Established in 1998, the Global Nomads Group (GNG) is an international NGO that creates interactive educational programs for students about global issues. GNG’s educational programs include (1) four types of video conferences — The PULSE, Currents, Innovations and Rapid Response — where students learn about and discuss subjects with their peers from around the world in live, facilitated sessions; and (2) videos and learning content on a variety of international issues relevant to teachers and students.
All GNG programs are directly linked to school curricula, education standards and 21st century learning objectives, and are accompanied by lesson plans and training to teachers. Programs are broadcast during the school day and cover a range of topics in the curriculum, including civics, social and global studies, geography, world history, science, economics and politics.
In its 10-year history, Global Nomads Group has conducted programs in more than 40 countries and reached more than one million young people. Each year, as many as 10,000 students participate in GNG’s interactive programs, which have been recognized for their educational value and innovation with awards from the Goldman Sachs Foundation and United States Distance Learning Association. GNG’s work has been featured in media outlets that include CNN, Good Morning America, the Today Show, and the New York Times and Education Week.
In addition to knowledge of specific international issues, young people develop:
· Global Awareness and citizenship
· Communication skills
· Knowledge of geography, world events, and global issues
· Cross-cultural understanding and literacy
· Critical thinking skills
· Diplomacy and leadership skills
Mission Statement
The Global Nomads Group's purpose is to foster dialogue and understanding among the world's youth. To serve as a vehicle for awareness, bridging the boundaries of cultural misconception and instilling in our audience a heightened appreciation and comprehension of the world in which we live.
Why there is need for Global Nomads Group?
Donating to support international education
Our donation to GNG will help deepen young people’s understanding of diverse cultures and spark their interest in the world and its people. GNG programs offer students a taste of foreign places that they might never have the opportunity to visit on their own, bringing them that much closer to becoming informed and culturally aware citizens of the world. Let’s donate today!
National Research Council's Role
"The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities.
The study was supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and a National Academy of Sciences president's discretionary fund provided by the Volvo North American Corporation, The Ettinger Foundation, Inc., and the Eugene McDermott Foundation." --NAS
Project 2061
"In 1985, as Halley's Comet last neared the earth, Project 2061's creators considered the scientific and technological changes that a child just entering school would witness before the return of the Comet in 2061-hence the name. Since then, Project 2061's two landmark reports-Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy-have greatly influenced the national reform movement by articulating principles to guide their efforts and setting specific goals for student learning. In particular, Project 2061's work has been essential to the development of the national science content standards released in 1996 by the National Research Council.
Project 2061's focus for more than a decade has been on reforming the science, Science, and technology curriculum, and our recommendations reflect that unique perspective. The project's goal of science literacy for all Americans goes far beyond high scores on tests, more hands-on activities for students, or more attractive textbooks, particularly if none of these reflect curriculum and classroom teaching that are designed to promote science literacy." --AAAS
All GNG programs are directly linked to school curricula, education standards and 21st century learning objectives, and are accompanied by lesson plans and training to teachers. Programs are broadcast during the school day and cover a range of topics in the curriculum, including civics, social and global studies, geography, world history, science, economics and politics.
In its 10-year history, Global Nomads Group has conducted programs in more than 40 countries and reached more than one million young people. Each year, as many as 10,000 students participate in GNG’s interactive programs, which have been recognized for their educational value and innovation with awards from the Goldman Sachs Foundation and United States Distance Learning Association. GNG’s work has been featured in media outlets that include CNN, Good Morning America, the Today Show, and the New York Times and Education Week.
In addition to knowledge of specific international issues, young people develop:
· Global Awareness and citizenship
· Communication skills
· Knowledge of geography, world events, and global issues
· Cross-cultural understanding and literacy
· Critical thinking skills
· Diplomacy and leadership skills
Mission Statement
The Global Nomads Group's purpose is to foster dialogue and understanding among the world's youth. To serve as a vehicle for awareness, bridging the boundaries of cultural misconception and instilling in our audience a heightened appreciation and comprehension of the world in which we live.
Why there is need for Global Nomads Group?
Donating to support international education
Our donation to GNG will help deepen young people’s understanding of diverse cultures and spark their interest in the world and its people. GNG programs offer students a taste of foreign places that they might never have the opportunity to visit on their own, bringing them that much closer to becoming informed and culturally aware citizens of the world. Let’s donate today!
National Research Council's Role
"The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities.
The study was supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and a National Academy of Sciences president's discretionary fund provided by the Volvo North American Corporation, The Ettinger Foundation, Inc., and the Eugene McDermott Foundation." --NAS
Project 2061
"In 1985, as Halley's Comet last neared the earth, Project 2061's creators considered the scientific and technological changes that a child just entering school would witness before the return of the Comet in 2061-hence the name. Since then, Project 2061's two landmark reports-Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy-have greatly influenced the national reform movement by articulating principles to guide their efforts and setting specific goals for student learning. In particular, Project 2061's work has been essential to the development of the national science content standards released in 1996 by the National Research Council.
Project 2061's focus for more than a decade has been on reforming the science, Science, and technology curriculum, and our recommendations reflect that unique perspective. The project's goal of science literacy for all Americans goes far beyond high scores on tests, more hands-on activities for students, or more attractive textbooks, particularly if none of these reflect curriculum and classroom teaching that are designed to promote science literacy." --AAAS
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