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Friday, May 6, 2011

Importance of PR for Technology

Importance of PR for Technology

Innovative technologies have a positive effect on the world in which we live, creating new wealth and reshaping the economic and social policy. Having clear messages and public relations programs that allows technicians, scientists and other experts to clearly articulate their vision can not only help them become industry leaders and promote their technologies, but provides organizations a voice in the market ideas, facts and opinions to support an informed public debate -.

Public relations are the art and science of building relationships between an organization and its key audiences. His practice has the ability to take technology from obscurity to prominence - creating important visibility and generating deal flow.

Most of all technology-dependent today on public awareness and support. If people misunderstand the value of technology, devices will fight for the support. Jobs will be cut; budgets are cut, and will be treated elsewhere. Public relations campaigns have the potential to transform the possibilities for positive action. And leaders are wise to put their words in someone’s mouth. When an eminent scientist wishes to express its technological innovations, can it do so openly and in his own name? But it is much more efficient to have a group of citizens or experts in a coalition, or the media which can publicly promote the outcomes desired by the researcher, while claiming to represent the public interest.

Where such circumstances do not exist, can be created by a good network of a PR Agency. Advocacy often involves building constituencies - groups of people or organizations that support a particular viewpoint. Since advocacy usually occurs in the public domain must be leaders willing to consider the views of many people and understand how decisions are taken in a specific context. The more knowledge on the issue advocacy, society, and how political institutions work, the lawyer more effectively. The use of front groups can help researchers and business technologists participate in public debate and public hearings behind a cover of community concern. Often these front groups lobby governments to legislate in the interests of businesses that oppose environmental regulation, or to introduce policies that enhance corporate profitability.

There may be times when the position is defended, no matter how well framed and supported; the public will accept your product just because of the message. Any institution with a commercial interest in the outcome document is a natural barrier to win credibility with the public, and often with the media. Successful media advocacy to ensure that things are in public perspective, emphasize the social, cultural, economic and political issue, and emphasize participation and empowerment in promoting the issue. Media advocacy provides all the important third party credibility, and there are ways to promote the messages quicker and more decisive.

Whatever the technique, the goal is to make statistics and numbers more understandable and meaningful to the public to understand the message and support initiatives. Whatever the technology or issue, success in working with the media is more likely when there is a strategic planning effort. It’s The Game Plan for the Development of the influence and public attention that will help achieve the strategic objectives of the organization and promote its technology.


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