[ED EQUITY] Help (Home Schooling Strategies): education equity help.
Alternative Schooling Strategies and the Religious Lives of Adolescents:
Analyzing the effects of Catholic schooling, Protestant schooling, and home schooling on adolescents' religious lives and testing three mechanisms through which these schooling strategies might influence religiosity: friendship networks, network closure, and adult mentors through data from Wave 1 of the National Survey of Youth and Religion suggest that Catholic scholars attend religious services more frequently and value their faith more highly than public scholars, but attend religious education classes and youth group less often. Protestant scholars' involvement in their local congregation is similar to public scholars', but their faith plays a more salient role in their life and they are more active in private religious activities. Homeschooling do not differ significantly from public scholars on any outcome considered. Moreover, friendship networks, network closure, and adult mentors play a very limited role in mediating the relationships between schooling strategies and adolescent religiosity. Interpretations of these findings can be presented and discussed.
An exciting adventure in hands-on learning!
We can discover, enjoy, and marvel at science and technology in school programs designed to complement school curricula in math, science and technology, and social studies. Canada Science and Technology Museum programs extend the classroom experience, emphasizing active participation, hands-on opportunities, and problem-solving.
Activity-centered workshops and programs are geared to the needs of younger students while intermediate and senior students are stimulated with interactive, problem-solving activities, demonstrations, and discovery searches. A wealth of information is shared in our pre- and post-visit activities package that accompanies each school program.
Activity-centered workshops and programs are geared to the needs of younger students while intermediate and senior students are stimulated with interactive, problem-solving activities, demonstrations, and discovery searches. A wealth of information is shared in our pre- and post-visit activities package that accompanies each school program.
Guided school programs, self-guided packages and virtual programs.
Discovering the Museum Days for teachers.
Curriculum-Based Workshops for teachers.
Planning for visits (both students and teachers).
Discovering the Museum Days for teachers.
Curriculum-Based Workshops for teachers.
Planning for visits (both students and teachers).
Making a Difference at our School
Key Strategies to Prevent Obesity and maintaining healthy youths!
The percentage of children who are obese has more than doubled, and among adolescents the rates have more than tripled since 1980. Obesity is a risk factor for health conditions such as diabetes and is associated with problems such as poor self-esteem. The good news is that schools can help students and staff adopts healthy eating and physical activity behaviors that are the keys to preventing obesity.
The research-based strategies outlined in make a Difference at Your School! Are described in:
The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity.
Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
We can make a difference at our school by following these steps:
Step 1: Seeing what you can do to get started.
Step 2: Choosing one of the 10 key strategies below and implementing it.
10 Key Strategies
Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
We can make a difference at our school by following these steps:
Step 1: Seeing what you can do to get started.
Step 2: Choosing one of the 10 key strategies below and implementing it.
10 Key Strategies
Building a Strong FoundationStrategies 1-4
Taking ActionStrategies 5-10
1. Addressing physical activity and nutrition through a Coordinated School Health Program (CS HP).
2. Designating a school health coordinator and maintaining an active school health council.
3. Assessing the school's health policies and programs and develop a plan for improvements.
4. Strengthening the school's nutrition and physical activity policies.
5. Implementing a high-quality health promotion program for school staff.
6. Implementing a high-quality course of study in health education.
7. Implementing a high-quality course of study in physical education.
8. Increasing opportunities to engage in physical activity.
9. Implementing a quality school meals program.
10. Ensuring that we have appealing, healthy choices in foods and beverages offered outside of the school meals program.
Taking ActionStrategies 5-10
1. Addressing physical activity and nutrition through a Coordinated School Health Program (CS HP).
2. Designating a school health coordinator and maintaining an active school health council.
3. Assessing the school's health policies and programs and develop a plan for improvements.
4. Strengthening the school's nutrition and physical activity policies.
5. Implementing a high-quality health promotion program for school staff.
6. Implementing a high-quality course of study in health education.
7. Implementing a high-quality course of study in physical education.
8. Increasing opportunities to engage in physical activity.
9. Implementing a quality school meals program.
10. Ensuring that we have appealing, healthy choices in foods and beverages offered outside of the school meals program.
Step 3: Sharing our success story.
Volunteering for Citizen Schools.
More innovative scientific discourses as-
"Science has radically changed the conditions of human life on earth. It has expanded our knowledge and our power, but not our capacity to use them with wisdom."
Educating Science Teachers for the Socio-cultural Diversity of Urban Schools.
Inculcating Media in education science.
Gender Equality in Education for Safe Schools Program (Safe Schools).
National Partnership on Low SEES School Communities.
Priority Schools Programs.
Transforming schooling.
Effective practicing.
Induction tool kiting.
Contacting and supporting.
More innovative scientific discourses as-
"Science has radically changed the conditions of human life on earth. It has expanded our knowledge and our power, but not our capacity to use them with wisdom."
Educating Science Teachers for the Socio-cultural Diversity of Urban Schools.
Inculcating Media in education science.
Gender Equality in Education for Safe Schools Program (Safe Schools).
National Partnership on Low SEES School Communities.
Priority Schools Programs.
Transforming schooling.
Effective practicing.
Induction tool kiting.
Contacting and supporting.
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