“Money makes the world go round,” a famous quote tossed around in society almost on a daily basis. Money issues are dominant and given preeminence in everyday conversations, church sermons, media airings, we can’t go a day without hearing of money talk. If the hours society spends obsessing about money equated to its worth, then there would be nothing that we could not do or have without money. Money would be the only thing that mattered. But is money really as valuable as our obsession level leads us to believe? Does money really make the world go round?
The purpose of this article is not to demean the value of money for it cannot be demeaned. We all know that money answers a lot of society’s problems, but it is wished to bring to light the fact that it does not answer all of them. In Africa especially, where poverty or lack of money is rampant, is where there needs to be an education that will bring about the awareness to many that even if one lacks, it’s not the end of the world. This topic in addition will be able to burst the bubble of those in society obsessed with money, for they will be aware of some of the things that it cannot buy or achieve. Let’s read on to find out some of the things that money cannot buy.
One of the most expensive things that even a billion dollars can’t buy is peace. Even Kenya due to the outcome of the 2007 elections came to realize just how expensive peace was, and once we had lost it, all the wealthy people in the country combined could not buy it back. Peace is an expensive commodity, and without it, life ceases to have meaning. Even at the family level, peace is very important. And more often that not, we tend to find that the wealthy are the ones who tend to live in peace less families. One tends to wonder why, for they seem to have it all. Just goes to show, that money can’t buy peace, and we all know peace is one commodity we can’t live without, a basic need even.
A human being in good health cannot say that it is his/her money that has bought it. Money can pay for medicine, treatment, operations when one is sick, but it cannot guarantee a return to perfect health. God is the one that gives us good health as he so wishes, and grants us the chance to live everyday. We all know that a life spent in bad health also ceases to have meaning, for if one is in the hospital every single day, what life is there? Money cannot get us out of that hospital bed. So even if one does not have money, but is in good health, is able to wake up every morning, and live the bed, they should be thankful for that.
“Money does not buy Happiness,” a cliche tossed around in society. It holds some truth to it. There are many people walking around in society, with all the money in the world, but an unhappy look on their countenance. .Money can buy one things like a vacation, good food, good clothes, a nice car and home, but we all know these are but short lived bursts of happiness. They satisfy for a moment then live you with a void, showing that happiness is not bought by money. We may think that happiness is a choice that one can make each and everyday irregardless of surrounding circumstances. Choosing today to walk with a smile is not from our face.
Yesterday cannot be bought by money. Money cannot buy back time. It is therefore important for one to live his or her everyday to the fullest. We do not postpone chores and errands we have to do for neither tomorrow, nor the sweet words we were to say for tomorrow, for we may not get the chance. Using our time wisely, for you cannot most certainly buy it back!
Love, a topic almost if not equally obsessed about like money. Everywhere your feet go, everything your eyes see, every sound your ears hear has some relation to money. You’d almost think that love also makes the world go round. It is although let me not demean it a feeling that almost does make the world go round. Unfortunately, it cannot be bought with money. In Africa especially, we tend to see parents pushing their kids to marry those of high caliber in society, not knowing that money cannot buy love. Money will buy the nice things, such as the car and the house, but it will not buy the comfort and security that comes with love. Love is found, not bought.
As we have seen from the above examples, there are many things that money cannot buy. We may think that the list is even inexhaustible. So it is important therefore that society be not obsessed with the thought of money. For some of the very expensive things needed in order for life to continue cannot be bought with money.
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