At any point in time, we are actually in control of our emotions. The human system runs on emotions. The nervous system in every human being is actually an electrical system that conducts small charges of electricity. As human beings, we are wired up just like a building is wired. If there is no electric power flowing through the cables in the building, no appliances would turn on so too is our physical system; it works with emotional energy.
The flow of this energy or emotional power largely determines our state of life. That is why it is important that we gain control of the flow of our emotional energy. Our emotions can be either positive or negative. We have to be able to identify which emotions are negative and which ones are positive, because negative emotions are destructive.
It is very important that we are sensitive to our emotions. When the human system is full of negative emotions it causes the body to malfunction. The glands release hormones in excessive quantity. The human system functions best when we run on positive emotions. “A merry heart”. The Bible affirms, “Does good like medicines”. Positive emotions aid good health while negative emotion destroys one’s health. Some people do not even attempt to gain any control over their emotions because they simply do not believe the emotions can be controlled.
Some people can identify their negative emotions, but choose rather to avoid pain and by leaving their negative emotions to fester; ultimately they are hurt. Negative emotions are not altogether bad; they are just regulators. If we can interpret them accurately whenever they show up and become sensitive to them, they can actually be channeled to achieve positive things.
A negative feeling is a signal that something is wrong and that it requires attention. If you unconsciously touch a piece of electric wire that has live current in it, you would quickly withdraw your hand to escape death. Thank God for the nervous system and pain, without which you will not realize the need for you to withdraw your hand and stop the electrical process immediately. If it was not for pain, for example, we would not realize the need for us to withdraw our hands or bodies from fire. So negative feelings are not altogether bad; they are regulators that help us realize when something is wrong.
The kind of emotion that runs in your system will determine what you attract and what you repel. If you allow negative emotions to run through your life, you will create a negative magnetic field around you and attract problems while repelling opportunities.
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