Do the father and mother find that your infants can be happy to dance with music dance beats? Researchers in Britain and Finland find that infants can dance with music dance beats and melody. Human are born to have a talent for dance.
This research result is Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of America. published on the online edition of the
Dancing with music
Marcel Zentner and Tuomas Ellora, two psychologists of the University of YORK United Kingdom and the University of Jyvaskyla respectively, played fang the classic music, the beat of the rhythm and part of the speech for the choosing of 120 infants with the age of five months to two years old, and the same time filming their responses. The researchers also employed professional ballet dancers to analyze the “dancing” motions of these infants, compared to the fitness with music.
During the testing period, the infants sat on their parents’ knees. Researches let the parents put on earphones to ensure them not hearing the music, and asked them not to move.
Researches find that the infants wave theirs arms, hands, legs, feet, bodies and head from time to time. What is more, their body languages when they heard the music are much richer than when they heard part of the speech.
For these, the researchers think that human may be born with the ability as the dancer who can dance with the music.
The American Interesting Science Site quoted Zentner as saying: “Our research shows that the infants respond more to beats than to other musical aesthetic characteristics like melody. We also find that the more rhythmic the dancing of infants with the music, the more smile the infants.”
The researchers said, though the dancing talent seems to be inherent native, but it is not clear the specific reasons.
Zentner said: “Why human has this special talent? It is also to be analyzed.” He thinks that, this talent could be one of the natural selection’s results to the human music talent, or develop from the certain human function in evolutionary processes.
Recognize Musical Sounds
Human not only is born with the dancing talent, American researchers in 2008 found that the infants also can different musical sounds.
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