The home worked matters for productive education can be explained as pointed below: -
1. Need for education identifying the problematic: Why to develop? What to develop? How to develop? When to develop? For whom to develop? The subjective behaviors.
2. Time management: It should have been experienced that when we make a division of time of overall activities in a day providing appropriate times for each we realize more effectiveness than spending much time for one or two of them feeling very burden to ambiguity. As a matter of fact, all works besides general study also need education.
3. Proactive education phasing experimentation: During education we must perform “propping” in experimentation generating the usual proclivities as a self stand near to the approximate subjective.
4. Learning empirically rather than theoretically: A theory when could have empirical stance would make a difference. So, learning in observations and its timely verifications could lead a proper appropriation to knowledge.
5. Personal conscientizations to the theory: A development in psychology through the theory in most agreement to the attached science could lead to the last reality of study.
6. Developing genuine pro-consensus: We must reach to a pro-consensus to the subject in genuine for as an evidence for the consensus would be drawn in reality. It needs a pro-proper command on the subject.
7. Drawing self evidences to different generalizations in theory: It needs self evict to the circumstances with very strong perception and instinct. It would personalize the generalizations through self inductions and deductions leading to self concretizations.
8. Comparison between pro-consensus and consensus in practice: It will be evidence that how far or how near we are driving ourselves in proactively in proportion to the appropriation of conformity.
9. Analyzing and drawing lessons in completion: At last, a thorough analysis to the whole homework could lead to draw very important and significant lessons from the subject to compile in memory for further or other stances.
10. Other necessary regulations.
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