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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Efficient Approaches to resolve Conflicts

Efficient Approaches to resolve Conflicts

Wherever you are employed, perhaps later on you will find yourself being in a disagreement with somebody as a result of the clashes between incompatible attitudes, principles or goals. It has its pros and cons. The reason behind the conflict could be something that makes some activity.

Why are conflicts? This can be ascribed to various causes as well as empowerment. It is within the human instinct to observe, conclude and develop attitudes. Once people who have different attitudes meet, they may have different view for some situation. Everybody has his/her own opinion about resolution of a problem. It is a natural response for different views and perspectives.

Positively, feasible and innovative ideas may arise from the conflict. It will turn people to other resolutions. On the contrary, most people do not like conflict as it brings about upset or defeated. People can defend their stands, since they don't like to accept that other idea will be better. It could bring distance rather than

Undoubtedly, it may occur to anyone at any time. Even a discussion between colleagues, about hobby or meal that they like, could be a reason for small conflict. Anyway, conflicts may be managed. Conflicts can build relationships. It is also a motivator for something new. Since anyone can engage in a conflict, anybody can also give contribution for the management and resolution with the conflict.

First and foremost,
conflict management is the acceptance of the fact that conflict exists and therefore there are more or less different attitudes of involved parties. Acknowledgment of conflict presence will help to evaluate and see the source of the issue. It is significant to distinguish problem from a person, since personalizing of the issue will increase conflict and counteraction between parties.

When being involved in a dispute, you should endeavor to hold a effective discussion to clarify existing issue. Develop ideas, your own plus the others. Stay focused on reaching resolution, instead of having endless disagreeing. Use positive ideas and put them into practice. Don't forget to seal discussion and review the consensus beforehand.


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