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Monday, September 20, 2010

Is third dimension linked with supernatural energy/power?

Is third dimension linked with supernatural energy/power?

The Third Eye

The third eye is a metaphysical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra. It is the gate that leads within to inner realms and higher consciousness, symbolizing a state of enlightenment. It is associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. The chakras can be opened via chakra related gemstones, and opening the third eye requires an amethyst that has been cleared. Linked to the pineal gland, Ajna is the chakra of time and awareness and of light. The third eye, also called the mind's eye, is situated right between the two eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead separating the left and right hemispheres of the body.

The third eye is actually the dormant pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain. This concept is validated by the pinealocytes, a type of cell within the pineal gland, resembling the photoreceptors of the eye. The pineal gland excretes dimethyl tryptamine (DMT), which induces dreams, near-death experiences, meditation, and visions.

Pineal Gland and the Third Eye Activation

The actual eye views all objects as upside down, sending the image to the brain, which interprets it to appear right side-up. We also have another actual physical eye called the 'Third Eye” which is the really the Pineal Gland. It has been recognized to have mystical powers, and has been considered as the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision.

It is Located in the very center of the brain, correlating to the placement of the Great Pyramid as the center of our planet Earth. This Pineal Gland although only the size of a pea, centered in the brain in a little cave behind and above the pituitary gland, located directly behind the eyes.

Philosophers and Spiritual Adepts have long contemplated the mysterious functions of this gland. The Ancient Greeks considered it to be our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes claimed it as the Seat of our Soul. It is activated by Light, and also controls the biorhythms of the body, working in harmony with the hypothalamus gland; directing functions of thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the aging process. Awakening of the Pineal gland one feels a pressure to the base of the brain, especially when connecting to a higher frequency.

Ancient mystery and esoteric schools have long known the pineal and hypothalamus to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. It is the highest source of ethereal energy available and has always been important in activating ones supernatural and psychic powers. The third eye sees beyond the mere physical, as it views through the chakra system when meditating or accessing answers from higher frequencies.

The pineal gland is also a photosensitive organ and the timekeeper of the human body, regulating with the hypothalamus, the production of melatonin. The pineal gland secretes melanin during times of relaxation, meditation and visualization. Humans are created by electromagnetic energy and react to EM energy stimuli around us as does the pineal gland. The activated pineal gland is a direct line of communication with the higher planes. The crown chakra reaches downward touching the pineal gland. Prana is then received through this energy center in the head.

Activation of the 'third eye' and perception of the higher dimensions depends entirely on the pineal gland and the pituitary body vibrating in unison, achieved primarily through meditation thus creating a magnetic field. The negative and positive forces interact and when they become strong enough to create a “light in the head” it allows for astral projection and the withdrawing of the consciousness from the body while still carrying the light with them.

Imagination, Intuition, Visualization, Intention are all integral to Activation of the Pineal/Hypothalamus and the Third Eye Chakra.

Supernatural forces

It is common to attribute illness to the work of ancestors or to supernatural forces. Inadequate respect for ancestors can supposedly lead to illness. In addition, magical influences can be negative and positive, contemporary and historical. Thus, illness can be attributed to the work of some malign living person. The role – of the spiritual healer is to identify the source of the malign influence.

African culture has a communal orientation. Thus, the malign influence of certain supernatural forces can be felt not just by an individual but also by other members of his or her family or community. ‘The nuclear family is the extended family, the community, the living and the deceased as well as their ultimate relationship with God are intimately linked in the African view of health and illness’ (Chalmers, 1996, p. 4). Thus intervention may be aimed not only at the sense of balance of the individual but also of the family and the community.


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