One of those acts of participation is her being part of the salvation and redemption just for the sake of all human souls and the deliverance of soul from being sinful and to rescue it from a godly sanction, especially from hell and grant them acceptance into heaven. To teach and help people escape from the influence of evil and many other acts that dishonors the human soul, the all sinful acts. Mary helps Jesus to save the souls of everyone here in the world and by the means of guiding, teaching, and helping them to learn the ways of salvation and/or redemption to be able to save their souls from the said effects.
Mary was there all along to help Jesus save the people from being sinfulness through his life and teachings. And with that, I believe that the Virgin Mary occurred and showed to us in many apparitions to warn us. Mary wants us to clean our souls by the means of moral transformation, by correcting our wrong acts and clearing out and freeing our past bad acts or deeds. I do think that I myself have a lot of bad deeds done these past years of my life and did not even realizing or knowing what ahead of me. Till I knew this thoughts of how our Blessed Mary does aspires to help us clean our soul and save from sinfulness. I know you knew this anywhere else, “Pray the Rosary”, this is what I always hear on priests and sisters preach from our church near our house that Mary wants us to always pray the rosary for the salvation of many souls in the purgatory, and also I always saw such advertisement in the internet from my mobile phone and personal computer with a link provided the steps and ways how to pray the rosary.
Many people cannot find their true self, did not know what they are doing to their selves, make their human body suffer for such wickedness. But with the help of the teachings of Mary such as this ways of salvation, they can still keep away of bad affair and such things that degrade human soul and physical appearance. We just have to let God Jesus enter and be the center of our lives. Have faith on God our savior and with his mercy and Mary’s grace we will be accepted. Repent and share to him your problems, and even lackness of faith and unrighteousness in the past and you will feel rejuvenated. Because Blessed Mary always pray for us and don’t let us down even we’ve done many wrong deeds. She is always guiding us to make everyone of us will be safe from many unwanted happening that could happen to us and also bring us near to Jesus.
In the end, by knowing Mary a lot more, we will know that it is not only ways and concept of salvation and redemption are her ways to make us more closer to Jesus her son. Give a piece of your time to read and reflect her words. With that, even just a little, your soul will be saved. Please read a lot more about Mary and her sacrifices for Jesus.
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