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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Place of Family Success in Securing All Round Success in Life

The Place of Family Success in Securing All Round Success in Life

Imagine an executive woman that is a miserable wife and a depressed mother. Imagine a successful businessman with one or two wanted people as family members. Success in life is always threatened or hindered by lack of family success. All round success is only possible when there is peace, love and harmony in the family.

The emotional stress and strain that come with troubled family will inevitably affect your productivity at work. The mind is crowded with worried thoughts and cannot focus to reason well. Your relationship with co-workers, clients or staff deteriorates and everything goes haywire. Success in life is hinged to your family success.

No matter how insignificant an issue at home may seem initially, if not curbed may escalate to an undesirable situation. There is need for one to pay more attention to the family and make every necessary contribution towards her success. A family is like a garden that needs to be attended to regularly; otherwise, the weeds will over power the crops.

It is an erroneous decision to ignore the family and pursue your personal success. This is because a bad family reputation will haunt you. If you have a thief in the family, you will always be referred to as the sister or brother of the thief. A Leopard cannot run away from its spots.

So, what do you do to enjoy family success and all round success in life? How do you affect the lives of your family members?

· Appreciate them – No one is a member of your family by mistake. Everyone is there to complement the others and bring out the best from the rest of the family. There is need for you to appreciate, honor and respect them. Make everyone to feel needed and important in the home.

· Spend more time with them – Giving money when they want it can never take the place of fellowship. Spend more time with them, get to know them better. Talk with them and listen attentively to what they are saying.

This builds confidence and security within the individual. Also, you can easily curb any evil seed trying to make some roots within the person.

· Love them – Love covers multitude of evil. There is need for you to show love to every member of the family. Learn to say and act it. Family success is built on love. Always go out of your way to be a blessing to them. No matter your position in the family, encourage love and unity in the home.

· Pray for them – You can’t be everywhere with them neither can you solve all their problems for them. But you can pray for them. You can believe God to do what you can’t do for them. Prayer will preserve them and will also build your family. Prayer invites God to intervene in your family issues.

For you to enjoy all round success in life, the family is the first place to start. Family success is the foundation for any other subsequent success you may pursue. To ignore your family is to impede progress in that area you so much desire to succeed in. Build your family and you will build your business or career, etc.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The friendship and distance between friends.

The friendship and distance between friends.

The friend needs to work hard to conduct and needs to have a certain art. I’m not speaking to teach, but have already experienced it on my own. To a friend, and in spite of male or girl friend, you cannot value too much, otherwise the other party will feel that the pressure is very big, and will be pressed breathless heavily by your regard. And again you cannot neglect too much, either. Too neglect, probably can't be having connection.

Some friends, if you value him too much, will make him feel that make friends with you is very tired. Because you valued him too much and let him felt pressure, will also make yourself lead very hard.

No matter between the friends or lovers, the emotion to the other party cannot be equal. There is always one side paying out much more, but usually the one paying out more easily suffer from injury. So, now while getting along with friend, warn yourself to control your pay, then will make yourself and friends all be free from injury. So I can't demand other people now, as far as possible don't bring to other people pressure.

Isn't all people in the life can become friends. Everybody has his own life attitude, conducting way, fondness and personality characteristics; and choosing friends also has the respective standards and conditions.

The principle that I make friend is the communication of mind. I often think that the person lives in the world cannot get away from friendship and cannot get away from mutual aid, cannot get away from concern and cannot get away from support. When the friend come across difficulty and is subjected to frustration, if you stretch out to help him, help the other party to pass through crisis and overcome difficulty is more useful and reliable than presenting valuable gift. Since be friends, means to undertake obligation of getting rid of worries, overcoming hardship and enjoying happiness .Only this, the comity then can hold out for long time.

When the friends getting along with each other, injury usually is not intentional, help but is sincere. Forget those unintentional injury; bear firmly in mind those sincerely help to you, you will discover this in this world that you have a lot of sincere friends ……in the daily life, even the best friends will also have friction, we probably will separate because of these frictions. But whenever in the quiet night, we look toward the star sky; past fine recollection will always appear. Some recollections of pettiness bring infinitely shock to my lonesome mind! It is this felling makes me understand the friend's importance to me! The network is also similar, too near the relation will become complicated; too far will lose contact. Not near and far is exactly fine, only can feel the sincerity and friendship of each other. Each person has a square belongs to his own paradise. Friend, when your mood is upset, you disappoint, you feel the good friend is gradually far away, please cherish the friendship with friend's earnestness. No matter in a real life or in network, comity like air and water, you would not have painful feeling on its value unless you lost it.

Cherish each friendship nearby, regardless whether it has been past, whether it will have future. Probably it can't ever last; probably it will be thin to forget; probably will neglect, but have never should forget. It is a grain of seed, if cherished, it will sprout, take out leaf, blossom out until have fruit in your mind.

While that kind of the subtle fragrance for blooming also will company you forward for your whole life ……

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Boosting up Productivity on Overdrive with 5 Business Strategies

To Boosting up Productivity on Overdrive with 5 Business Strategies

When asking the entrepreneurs about their secrets in being productive, you will be invariably answered “plan ahead”. How to plan in advance for the next activity or the next day ahead of us? Even in best times, you still need to be productive for a more profitable outcome. In down times, performance is doubled to balance sales and productivity. Here are 5 business strategies to keep your productivity on overdrive:

1. Plan Ahead. Plan. Plan. Plan. It’s better to plan ahead than be sorry. Planning is defining your direction, decision making on resources allocation of people and capital. Strategic Planning usually revolves around 3 questions.

a. What do we do?
b. For whom do we do it?
c. How do we excel? Or how do we beat competition?

In strategic planning, you will be able to identify what is working and not working in your field of operation policies and regulations, standards and projections; they are detailed in the following departments. Long term planning is a useful tool for projections in productivity, such as:

1. Sales and Marketing
2. Management Systems
3. Operations
4. Products
5. Finances
6. R & D
7. Costs
8. System Organization

2. Managing your Time. Prioritize your day by concentrating on the business you want to work on first by making a schedule and adhering to it. Avoiding procrastination and distractions in your work will save you a lot of time. There is such a thing as scheduled distractions; do it and ignore it for the rest of the day. You’ll get more peace and quiet. Planning your exit at the end of the day will help you resolve time issues and have ample time for minor planning for tomorrow.

3. Getting adequate Sleep. “Sleep is mending the sleep of care”, William Shakespeare. You got that right. You will never function to your highest level when you are deprived of sleep. Defining working hours to get enough sleep is the way to stay at your peak and boost your productivity.

4. POSING challenges and set that goal. Ever heard of a company motto that says “Better your Best”. This is one of the best mottos of all time in improving and keeping productivity on overdrive. I know because I used to work in one of the top companies in the country. Proper motivations and goal setting from the management down to the rank and file employees did the job. Production efficiency shot up, Total preventive maintenance is on the roll, Sales and Marketing forecasts reached and overall productivity is heaven. Goals reached and rose up to the challenge.

Entrepreneurs set milestones to motivate themselves on a task; this ensures the necessity of progress attained by staying focused. Avoid the” I quit “mentality when you are up to it.

5. Stay on track. It’s not always easy to do this; temptations to deviate from your path looms throughout the day and swaying away could be costly. Deadlines are set and keeping up with demands could be tough; with hard work and discipline.

Keeping pace with your plans and its implementation will be easier to follow and get things done. Goals reached, demands met, projections in place and everything in pace. At the end of each day, you can stand up and say “I did it”.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The World’s Most Powerful Woman-Michelle Obama

The World’s Most Powerful Woman-Michelle Obama

US fist lday-Michelle Obama is viewed as the most powerful woman in the world that she beated out heads of state, chief executives and celebrities.

Kraft Foods Chief Executive Irene Rosenfeld, who led a hostile $18 billion takeover of Britain's Cadbury, came in second, followed by talk show host and media mogul Oprah Winfrey, who is ending "The Oprah Winfrey Show" next year after 25 years to launch her cable network OWN.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, elected for a second term last year, was the fourth most powerful woman, while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was put in charge of brokering Middle East peace, rounded out the top five.

Moira Forbes, vice president and publisher of ForbesWoman, said the women on the business magazine's list were "shaping many of the agenda-setting conversations of the day."

"They have built companies and brands, sometimes by non-traditional means and they have broken through gender barriers in areas of commerce, politics, sports and media and cultural zeitgeist, and thereby affecting the lives of millions, sometimes billions of people," she said.

This year Forbes changed the way it ranked women, basing the list less on wealth and power and more on creative influence and entrepreneurship.

Last year's winner was Merkel, followed by Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Obama ranked No. 40.

Forbes said Obama topped the list this year because "she has made the office of first lady her own" while remaining popular.

"In a telling sign of her charisma, the White House is putting her on the campaign trail to headline fundraising events in battleground states like California and Colorado," Forbes said.

"She's also effective: In response to her Let's Move! campaign against childhood obesity, companies like Coca-Cola, Kellogg and General Mills have pledged to reduce the calorie content of their foods by 2015," it said.

PepsiCo Inc Chief Executive Indra Nooyi, who was last week named the most powerful woman in US business for the fifth year in a row by Fortune, was in sixth place, while singer Lady Gaga came in at No. 7.

Gail Kelly, chief executive of Australia's Westpac Banking Corp, was in eighth place, followed by singer Beyonce Knowles. Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres rounded out the top 10.( the above article resource from


Michelle created two records, one is the first African first lady, second is the tallest first lady among the US. However, the place of the different is she is a perfect woman that labed with wisdom, family and fashion. Concerning a successful career, Michelle compares Hillary Clintion; in the heart of success, Michelle did not losing Laura Bush; while in fashionable grade, Michelle comparable Jacqueline Kennedy.

That’s amazing, how can she do like that? As the woman behind Obama, Micheelle is not only a successful career women, a competent wife, but also a kindly mother. It was 16 years since she got marry, she has her husband and children’s appeal in priority and between career and family to perfect balance.

Obama is the president of US, he have no time to take care family, so Michelle give up her job, instead of become a housewife. Everyone was moves by her courage and big decision.

Some American medias think that Michelle will be like all of the first lady that leads fashion, but this time, the style is more approachable.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to arrange a Wedding ceremony?

How to arrange a Wedding ceremony?

Whenever celebrating the party surrey, we are required to make arrangements necessary. Parties are though related to different occasions like wedding party surrey, entertainment surrey and many other festival parties like Christmas party’s surrey and traditional celebrations like wedding surrey. For making your entertainment surrey or wedding surrey to be the best among everybody you need to plan the right venue for celebrating your party. There are different types of occasions that arrive with the exciting pleasure for us. There are numerous ways to enjoy the life. Also, one can decide on the appropriate pattern of celebration.

One of the most memorable occasions that are celebrated around the global world is the times when Christmas festival arrives with the exciting bliss. Christmas is a time to throw a great celebration party at some place. Therefore it is needed to decide and plan a good arrangement party for the Christmas party surrey. How could you make all the arrangements very well? Definitely you will need some assistance from someone. Though Christmas is the great festival to be celebrated but we can celebrate some other celebrations like wedding surrey. Here we’ll introduce the perfect places for enjoying the surrey celebrations.

The hills hotels are the perfect places for celebrating different party venues surrey. Wedding surrey are the most special and remembered occasion throughout our life. We all know that wedding surrey is a single time celebration and to make it some special you must choose some different venue for it. Before you finalize the venue for party surrey then you must take some priorities to plan for the ceremony with some few suggestions and tips. One needs to authorize these suggestions to make them purposeful.

The primary concern of wedding surrey comes to the number of attendants you are going to invite for your party. You must decide this thing a month earlier. Besides there are many other responsibilities for whom to invite and make sure that the invitation is given to those whom you wish to come at your wedding surrey. The second main priority that is associated with the wedding surrey is the food and catering arrangement to be planned in a decent way. And always organize the wedding surrey with the big entertainment music session. You can have a get together dance arrangements for your wedding surrey.

If you are dedicated in brightening your wedding ceremony, you are recommended to visit our site We provide all the above mentioned arrangements for the party venue celebration at a reasonable range of prices. So if you are ready to get your party hotel booked for the wedding ceremony events and the entertainment surrey then you can surely advice to make your bookings as quick as possible. Click to learn more.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The need to control the flow of your emotional energy

The need to control the flow of your emotional energy

At any point in time, we are actually in control of our emotions. The human system runs on emotions. The nervous system in every human being is actually an electrical system that conducts small charges of electricity. As human beings, we are wired up just like a building is wired. If there is no electric power flowing through the cables in the building, no appliances would turn on so too is our physical system; it works with emotional energy.

The flow of this energy or emotional power largely determines our state of life. That is why it is important that we gain control of the flow of our emotional energy. Our emotions can be either positive or negative. We have to be able to identify which emotions are negative and which ones are positive, because negative emotions are destructive.

It is very important that we are sensitive to our emotions. When the human system is full of negative emotions it causes the body to malfunction. The glands release hormones in excessive quantity. The human system functions best when we run on positive emotions. “A merry heart”. The Bible affirms, “Does good like medicines”. Positive emotions aid good health while negative emotion destroys one’s health. Some people do not even attempt to gain any control over their emotions because they simply do not believe the emotions can be controlled.

Some people can identify their negative emotions, but choose rather to avoid pain and by leaving their negative emotions to fester; ultimately they are hurt. Negative emotions are not altogether bad; they are just regulators. If we can interpret them accurately whenever they show up and become sensitive to them, they can actually be channeled to achieve positive things.

A negative feeling is a signal that something is wrong and that it requires attention. If you unconsciously touch a piece of electric wire that has live current in it, you would quickly withdraw your hand to escape death. Thank God for the nervous system and pain, without which you will not realize the need for you to withdraw your hand and stop the electrical process immediately. If it was not for pain, for example, we would not realize the need for us to withdraw our hands or bodies from fire. So negative feelings are not altogether bad; they are regulators that help us realize when something is wrong.

The kind of emotion that runs in your system will determine what you attract and what you repel. If you allow negative emotions to run through your life, you will create a negative magnetic field around you and attract problems while repelling opportunities. Jobs, Job/Recruitment Portal, Employment and Career. The Largest Platform for Jobs and Career Search

Sunday, April 17, 2011

“I Love you”—it’s Easy to Read but Difficult to Say to Your Lover or Parents

“I Love you”—it’s Easy to Read but Difficult to Say to Your Lover or Parents

An American volunteer teacher came to China to teach as assistant. She taught students English and they also told her something about this country. One day, the topic turned to saying “I Love You”, she was shocked to learn that not one of them had said this to their parents, nor had their father said it to their mother.

“Does your mother love you?”

“Sure!” they chorused. Maybe a bit offended that she had been asked.

“How do you know?” was her logical question. They said their moms cooked, washed, taught and always told them what they were wrong to show their caring. She was stunned. Some mums cooking, washing and criticizing read out as “I Love You.”

“But how do you show your love to her?” she asked by natural. They agreed that getting high grades, got a good job and then marrying and having that precious grandchild, giving as much as material requisite as possible would be hoe they showed their love.

The teacher comes from a different culture place where most people would find that not expressive enough, so she repeated these queries in classes over time. Gradually, she began to get different responses. Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their moms.

A hug love happened to a mother and daughter. The daughter is going to university for a long time. Her mother met her at the door and hugged. This had never happened before, but mother said “Now that you have gone I have time to myself and I watch TV more. I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.”

This is also right for the lovers. Maybe they never say “I LOVE YOU” face to face to each other but through SMS, e-mail or some communication ways. Some of them say is so hard to do it and no necessary to do like that because they know it and put it into heart. Maybe they will show it by some indirectly ways such as cooking his or her favorite food, prepared some gifts that he or she want to buy for a long time, or give he or she a big surprise , even do something that is moved.

But a study showed that some people who say and receive these three words, which are “I LOVE YOU” is happier that that never do or less do. Study also showed that young women want to hear the magic words. They want romance in their lives. Since the women of today now look for that, the men who don't fight past their discomfort may find themselves out in the cold, maybe wondering why.

In my family we all say "I love you" a lot. While it is true that we often say the words without having a great depth of feeling at that moment, it is almost like a blessing we give each other. Recently, my husband must be away from us to work for a long time and I was glad that I always tell him that “I LOVE YOU”.

Those three little words carry a world of meaning, even when said as a greeting, but most especially if they are the last words we say to or hear from those we love. Show your love to your parents and lovers and let them know you love them at any place, any time. Don’t mean it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Women Want from a Guy Like You?

What Women Want from a Guy Like You?

What Women Want from a Guy Like You?

If you ask a hundred women what they want in a man, they'll give you vague generalities like sense of humor, romance, good looks or other banal descriptions. This isn't always helpful, but it's good to realize that many women don't really know what they want in a guy either.

However, when you really break it down and get to the core of what a woman truly wants in any long-term committed relationship, you'll find that every single woman will answer that she wants to feel understood, appreciated and loved.

This sounds easy enough on the surface. However, what men don't realize is that women have a very different perception than men when it comes to giving and receiving love.

So what do women really want from a guy like you? How can you let her know you're the right guy for her without creeping her out or pushing her away?

Ready to take the next step? Click here now:


Try a surprise kiss or hug that has no strings attached. This lets her indulge in the pleasure of the kiss, but it also sends her a clear message that you want her - the person - not just the sex
that usually comes after such displays of affection.

Return her calls

Did you know women gauge how interested men are in them by how long they take to return messages or phone calls? There is a lot of bad information circulating at the moment, telling men to "play hard to get" or to leave her wondering in order to drive her wild.

While it might drive her wild, it may also push her away. She may not expect you to call her instantly (and besides, that might look a little bit desperate), but she will expect you to call as soon as you're able around your own schedule.

It's the Little Things

Women look at the little things a man will do for her and determine whether she feels loved and cared for based on those actions. These could be things like remembering birthdays or anniversaries.

It could be just listening to her unwind after her own day without being tempted to try and offer solutions. A simple nod and smile and she'll be happy the rest of the evening.

The key to figuring out what women want isn't difficult. Try these suggestions and she'll respond by doing whatever she can to make sure you stay with her for the long term.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saraswati Puja

Saraswati Puja

Saraswati Pooja – a time to understand and appreciate the blessing of being educated.

The beginning of spring or the month of magha celebrates Saraswati Pooja – a festival where the goddess of knowledge and creative arts is worshipped across the country. Saraswati Puja will be celebrated on February 8.

She is venerated as a guardian deity in Buddhism who upholds the teachings of Gautam Buddha by offering protection and assistance to practitioners along their spiritual path towards liberation. Saraswati is also known in Japan as Benzaiten.

It is interesting to know how the various adornments of the idol of the deity have a message worthy of reflection though they are based on mythology.

1. Goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning.

Are we using our gift of speech to connect to our loved ones?

Are we learning anything for the pleasure of learning itself?

2. She plays the music of love and life on a string instrument called the veena.

Have we made any effort to connect to our rich cultural heritage, have we introduced our children to it yet?

3. She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus – the symbol of true knowledge – in another.

Are we sincere in seeking knowledge or are we content in finding quick answers?

4. She is dressed in white, which stands for purity. She rides on a white swan. It is believed that the sacred bird, if offered a mixture of milk and water, is able to drink the milk alone and leave the water behind. It thus symbolizes discrimination between the good and the bad or the everlasting and the temporary.

Do we distinguish between things which cause positive or negative impact in our lives and actively steer away from the latter?

Are our efforts towards achieving things of immediate value or eternal worth?

Knowledge is infinite, so is our ability to learn. The irony is, that our education is limiting. We learn only what we are taught. Formal education is a methodical effort towards learning facts and it focuses on career mindedness and career advancement. It teaches us how to make a living. But does it teach us to live well? Have we come to unwittingly accept literacy for education? To find identity, meaning, and purpose and manage life’s complexities we need the consciousness of a finer being – for which we must learn of our own accord.

The home is the first school where education and learning take root. As parents, we must strive to inspire our children towards scientific reason, fine arts, sports training and other learning which go beyond course books. It is our duty to teach children practical lessons in honesty, discipline, patience, self-control, humility, etiquette; all of which is important to character building. An evolved human being is not the product of a premier institution, but a sublime blend of the environment and culture of his home and education system.

We must ask if our education has:

* liberated us from primitive superstition and is protecting us from the corrosion of material greed?

* taught us the importance of excellence and not merely strive for better grades?

* made us fair in our deeds and impels us to never fall in the trap of the temptation of taking the easier way out.

* enabled us to become morally responsible citizens, sensitive and adaptive to our surroundings?

The answers to the questions are not as important as the fundamental act of asking them to ourselves. For in it lie the beginning of self-evaluation and self-exploration. It gives us a sense of how far we have come and where we are headed. It tells us if were justifying the privileges we enjoy as educated people. Most importantly, it tells us how much more we need to learn. Because, when we are finished learning, we are finished living altogether.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Divorce Or Separation; Figure Out How To See Through Whatever You Hear

Divorce Or Separation; Figure Out How To See Through Whatever You Hear

Breakup teaches an individual many things. A lot of people get them to a spot that produces these people sour. Folks lose a whole lot in divorce which is not only very own items. Someone will forfeit a form of them self or herself through the means of separation and divorce. You need to understand that once you are through a divorce proceedings you could possibly help make a great deal of particular modifications. You will discover your special way and become independent. Chances are you'll change negatively, although at some point you're going to get back on track.

You really need to rise above staying this way by allowing yourself to learn your own lesson, although not keep it all towards oneself. Become familiar with much from a breakup that you might panic to enter one more partnership, however you must not. You should know that your friends and family love you and would like you to ultimately possibly be completely happy. Friends and family will promote you, as well as, support you.

One of the most important lessons you will learn from divorce can be you're stronger than you think. It's going to take a great deal out of an individual plus it knock you lower. Undergoing almost all you have, you can turn into a stronger human being. It will help you to cope with scenarios that you normally wouldn't feel you can overcome. Divorce allows you to be tougher.

It will assist you to know the big difference involving words and also actions. Your mate could have stated to be civil and then had taken almost everything. This might cause you to not want to believe in any person again, nevertheless, you will find the methods of believing every thing and also distrusting anything. You should understand when another person is providing you a line and you will probably tell whenever somebody are being genuinely sincere. Actions generally express themselves even louder as compared to words. You might want to keep that as the primary goal in relation to different human relationships.

You will also figure out how to value your pals. You already know when you've got a real buddy because you'll never turn out to be alone in your periods of need. Your friends will probably have always your back in exactly what you are doing. You will also see that your buddies are usually method to obtain strength. They're going to really encourage you to definitely possibly be better and they will encourage you to definitely have desired goals along with reach for them all. Divorce or separation will even tell you of which friends are certainly not really worth a nickel. It will be possible to understand the main difference between a reputable individual and an individual that will keep with you and somebody whom simply just makes use of your a friendly relationship occasionally.

An additional critical less of which everyone may find out is the fact that frustration may help heal. Despite the fact that, you will discover folks who say that you can hold back on your tempers during times like separation and divorce so that you can tend not to mess up your situation. Nevertheless you'll want to get upset! You have to holler, you need to curse, you'll need right your wrong even when it's not going to aid. Upon having shown ones tempers you may then find out what can be done for you to let it go. You can find your entire feelings released, your complete distress, and then you can discover how to forgive. Frustration is actually the start of the therapeutic process.

A different word of advice that you will get from divorce or separation is that from time to time it can be preferable to be on your own and comply with your own course, whether as opposed to put up pursuing someone else. You can be more pleased having the capacity to control your life you will be an improved person if you'll be able to locate your personal technique of executing things. Ones self-esteem can increase when you are an unbiased person. It could be something that you never predicted from by yourself plus much more of a reason to really feel a great deal better concerning the circumstance.
