Every star in heaven, the earth every grain of gravel, stones on the moss, sky fluttering clouds, verdant grass children, delicate little bright wildflowers, quartzite bridge the morning dew cream, fly together The birds, the beautiful sea shells, Pteris snail, mysterious footprints on the snow, water lightly swimming fish, trees circle the ring ...... super much!
You get older and already know the word, and effortlessly read out on the street where a random sign. You do not go for medicine went to hair salons, pharmacies will not go go haircut. If people do not accompany you, you will easily find the road, just to give you the correct address, street names and house number. Writing really good stuff.
Understanding of the word, you can read the thick book, you can understand everything in the world. However, there are another set of text, this is everyone who wants to become a truly educated person should know. This is the nature of the text. It is a total of tens of thousands of letters. Each a star in heaven is a letter. You are at the foot of each and gravel is also a letter. This set of characters who do not know the people; all the stars are all the same things. Recognize some people have a number of star names, and you can tell it what the difference with the other stars is. Like the words of the book are composed of the same letter, the sky is also the composition of the star constellation. Since ancient times, when sailors need to find the road at sea, they went Look at the stars written books.
You know, just would not stay on the water board traces, there are no words "this north" there are arrows guidepost. But sailors do not need such a guidepost. They have brought the needle of the compass needle always pointed north. Even if they do not have the compass, and they still cannot be lost road. They looked skyward, and in many of them found the bear constellation constellation in the Cubs were to find the North Star. There is the north side of the North Star. Cloud, the sky is also a great book on the letters. It not only talks about things now, and talk about future things. The weather is the best of times, according to a thunderstorm cloud can be predicted, or Yin Yu Yin Yu 〔: excessive stretching non-stop rain. Sometimes, in the hot summer, the sky is far stands a white Yunshan.
From this Yunshan two pointed out to the left. Hill has become like a blacksmith's forge, anvil inside the anvil 〔 (zhēn): beat the steel material under the mat in the apparatus. Pilots know, the anvil-shaped cloud is a harbinger of thunderstorms. Should be a bit further we go away from it. If it is inside the flight, it would destroy the aircraft - where the wind blew so strongly that is. Messenger of the sky - birds, will also be taught to those who carefully observe their many skills. If the swallows flying so high in the air, looked very, very small, it will be good weather. Rook flying, the spring has come in the door. The crane flew away you can tell people do not have the calendar, hot days are gone. Too much sun or hot, it is a calm, sunny day.
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