The comity of modern people, very hard and then very weak. It is the treasure of the human life and we need cherish it.
The comity cannot be delivered and that determines it a solitary book. We can have different comity with different person, but we can't have different comity with the same person.
The comity is a tunnel, the more you dig it the more it becomes deep. You have no turn head road to walk. Deep-rooted comity also like an old grudge shall be remembered till death.
There is only one fruit on the tree of Friendship and is called trust. Red apple can only be tasted by the people who irrigated the fruit tree. Another person picks to taste it may was sour his tooth.
The chain of comity cannot be inherited, cannot be turned over, cannot be kept but not putrefied, cannot be freezed fresh in the refrigerator forever.
The comity needs to be nourished. Some persons spend money, some uses sweat, and some uses blood. The comity is very greedy, in no case will be satisfied with meal in the open area.
The comity is the simplest also is the most extravagant nourishment, in the meantime; need to be irrigated with time. Comity has to state, the comity has to listen to, the comity has to listen with concentration on it.
The comity sometime is so weak, a language of expression of paying no attention, will make the mansion in a short instant tumbled down.
The comity sometimes so easily changes in character, a hearsay that hasn't yet be confirmed will make the whole milk gone sour. This world changes with each passing day.
In what is all more modern what are all better worlds, only comity, people keep ancient standard. The friend is like a cultural object, older more precious.
The gift is divided into two kinds, one kind is practical, the other kind is to symbolize. I like to send a practical gift.
Not only because it can provide commendable service function for friend, more because of my benefiting myself consideration.
We are friends at this moment, isn't necessarily a friend after a decade. Even you are loyal, the other party probably already forgets.
The right and timely gift not only expressed my good intentions at this moment, and then give the friend a smile or concentration on the details of value, though a time, also leave a fine moment, my hear is satisfied enough.
If they didn't cherish this comity and that it is stayed is embarrassed. Throw or ruin, is all woe of this article, my heart will also shiver in the distance. If is a gift for yourself, better have symbolic significance.
For example a piece of pebble or one leaf that is common in the other people's eyes, among them, the wonderful meaning only be understood by you.
In the life time, what disappears is years, what to harvest is a friend. Although I sometimes several days will not contact any different friend. I know that I am attached to a comity network.
I cherish more friendship sharing difficulty. The hearty exchange with friends will give us the keenness to real emotion. And it will wipe away the obstacle before our eyes and make our mind fresh and happy.
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