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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Top 10 Health Care Tips!

Top 10 Health Care Tips!

You must have heard many a times before that health is wealth. And we cannot deny this truth that health is real wealth. We often miss out on the critical role our health and wellness plays in making us look physically and mentally beautiful.

Follow these Top 10 Health Tips in your daily life to stay beautiful on the inside and outside:

First step is to stay fit is to follow a healthy and balanced diet, a diet that complements your lifestyle. An ideal diet is one that is high on fiber and low on fat. Fresh vegetables and fruits are an example of such diet. Apart from deciding on what to eat, another important thing you should know to stay healthy is having your meal in right proportion. Your food preferences should be ones that should be high in nutritional value.

Eating different types of food at least thrice a month leaves good impact on digestive system. The Ancient science of healing says that rotating your food habits protects you from most illness by making your immune system strong. Eating different colors of fruits and vegetables is a good way to attain good health.

Never skip your breakfast. According to nutritionists and health experts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast leads to several health problems by making immune system even weak. Apart from increasing your energy level to double, everyday breakfast brings several benefits to you like your body gets required nutrients every day, you tend to lose extra weight, helps stabilize your blood sugar levels by keeping a control in obesity and cholesterol. Having good breakfast in the morning sets your mood right and offers you ability to balance your stress level in better way.

Besides re-charging your energy levels, eating regular breakfast has several long-term benefits like:

It results in faster weight loss.

Your body gets more nutrients every day.

Breakfast rich in fiber foods and wholegrain helps keep the heart healthy especially if you suffer from metabolic disorders like fluctuating blood pressure, obesity and cholesterol. It also helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

A good breakfast early in the morning sets your mood right and enables you to handle stress better.

With fresh fruits, juices, eggs, cereals and breads, you can stay overall fit and stay healthy all day long.

Drinking lots of water everyday cleanses all impurities and helps your body to remove all toxins, providing your skin a healthy and glowing look.

Exercising regularly is the best natural anti-aging recipe as it helps you stay healthy and feel young. This increases your energy level, stabilizes your body weight, and enhances flexibility that reduces the wear and tear in your body.

Smoking is injurious to health. Quit smoking as soon as possible if you want to stay healthy and live longer.

Leading a stressful life makes things even worse. So, say no to stress. Try and lead a relaxed, stress-free life so that the risks of health related disorders will reduce. This will calm you down and let you enjoy your life in better way.

Don't forget, dental health is an important aspect of overall health of your life. Not many of us know that gum infections if left untreated can lead to severe inflammatory reactions in the body that leads to various heart ailments.

Having a regular sleep of 7-8 hours every day is a must for keeping ourselves in perfect condition. Lack of sleep affects our hormone level and slows down metabolism often resulting in weight gain.

Keeping your brain active, is just as vital as keeping your physical health in shape. An idle mind is not only the devil's house but a feeling of doing nothing and boredom leads to depression and anxiety related disorders.


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