For the above, we need success in every context we want to enroll with and stop to a desired consequence, which, could be achieved from the following formula of Einstein as;
Success= A+B+C
A= Hard lab our,
B= Intermittent activity, &
C= Less talk more hearing
Also, the following norms and regulations could reveal such exposures as;
Effective time management for organization of better management techniques,
Responding others contributing us through such motivations,
Effective team work inculcating the spirits developing subordinates who will help to achieve our goals,
Let trying to know everything of a concern and something of every concern having hunger and curiosity for knowledge as world needs knowledgably competent workers,
We don’t regret and follow the beaten tracks,
Flushing mind so that new ideas can come in instances of creativity/innovation/pro-activity,
We ever let down the opportunities in near approach to went on, but, just going on, going on and going on,
Like postage stamp, make able to stick to one thing till it could be absorbed,
We don’t stop attempting as genius is one percentage inspiration and ninety nine percentage perspiration,
The greater will be the difficulty more glory to the approach to,
Having concise but effective talk with sweet and polite dialoguing,
To succeed in this world we should seem a fool, but, in reality be wise;
Don’t showing weakness to our enemies, nor feeling relief by adjourning difficulties to our friends,
First we should win the heart then appeal to reason as love might hope where reason would despair,
There will be nothing lost by avoiding anger. It is in practice that attainments come quicker if anger is avoided,
Every great man/women is always being assisted by everyone, for his/her gift is to get nice out of all things and all persons,
To get together in beginning;
To stay together is the progress;
To work together is the success,
We might set on priorities and focus on results through effective decision making,
We be always committed to a mission having goals that are measurable and achievable,
Always maintaining self-control,
Being always far from disputes,
Always being in improvement to improvise flexibility,
Other intercept able norms/regulations.
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