Learning how to build trust in a relationship can not only be difficult but it may take a lot of time. Where one of the couple has had an affair it can take several years to re-establish trust in the relationship and marriages can survive affairs. The faulty party is going to have to apologize and then help their partner to learn to trust them again.
Try to think back to when you first fell in love. Remember all the things about your partner that you adored, admired and respected. Remember why you fell in love with them. Try to focus on the things that you love about your partner and get back to that place where you believed in them and supported their convictions and their aspirations.
If you want your partner to feel safe with you make sure your body language matches your words. If you say one thing but your expression, or body language says another. You will be sending a mixed message, and they will lose trust in your words, and eventually you too. If you don't try to hide your true feelings from your partner, you'll build more trust in your relationship.
Of course, you might be thinking that this is in contrast to the normal notion of you must "spice things up" to keep the relationship alive. It is true that we need to surprise our significant other by going to a new restaurant or giving him or her surprise gift to make the relationship more interesting. However, these are not important and effective ways on how to maintain a good relationship.
Always tell the truth no matter how painful. Lies destroy every type of relationship from friendships through to marriage. Telling the truth isn't always the easy option but it is the safest. If your partner knows that you always tell the truth, they will trust you much quicker. If they hear you telling lies to others, even those that you dismiss as being small or white lies, they will have less belief in you.
If you are, you are not only burning up your own energy trying to keep track of them, you are burning your relationship's trust also. You could be putting this energy to better use building your relationship. It is far better to come clean and ask for forgiveness, start clean again. The truth is, and you can take it to the bank, you will slip up. Then watch out.
Show your partner that you believe in him or her, and that you know they will be able to do the right thing. It's OK to communicate if you feel they have made a mistake, but be sure that you have an underlying faith in your partner's competence. If you really don't, it will be hard to get them to trust you.
Lack of dialogue is known to be one of the killers of trust in any relationship. The aspect of any relationship that suffers the most when there are troubles is the channel of communication. When this happens and persists for a long time trust will start declining in the process. There has to be consistent dialogue in any event to keep the flame of trust in a relationship burning.
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