really feel, close your eyes inside the method.

One more great way of relaxing is an physical workout where you tense every single muscle in your physique, 1 distinct spot at a time, and following that let the tensed muscle loosen up. Start off together with your feet, then your legs, and make your way as considerably as your eyebrows.

When you take place to be relaxed, just appreciate the moment making use of constantly somewhat bit of mindfulness in order to get totally free from thoughts.

Friday, May 24, 2013

In terms of friendship

For the human relationship, I sum up gradually a principle of temperament that conforms to me most: that is a mutual respect, close or distant friends according to situation. I believe that all of the whole good commonalities are naturally formal, be not beg intentionally. I also think that again the good friend should also have distance; the too noisy comity is usually empty to have nothing.

Get along with others; if you feel particularly easy, at easily in again feel truly teaching benefit, I dare you definitely met your same kind. Even you are engaged in different occupation.

The philosopher, poet, musician and painters all have his/her own professional jargon. Sometimes, the different professional jargon says the same meaning. Sometimes, the same professional jargon says different meaning. There is no hilltop you cannot turn over, but the ditch of soul cannot exceed. We say a professional jargon towards craft brother and vomit true feelings to the friend. Inter-personally the most profoundly classification does not lie in profession, but in the mind.

A person has good feeling to someone, and he or she makes a friend with him or she. Or to be interested in a certain matter and try to make it into an achievement, this is originally all involuntary. If not commit to memory important point and then cannot make a friend, not seek help from a secret, and will not accomplish anything. It is thus clear that how lack genuine feeling interest. But, there is no genuine feeling, how can there be true friend? There is no true interest, how can there be true business? Since it is so, it needs not long for social intercourse and the success again. Do it like that certainly there is obvious utility motive, but that is still more superficial. Deeper reason is the emptiness of spirit, hence is eager to seeking shortcut to hide to go in the crowd and the affair. I don't know that how its effect is, just know if person of the social intercourse like this walks up to body side, I will definitely and more feel lonesome, if the successful man like this stands in front of me, I will definitely feel more boring.

The comity is tolerant. Just as it does, friend once quarrels, usually cannot save. That shows their rift necessarily and pretty much serious, and have already arrived the situation that cannot tolerate. Only just may take place to break off friendship between the good friends, passing association deeper, now fracture harder to repair. But maintain a kind of nodding acquaintance again seem to be not simply natural. As for originally just nodding acquaintance of person, make or not a friend with them belong two different things, breaking off friendship is nothing important.

The person of outside personality easily gets a lot of friends, but true friend always seldom. Inside personality people standing alone, once acquires a friend, usually true.

The friend in my heart, is not the nodding acquaintance not one bosom friend, either. Degree is between both. How many personal here in the world will remember each other while disappearing? Meeting can make them feel a kind of tacit understanding, together spend one pleased time; they would be the friend in my heart.

Getting comprehension is the huge merriment of life. However, one simperingly in order to comprehend, have no person's comprehension then will be in pain like a pitiful insect. Person put all the value completely consigns in the others usually have not any value.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Maybe Life is a Curve

The first person, his name was L. the local people will never forget him because of his achievements. In order to let the children enter the school, he sold off all the things include his house. So he has to move to school to support the school by himself. As a teacher of voluntary school, his wages is so little, so he has no money to have a family. Every flood season, he needed to receive students by himself in the dangerous place. Until the time of biggest flood, he saved about twenty students; his achievements were reported by the Medias. There still a little girl was rushed by the flood. So he quieted his job to work in the city.
The second person, his name is M. he was a perfect bodyguard. If people can employ him, he will never worry about anything. He can deal with ten people at the same time. One day, he was arrested by the police. Although he made a lot of money, it must dirty.

The last person, he is a famous enterprise  He had his company until fifty years old. It was surprised to people that he was a single man. A picture of a girl was put on his desk. No one knows who she was. One day he donated his all properties and disappeared. Now I had to tell the end of this story.

When L decided to be an ordinary people, he still worried about the students. So he went to city to find a job to change the state of the education. He became a bodyguard and earned a lot of money. At that time, he cannot control himself to pursue the desire, until he lost his way. Leaving the prison, he did a lot of jobs. Finally, he depended on the experience of bodyguard; he knew how to operate his cause. So he got the biggest success. Now he is a gatekeeper in a voluntary school, the picture in his desk. The girl has dead who was rushed by the flood. Life is a curve, maybe he lost himself, but finally he found his way to reach the origin.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dealing with Memory Loss

We all forget things now and then in our daily life. How many times it happens to us to not be able to find the keys or forget to pick up the dry cleaning. This kind of memory loss is rather normal when it is limited to small elements as the one described before. However as we start to age the memory loss we deal with may be more significant and more serious for the long-term health of individuals. The good news is that memory loss is not an inevitable part of aging. There are things you can do to help avoid getting to a point where memory loss affects your day-to-day life. It is never too late to start and by taking care of your brain health, you can fight memory loss.
There is a difference between normal memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Forgetting where you leave things or forgetting an appointment is considered normal and not a part of dementia. Dementia starts to become a concern once it starts to affect your ability to function. When it starts to disrupt your work, hobbies or family relationships you may be seeing the signs of early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Some memory loss can be reversible. Some common things that can cause memory loss that are side effects of medication, depression, vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems, alcohol abuse and dehydration. If you are experiencing a memory loss that came on quick and out of nowhere it is probably more likely one of these scenarios. Memory loss associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s comes about more gradually over time.

You can do a lot to keep your mind healthy though, which will help you prevent memory loss later in life or even improve your current capacity to store, process and remember new information. In many ways a memory is kept healthy the same way you keep the rest of your body healthy. You need to exercise, be social, do brain training, eat healthy foods, manage your stress and get plenty of rest. The idea behind keeping a healthy brain is to regularly and constantly challenges it. The brain learns through new experiences and the more you can challenge it with new items, the better it will be.

Also doing activities to keep the mind sharp is a great way to stave off memory loss. Our brain is the healthiest when it is being stimulated often. Doing activities that challenge your brain to think and learn will keeps your mind in top operating condition. There are many things you can do to challenge your mind including brain training, reading and learning something new. You should spend at least a few minutes each day building your brain to stave off memory loss later in life.

Many people neglect their mind when they are thinking about staying healthy. The brain though is one of our most important organs and controls so much of our body function, which is why keeping it healthy, is essential and one of the best ways to keep memory loss at bay.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Techniques to Succeed in Business and life

There are many who aspire to launch and succeed in a business. But, they fail to understand what it takes to succeed either online, or offline. Succeeding is not a one time achievement, but a process and way of living. Winning is not everything, the way it’s achieved and retaining success, is real success.
In a rush to succeed, many take wrong steps and invest in products claimed to help them succeed. However, after shelling out their hard earned money, they realize it wasn't any good. The secret here is, no gurus will reveal secrets they claim to.

There is no shortcut, or quick fire secrets to succeeding. But, there are effective ways to succeed in both life and business. There are very few people who take efforts to honestly educate people about it. One such program I came across was Natural Success, which teaches about succeeding in business and life, naturally.

This blog is dedicated to making people succeed the right way. The articles cover a range of topics and the articles listed here are genuinely helpful. Ranging from how to succeed online, to how to invest in gold, many topics are covered on here. In other words, it’s a one-stop solution and teaches about handling different facets of life.

The idea is, to educate people on practical topics needed for life and business. Few good examples for the good work include, preventing content robbing from e books, traffic generation, online money making ideas, going green to save money, effective management, etc.

Here, topics that are relevant to success in business are addressed in a unique way, to guide people to success. A simple, natural and straightforward approach to success! Their ideas, tips and suggestions are practical and tested. They also feature tools required to put a method to use.

The unique aspect about this course is that, the problem is approached in a different prospective. Not just about winning, but, how to win, is addressed here. This is one place where they have clearly stated, there’s no shortcut to success. Their success guide is step-by-step guide to success, without circumventing hard work, or smart work.

They also address ways to make money online, finance management, stress management and lots more. Not only business advice, personal issues and resolution, investment advice and many other topics are covered here. Their ultimate goal is to teach everyone, achieve success the right way. To make it happen, not just tips, they also guide about the options out there and any other information that’s helpful.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

It's time for You to Change Your Life

Be in Control of Who You Are and Who You Will Become.
You are in charge of your own thoughts, actions, and emotions.
It should be up to you how you live your life.
But why then do you conform to what the rest of society is doing, afraid to make a change different from the rest?
It’s time for you to take advantage of the many opportunities life is handing out and change your life!
Don’t let those moments pass you by but rather take charge and change your life path into the direction that you see fit.
You are your own creator in life so the happiness and freedom that you feel is based upon your own positive energy.
Stay away from any negative thoughts by constantly trying to see the good side of every situation.
Negative thoughts can prevent you from the proper mindset to change your life for the better.
Get in the mindset that you will be happy and the positive energy will not only impact you, but also those around you.
Reorganizing your thoughts is a great way for you to learn how to take control and change your life.
Though positive thoughts and energy will assist you when you change your life, it is crucial that you surround yourself with people who share the same mindset as you.
They will help encourage you to change your life no matter how difficult it may seem.
By creating a happier and more positive environment for yourself, you will be able to learn about the improvements and achievements that you will find easier to achieve when trying to change your life.
As well as the newly developed goals that you will have, many personal conflicts that society may struggle from (whether it being one, or all four) are anxiety, depression, insecurity, and worries.
Having these personal conflicts may seem to put a strain on your plans to change your life. Don’t let this happen!
By overcoming these conflicts, you are not only eliminating major conflicts of negativity, but you are challenging your mind, and already beginning the process in making a change in your life.
By seeking help to overcome these conflicts, not only will you be getting closer to any goals you make, you are also taking a step towards a positive mindset.
You can change your life path just by changing your environment.
There are endless amounts of possibilities that you can create for yourself once you decide to change your life.
It is beneficial for you to ask yourself questions about why you want to change your life, and try to come up with the answers yourself to truly grasp what you want in life, and trying to understand how you can achieve this.
Making a plan to change your life is easy to come by once you decide exactly what you want to change.
As long as you surround yourself with positivity, your life’s journey will begin to be clearer and have fewer obstacles.  
Change your life today!

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Professionalism of MBA is second to None

To serve the interest of the business community it is becoming quite necessary to hire professionally qualified Management degree holders. The MBA degree holders are very much accustomed to the modern business climate of today. The MBA is a versatile degree and there are many forms of it, but the most popular among them is the MBA. It is a professional qualification. Nowadays apart from the traditional MBA classes, there is the availability of the distance learning course. This version of learning is going to be a sure foot success, since it offers much greater flexibility to the students. 

The growth of the Distance learning courses is surely improving the career prospects of many aspiring students. With the help of distance learning, they can study at their own convenience. Most of the students taking admission are professionally qualified ones and have no time to attend regular classes. Only the distance learning course with their online facility can prove to be much helpful to the students. Students, who have left their studies long ago, amid various awkward situations at both home and the workplace, could gradually seek the help of distance learning course. This will help them to gain both additional experience and knowledge.

Professionalism is the part and parcel of distance education and MBA is also not different from it. Since, most of the students are professional ones and there are very few fresh ones. Another important thing is the importance of the accredited institutions. These educational institutes are very much recognized by various professional industrial bodies. This helps the students in terms of employment opportunities and industrial training. The increasing recognition of the distance learning course is indirectly helping their growth and to reach out to a growing number of students. Distance learning courses are also helping to bridge large number of distances within a short span of time.

There are various uses of the Management degree and MBA is a part and parcel of it. There are also other types of specializations of management, relating to trade, hospitality or others and they are somewhat specializations, destined for some specific courses or employments. Having an MBA degree with the help of a distance learning course will be the most suitable for the professional students. The requirement is just a home computer with a net connection and the student can access the distance learning through the connective link of virtual classes.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ten ideas to be type for yourself

You're eligible for as much kindness as possible bestow upon yourself. Listed here are ten straightforward places to begin.

1. Take excellent care of the body, it's the just one you will ever have. Eat well, exercise regularly, get sufficient sleep, etc. If you do not understand how to take excellent care of your body, talk to your doctor, an expert in nutrition, an individual trainer, and or a coach for aid. Guideline: much more doubt do what you should still feel better about tomorrow - that means forgo that second helping of frozen treats! Best of luck!

2. Take time to smell the roses. Appreciate the small things in everyday life as well as the huge. It may sound cliched  nevertheless, being mindful from the tiny joys of life will elevate your mood, decrease stress, and over time will reorient your whole attitude to a more positive outlook. So, locate at least one thing each day to be happy about. As an added bonus, this practice will save you cash too!

3. Keep telling yourself that you are as essential as anyone else is before you genuinely accept is as true. If you already believe it, still say it!

4. Examine your feelings whenever you feel inferior or inadequate. Everyone has these feelings sometimes. Understanding why you sometimes feel by doing this will help you know what changes you have to make in your life and attitude to alter these feelings. Being aware of your emotional ups and downs and recognizing they are natural and usually transitory feelings, allows you to cut a little slack. If these feelings persist, get stronger, or you feel depressed consult a doctor or therapist.

5. Remember, it is perfectly natural not to be ideal all the time. More than that, it is perfectly acceptable not to be best all the time. Should you put your best efforts forward, you have not failed.

6. Know your limitations and ask for assistance before you turn into overwhelmed. Strength originates from understanding if you want assist and having the courage to ask for it. Surround yourself with a network of individuals whom you trust to aid you and who are able to count on you in exchange.

7. Have credit for any fine. Celebrate successes even if they appear small. A hundred small successes really are a huge deal. Think about all of the fun you'll have celebrating 100 times!

8. Don't rush. We reside in an active world and it is easy to get caught up in the busyness around us. Have peace of mind by "padding" your schedule. Leave your self more time to complete tasks, arrive at a gathering and get ready for a presentation than you believe you will need. Guideline: Decide how enough time you will need and double it; triple it if it is something you haven't carried out prior to or aren't certain of.

9. Cultivate your sense of humor. It is pretty hard to feel down as long as you're laughing.

10. Take some time every day to complete the items you enjoy. Every day life is way too short to live any other way!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Leader and a Manager, Which Is the Best to Be If They Are Different?

Who is a manager and who is a leader? Are they the same, or are they different?  If different, is one preferred? Which is the more effective amongst both? What qualities and traits different them?  Is it possible to be a leader and not a manager and vice-versa?  These are the rhetoric questions that have pervaded the minds of management experts, scholars and researchers over time on the subject of the comparison of leadership and management.

Leadership’s first concern is with people: Putting people in the best frame of mind to enable them perform their assigned tasks achieving maximum results even in the most difficult circumstances. Whereas, management’s first concern is with things, material resources, the organization, the system, the processes, the most effective management and utilization of resources to obtain maximum results.

Leadership is not determined by title, status, position, age, duration, academic or professional qualifications, but one can hardly be a manager without any of these. While leadership is concerned about the vision of the organization, society, community or family, the core concern of management is with the mission or the how, the process of achieving the vision.

Whereas the bottom line of the leader is in ‘what’ and ‘where’, that of the manager is in ‘how’.   The leader is interested in who does what and what result is obtained; the manager is more interested in how it is done – the processes.  To that extent, the manager can be described as systems-driven, process-driven, target-driven, task-driven, job-driven and result-driven.  Whereas the leader is nothing else but is people-driven.  The leader’s main interest is in what was done while the manager’s interest is in how it was done.

The leader’s best compliment is the one s/he receives from his/her subordinates while that of the manager is the one s/he receives from his/her superiors.  While the leader concentrates on the motivation, development and empowerment of his/her subordinates and followers to be able to achieve the targets set for them ,  the manager is rather motivated by the demands and pressure from his/her superiors which s/he cascades down irrespective of the feelings and the state of the followers.  So a manager would rather meet his/her target at the cost of his/her subordinates’ health and happiness as long as s/he can please his/her employers.  The leader, like John Maxwell would say, rather ‘touches the heart before s/he asks for the hand’ of his/her subordinates. But the manager would rather demand for the hand before s/he ever touches the heart. 

From the above comparison, it would appear as if the leader is soft-hearted, humane, easy-going people-person and therefore to be preferred to the tough talking, no-nonsense, task-driven manager.  The irony however is that neither approach is better in the most effective management and leadership of organizations and institutions.  The extreme of either, losses out in the end.  Either the authority of the ‘soft-hearted’ ‘leader’ is taking for granted and undermined by the subordinates, or the hot-headed task-driven manager losses his subordinates’ respect and genuine followership.  The challenge that must be identified in the circumstance therefore, would be how to effectively combine and apply either, where most suitable.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Having an Eco-Friendly Wedding

If you want to have an eco-friendly wedding, there are many different things you can do to both save on paper and help the environment. Here are a few tips and suggestions that will get you started.

First, think about your dress. Does it have to be new? Why not wear your mother’s wedding gown, or buy a vintage one from an antique shop or a charity shop? Even the internet provides many places where you can buy beautiful vintage gowns or eco-friendly gowns.

Now, what about the food you serve? You may think that food doesn't make much of an impact on the environment, but think about all the plastic or paper dishes you throw away at weddings. What about the fact that people often leave things uneaten on their plates? Limit the choice, and people will probably be less likely to leave things uneaten. Also, why not provide fresh fruit and vegetable from your friends and relatives gardens and allotments?

Anything paper should be made from recycled paper, or go even more eco-friendly and eliminate the paper altogether—use electronic wedding invites instead of paper ones. Wedding invitations are traditionally made from thick, expensive paper, and they tend to cost a lot too. But modern wedding invitations but anything you want, so go electronic and save a tree and a lot of money at the same time.

What about decorations? Why not use wild flowers instead of getting your flowers from the florist? Or ask any relatives you know with gardens to bring some of their best flowers. You can use flowers for hair arrangements as well instead of expensive hair combs or a veil.

These are just a few of the things you can do to have a more eco-friendly wedding. Try to think of your own ideas too.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Power of Patience

Patience may be practiced by all of us.  Do we choose to be at peace or complain? Patience is a choice. Patience gives us peace amidst the storm. Patience shows trust and faith in God and His power within us. Prayer & meditation are excellent ways to show God that you have both faith and courage.
Hold your temper, your thoughts, and emotions. You choose ways to show faith and patience. Prayer, meditation, and affirmation and help you to refocus your thoughts on the positive power of patience
Patience means stop counting the seconds as they tick by on the Wheel of Life. Patience is letting go of the outcome and focusing on the here and now. Patience allows ourselves to stop dwelling on the negative, and start dwelling on the positive within us. Patience gives you a chance to think positively and to keep in touch with your spiritual self.
We all have the ability to react calmly. It just seems that we forget in times of stress. In times when patience is challenged, we need to be still and go within Center you with Christ and silently say “I choose peace, I choose peace, I choose peace. Meditate on that thought until you feel at peace and one in God. Consciously choose peace.
A prayer for you from my book '”Inspirations”:
Prayer for Patience
Heavenly Father, Help me to have patience. I am always too easily
Stressed and worried about the future and do not take the time to relax and
Let it go, leave my issues in your competent hands. Help me to remember
That you are in charge and that impatience has no place in my life. Please
Bless me with the gift of patience. Amen.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Simple is a Key in the Life

A few years ago, I had been to Africa to see the wild animal. I found a phenomenon that there are some parts of animals are stranger than us. Why I say that? Here are some things could explain my ideas.
First thing is that the animals will not to lie to his partners. The 90 messages what the animals release are the fact. In order to protect themselves, sometimes they transmit the false messages. But we all know that our society is full of lies when we break away from the ignorance mind includes the legend stories, great stories and educational stories. All the stories are wonderful. But when we find the facts, we will felt disappointed. In the animal world, we cannot meet with these things. Second, the animals always keep the rules in the nature. Those are the responsibilities for them. For example, the antelopes need to fight to get the female when they want to copulate. When an antelope wins the competition, it will choose the female. The other antelopes will never to plunder. But in the society of human beings, the wife will to be the best friend’s lover. The last thing in the animal’s world is real. When the children will die, mother protects kids. They will not give a high praise to mother, because it is the instinct for them.

The trust is a simple thing, so the life in the animals’ world is simple too. How can we get a simple life? At first, we need to keep the rules. These rules could make the society simple. Why so many people thought that the society is complicate, because of the rules. A boy said to a girl:” I will give the happiness to you.” the boy means that he has to work hard to her. But the girl wants to get the brand clothes and bags, delicious foods and big house immediately. So they broke up at the end because of the different rules. At last, if we want to have a simple life, we need to respect each other in the society. Respect is a key to win the competition.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Small Changes Lead To Big Changes

According to the National Institutes of Health, about 208 million tons of municipal solid waste is generated per year. In simple numbers that’s four pounds per person per day.
According to the Native Forest Network, each person approximately still receives almost 560 pieces of junk mail every year. 44% of it simply ends up in a landfill without even being opened.
Some 100 billion plastic bags are used and trashed by Americans every year.
These statistics are just the tip of an iceberg called environmental pollution. While the world is certainly trying to turn green in many ways, yet it is not possible if it is not adopted at grass root levels. Every household should take steps to change their homes into a green and eco-friendly living space. Here are a few easy tips to help you achieve that.
Save energy
The easiest way to save energy and money is to change all your incandescent lights into CFL lights. They consume 75% less electricity and lasts 10 times longer than the regular bulbs.
Save water
Although beaten to death, this is an advice that still needs a hearing. Water can be saved in so many different ways. Save while washing clothes in a machine, try to put a full load and at a lower temperature. Showers that are even two or three minutes shorter can make a huge difference. Use bucket instead of shower and shower in place of tubs. Install a low flow flush in toilets, which uses only 1.6 gallons of water as against the 3.5 gallons in old models.
Save trees
Old t-shirts and old clothes can become waste cloths to wipe and clean instead of paper. When buying paper, try to buy unbleached ones, as bleaching creates harmful byproducts. If you like wooden floors, opt for bamboo. They are environmentally friendly, and grow quickly, unlike hardwood trees, which take 50-100 years to mature.
Go local
A typical grocery food store product travels nearly 1,500 miles before settling in the aisle. Think about the carbon footprint it will leave. If you want to preserve your environment, go local. Support local farmers by buying from them. You’ll not only save energy, but also get the freshest of food.
Shop online
While the argument continues about how much carbon footprint online shopping may leave, you can still make the best use of it. For example, many stores associated with numerous online Cash Back websites will oblige with already-used packaging, or leave the catalogue out if you prefer. So, every small step counts to make a big difference.

There Is a Kind of Love like the Sea

It seemed all the flowers were withered away in that moment. The doctor was somber to announce: leukemia. Screaming, shocked, refusing to believe, she finally sobbed uncontrollably. Beside her, a pair of caring hands silently stretched out.

He was acquaintances, came to visit her together with her colleagues, but stayed after the crowd got separated. He did not say anything, just quietly wiped away the tears for her: “Do not be afraid.” When death came as a tsunami-like burst, she was cast in the center of the island. The crowd came to visit, and then hurried away, which seemed it had the vast flood between her and the society. Only he came every day, holding a bouquet of fragrant flowers, wiping the sweat for her, and wearing a red apple hairpin on her dry hairs because of chemotherapy, gently held her thin shoulders such as dragonflies.

At the time that she was the most to give up and the most desperate, he had such a calm face: “Stick to it, there is always hopeful. You are still so young.” His arm was so strong, and she would like to rely on his arm for a life.

For his gentle eyes, she was not willing to die. Finally she insisted to May, her cheeks became pink, and the final conclusion came out: adolescent anemia. She flew into his arms, and was so surprised to be incoherent, the first one to tell him this news. He hugged her tightly, slowly dripping tears.

We all thought it was a love through the life and death. But he quietly left. Later, she knew that just six months ago, under the first snow of winter, his girlfriend departed because of leukemia. He did not cry, but at her funeral, said: “I love you, forever.”

There is a love, like the distant sea. Even if it is evaporated by the hot sun, it will still turn into rain to sprinkle over the hungry earth.

Some people may ask the world have such a love? Yes, the world really has such a love, which will not change because of the time and space. The power of love is great; it can help us beat the pain, allows us be full of desire to life, but also allows us to cherish life.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fax Marketing

Why should my company think about fax marketing?

Fax marketing can be a really useful tool as it enables you to contact a huge target market in one hit.  With fax marketing you can get your promotional message across to a massive target audience with the push of a button.  In these days of financial difficulties it is a really inexpensive and cost effective way of marketing your services.

Are there companies who can provide a fax marketing service for my business?

There are indeed companies who can provide a fax marketing service and they can provide any level of service from merely sending a fax to a large group of companies to taking over the entire process for you which would involve them handling your fax marketing in house from start to finish.  You can also have a detailed accurate report of how successful your fax marketing is which is crucial if you are hoping to promote your business.

Which is the best company to choose for my fax marketing?

Although there are many companies who can offer fax marketing to you, there is one company who really seems to go the extra mile.  Trans-World Communication Services are specialists in fax marketing and their detailed and accurate reporting will give you a real insight into how successful your faxes have been.  Not only is that but their prices really exceptional as they only deal in large volume faxes which really keeps their costs low.  Why not give them a call today or visit them online at to see how they can help you.  You certainly will not be disappointed with the service that they offer you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

What is a Happy Life?

My happiness is to be together with the person I love. Even if the ends of the earth, I am always by your side.

In fact, happiness is neither in the distant place nor in a dream. It is just around me: in my efforts every day, in the love every minute and in the exceptions every second. To meet you and fall in love with you my greatest happiness. Ah, my lover! I miss you. To be with my lover, I am very happy; to be with friends, I am very happy; to be with families, I am very happy; in the passage of time each day, I feel the passion, warmth, expectations, apathy, sadness , pain... of life. I am very happy, because I’m alive and feeling life, feeling all in the world, feeling you.

What is a happy life?
A happy life is Happiness is when the north wind is blowing and snow is fluttering outside, you can eat warm homemade noodles with Mom and Dad.

What is a happy life?
A happy life is to see the people you love at an unexpected time.

What is a happy life?
A happy life is to lie on the couch of the balcony in the winter afternoon, bask in the sun, and watch mother to make pickles.

What is a happy life? Where is your happiness? What is happiness?
Mom’s and Dad's smile is your happiness!

What is a happy life?
Happiness is the whole family to be together, or noisy, or dull!

What is happiness?
Happiness is when you see the warm light at home from a far distance; when you eat the steaming aromatic food in the cold winter!

What is a happy life?
Happiness is to enjoy chatting and smile happily with friends!

What is happiness?
Happiness is when you hand out the dishes that are hard to swallow, he even praises them delicious without frowning ... at that moment, your heart is full of not only happiness, but also more a deeply moving!

What is happiness?
Happiness is when you forget to take medicines after catching a cold; he brought a pill, fetched a glass of water and asked you to take with dramatics. At this time, your heart is full of warm.
