As they be considered as downmargins- to uplift them for mainstreaming is must- for holistic developmental aspect taking them in proportion with the high communities with equitable participation in terms of their role to serve them, their accompanies and more significantly their nation to secure the futures of their coming generations so that they don't feel as being demoralized to clasp their hands with very feeble limitations with undesired frustrations to live for nothing.
"The lord is great for his non-disparity for the kinds of stratifications as made by men himself".
So, we are limiting ourselves disregarding the genuine game of the lord, for which, we all are paying for.
We might not dare to go by the rules of god otherwise would impose to severe natural punishments.
"The lord is great for his non-disparity for the kinds of stratifications as made by men himself".
So, we are limiting ourselves disregarding the genuine game of the lord, for which, we all are paying for.
We might not dare to go by the rules of god otherwise would impose to severe natural punishments.
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