Over 30 percent of 8th graders have used alcohol, and by 12th grade 66 percent of teens have used alcohol.
3 percent of 8th graders smoke tobacco.
About 10 percent of 8th graders have used marijuana. About 25 percent of 10th graders and over 30 percent of 12th graders have used marijuana.
10 percent of teens in 12th grade have abused prescription drugs. On average, 2,500 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time every day. The use of most drugs among teens is declining. In the last decade these numbers have gone down from almost 47 percent of 8th graders using alcohol, 10 percent smoking cigarettes, and about 12 percent using marijuana. Cocaine use declined in the 1990s from its peak in the 1980s, but it has remained steady since that time. Still, about a quarter of students say that drugs are available to them at school.
The exception to the downward or steady trend of drug use among teens is the teen prescription drug abuse, especially prescription painkillers, which has been rising in recent years. In the last decade treatment for teen prescription drug addiction has increased 300 percent. Many teens have a misperception about prescription drugs, believing that they are safe because they can be obtained legally. Prescription drugs are easy to get from medicine cabinets at home or at family or friends' houses, meaning that many teens can abuse prescription drugs for free. Also, parents sometimes give their children another family member's prescription painkillers without realizing the potential dangerous side effects and addiction that can occur.
Teen Drug Use Statistics show the most common drugs abused by teens are, in descending order:
Alcohol Abuse
Prescription drugs (opiates)
Stimulants like meths and ecstasy
Sedatives and tranquilizers
Hallucinogens like LSD (acid) or PCP
The drugs that are abused most commonly - alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs - may be appealing to teens because they think there is no risk involved in using them. Unfortunately, the use of any of these drugs during the teen years can have serious long-term consequences on a teens physical and mental well being. A teens brain is still developing, so using any drugs during the teen years can cause problems with the teens growth, development, and long term health. Also, using these drugs lowers teens' inhibitions, which can lead to other dangerous choices like driving under the influence or having unprotected sex.
Because teen drug use dangerous, parents should be aware of signs that their teen may be abusing drugs. Signs that a teen may be using drugs include:
Having drugs or drug paraphernalia
Medications or alcohol missing from your home or the home of family members or friends
A change in friends, or hanging out with friends who use drugs
Red or glassy eyes, or dilated pupils
Slow, slurred speech or talking unusually fast and jumping from subject to subject
A dramatic change in appearance
Lack of concern with appearance or hygiene
Unexplained change in weight
Change in performance at school or learning problem lying or acting sneaking
Not caring about risks, consequences, or the future
Being disrespectful or aggressive toward family members or family rules and values
Showing signs of depression or withdrawal
Defensiveness when questioned about activities or drug use
Losing interest in favorite activities
Also, teens who are using or abusing drugs often need money to continue their drug use, though you may not be aware of their money problems. Some signs that teens may be seeking money for drugs include:
Valuables missing from your home
Your teen having unexplained money or valuables
Getting in trouble with the law - teen violence
Stealing money or drugs
Borrowing money
Always being out of money even if they have an allowance or a job
It is best to start talking to your teens about teen drug use before they have a problem, but if you think your teen is using drugs, it's important to talk to them right away. Teens need help to overcome their teen drug abuse.
Teen drug abuse has been declining in the United States for the last decade, but several drugs remain a dangerous problem for many teens. Parents and other adults should know the signs of teen drug abuse so they can get help for teens who have a problem with drug use and abuse.
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