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Sunday, January 31, 2010

What we can do to save the environment?

What we can we do to save the environment?
An environment is not just a phase of ecosystem, but, along with, the recommendations of how to save it with personal and collaborative strategic regulatory approaches to, especially, by human beings which can be pointed as bellows:-

1.Restricting the high levels of natural exponential as a reciprocal affect to any type of undertakings,
2.Establishing resources of environment i.e. human ingenuity, economics and cultural beliefs upto the increased levels of requirements,
3.Preventing environmental degradation in time,
4.Controlling by regulation of people or consumption overpopulation,
5.Making of release of high environmental impacts,
6.Drawing seriousness about environmental problems, pollution and technology,
7.Formalizing something can’t be get for nothing with a breakeven,
8.Evaluating the way we think the world works and sensitizing ourselves to the environment,
9.Becoming ecologically informed,
10.Becoming emotionally involved in caring for the earth by experiencing nature directly and by trying to find a place that is loved and thus must be defended as a part of us,
11.Choosing a simpler lifestyle to reduce resource consumption and waste and pollution production,
12.Becoming more self-reliant by trying to unhook from dependence on large centralized systems for our water, energy, food and livelihood,
13.Remembering that environment begins at home,
14.Avoiding the four do-nothing traps of blind technological optimism, gloom -and -doom pessimism, fatalism and extrapolation to infinity,
15.Becoming politically involved on local and national levels,
16.Can do the little things based on thinking globally and acting locally,
17.Can work on the big polluters and big problems, primarily through political action;
18.Can start a movement of awareness and action,
19.We must not make people feel guilty, &
20.Always having positive thinking for a happy life.

How to get whatever we want?

How to get whatever we want?

For the above, we need success in every context we want to enroll with and stop to a desired consequence, which, could be achieved from the following formula of Einstein as;
Success= A+B+C
A= Hard lab our,
B= Intermittent activity, &
C= Less talk more hearing

Also, the following norms and regulations could reveal such exposures as;

Effective time management for organization of better management techniques,

Responding others contributing us through such motivations,

Effective team work inculcating the spirits developing subordinates who will help to achieve our goals,

Let trying to know everything of a concern and something of every concern having hunger and curiosity for knowledge as world needs knowledgably competent workers,

We don’t regret and follow the beaten tracks,

Flushing mind so that new ideas can come in instances of creativity/innovation/pro-activity,

We ever let down the opportunities in near approach to went on, but, just going on, going on and going on,

Like postage stamp, make able to stick to one thing till it could be absorbed,

We don’t stop attempting as genius is one percentage inspiration and ninety nine percentage perspiration,

The greater will be the difficulty more glory to the approach to,

Having concise but effective talk with sweet and polite dialoguing,

To succeed in this world we should seem a fool, but, in reality be wise;

Don’t showing weakness to our enemies, nor feeling relief by adjourning difficulties to our friends,

First we should win the heart then appeal to reason as love might hope where reason would despair,

There will be nothing lost by avoiding anger. It is in practice that attainments come quicker if anger is avoided,

Every great man/women is always being assisted by everyone, for his/her gift is to get nice out of all things and all persons,

To get together in beginning;
To stay together is the progress;
To work together is the success,

We might set on priorities and focus on results through effective decision making,

We be always committed to a mission having goals that are measurable and achievable,

Always maintaining self-control,

Being always far from disputes,

Always being in improvement to improvise flexibility,

Other intercept able norms/regulations.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Online certification-would be very effective to authorize in affiliations!

Online certification-would be very effective to authorize in affiliations
It is now-a-days peoples seeming much in online than offline. Internet has been immersing as the most prominent and profound encyclopedia globally and for beyond the globe as well. It has become as the most requiring and interesting daily activity. Peoples far from it can be certainly said as the still backward ones with no limits of approach.

It is very fortunate to find over any queries in search of a web for any type of necessity, for which, we would not have to regret for any type of miss-undertakings. We can elaborate a small text to a summary of a very huge one. We can also able to find the most advanced forms. Most effectively, we can perform any type and degree of communication by web.

Going to the right context, due to very limited time value and constraints imposed by this very hardcore life, peoples are drawing much and more towards online education. An education which does not shows it off as the backward one from the general education, but, would be more effective due to some specialties like very privacy to more confidence as not subjected to a mass with very confidential undertakings, direct enrollment any time we require without a routine of any such schools attachments with tedious time hazards, would be more innovative to lead an much valued knowledge with direct online certification in no time assuring high mechanical advantage with negligible erroneous feasibility.

In today’s practice this has not been authorized in the line of the other. So, peoples with much will for online education are pushed to lead the former. The personalities in the front lines with such perceive are not much motivated to lead such affection. This is major cause to be not given the right value in advantage for any type of such affiliation for many peoples are aloof from online education and its utilities.

In conclusion, an education does not demand for its specific form and format, but, its beneficiaries in affection to the needs and conditions to involve with. Every pupil could able to use any type of education for his/her will for motivations to a certain usage value having any type of secular legacy.

Thus, it must be said that online certification would be very effective to authorize in affiliations.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Neurological disorder, depression and disruptive behavior in childhood!

Neurological disorder, depression and disruptive behavior in childhood!

Every one born with his/her on nature have certain physical and mental tendencies in attitudes and attributes to a certain response in a reaction.

When he/she found himself/herself in a different environment as leaded by such projections or in turn, in a different projection apart from his/her own personal stand, then, at least time he/she can feel a different enzymatic stimulation or activation inside him/her inevitably, which makes a difference.

This when goes neurologically certainly leads to a different attitude in behaviors with changed ground realities causing never imagined stands of activities surmounting severe disruptions in conflicts.

The stance could be said as addressing to a certain level of depression with symptoms of less sleep and loss of concentration to cope with realizing oneself wrong over the remarks making feel one defeated in opposition. This syndrome has at almost chances of ever increasing levels with the symptomatic increase in agony, aggression and negation to fatalism or incredible crime.

Thus, every related aspects in custody must be aware and should be conscious to stop the miss happening from the very beginning with a very sensible and sensitive Carline to children to enable them to serve themselves, their accompanies and their nationality without any such stances ever in their life’s.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Education needs interdisciplinary crossing-over!

Education needs interdisciplinary crossing-over!
Education does not reveal a specific boundation to a certain subject, but, makes able to cross the limits of knowledge ability beyond the involvement in a discipline to a degree of any sciences. It always makes to avoid ad hoc and arbitrary to reach to any universal reality. In the sense, it should accompany such crossing over as interdisciplinary.

This certainly would lead to an overall knowledge in ground and beyond the secular to imagine any sciences in context of degree of its need and approach to any type and extent of adjustments. This would grow every individual as scientists of their own to know and integrate any thing about this concave and convex world.

A holistically educated individual can be said enlightened to overthrow any sorrows and despairs of this materialistic world to happiness for nothing being able to inculcate any type and extent of knowledge to realize and indifferently solve the problems by their souls could not be captured by any grief.

In practice, it is a known fact that normally every one seek for a decent work suiting their knowledge by an education in qualification which they seem could be better justified by them for a needed appropriation. This has made every subject discrete in disciplines able to avoid any other subject seeking in interdisciplinary. This has become in customary.

It is the sole cause of a body knowing by something and in scarce for a round of any other discipline. This limited stand of knowledge could not able to acknowledge any constraint and risks surmounting to any heap necessitating their timely treatments in resolutions. This can be said as the major reason behind ever increasing today’s complications in this world.

In conclusion, we in sincerely know this world needs all-rounder to engulf any implication through ever developing attitudes and attributes in knowledge’s of self generation which can meet the demands of any ground stands, physically and mentally, to contribute this world as always in developing phases disregarding the inevitable and prevention from disruptions.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Productive education- an answer to general nostalgias!

Productive education- an answer to general nostalgias!

The home worked matters for productive education can be explained as pointed below: -

1. Need for education identifying the problematic: Why to develop? What to develop? How to develop? When to develop? For whom to develop? The subjective behaviors.

2. Time management: It should have been experienced that when we make a division of time of overall activities in a day providing appropriate times for each we realize more effectiveness than spending much time for one or two of them feeling very burden to ambiguity. As a matter of fact, all works besides general study also need education.

3. Proactive education phasing experimentation: During education we must perform “propping” in experimentation generating the usual proclivities as a self stand near to the approximate subjective.

4. Learning empirically rather than theoretically: A theory when could have empirical stance would make a difference. So, learning in observations and its timely verifications could lead a proper appropriation to knowledge.

5. Personal conscientizations to the theory: A development in psychology through the theory in most agreement to the attached science could lead to the last reality of study.

6. Developing genuine pro-consensus: We must reach to a pro-consensus to the subject in genuine for as an evidence for the consensus would be drawn in reality. It needs a pro-proper command on the subject.

7. Drawing self evidences to different generalizations in theory: It needs self evict to the circumstances with very strong perception and instinct. It would personalize the generalizations through self inductions and deductions leading to self concretizations.

8. Comparison between pro-consensus and consensus in practice: It will be evidence that how far or how near we are driving ourselves in proactively in proportion to the appropriation of conformity.

9. Analyzing and drawing lessons in completion: At last, a thorough analysis to the whole homework could lead to draw very important and significant lessons from the subject to compile in memory for further or other stances.

10. Other necessary regulations.

Marxism needs synergy!

Marxism needs synergy
Always “Marxism” has been in tendency of imagining a new world from neon-revolutions disregarding the pro or post existing scene tics that only counts for very struggled survival leaving no more for nothing so could possibly sentence an always inevitable culture for living from demolishing the liable with a new version of sculpture in hand.

Marxism has been always timely experimentation for a kind of Sociology and an effective sustainable Political economy. It senses for better world with its better living co –modifications to avoid always inevitable vulnerable to mankind and its living and materialistic world. It always suggests end as a beginning with very high paradigms in improvements.

It has always been emerged as most actual powers, but, always said as a very unsuitable as tangent to others in collaboration, more likely, called as sole “leftists” with a different non-visionary and unrealistic inhumane attitudes and attributes which can’t be considered in accompany. So, all in the mood to make them alone with their substantives to collapse at last.

Motto- “a dawn of conflict ion could be overridden through reciprocal conflict ion for the emergence of peace living at the morning”.

A more than a sentimental attachment needs synergy those as front liners in present context globally.

A Divine could be drawn only after erasing the evils.

Every unit should be interested to be intercepted to them as synergy so that they will be empowered in organizations making them feel that they could lead a better world overwhelming all living faculties and non-living matters giving rise to their ever equitable existences.

A neglect ion would in meaning lead to a severe desertification that makes earth not more than a planet.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Green house effect- a boon to life!

Green house effect- a boon to life
Greeneries seem continuity to life. There exists very natural reality behind this as subjected known as green house effect. Here, house meant for incubation for the objective more than a logical as could be called as a sunscreen. An effect of sunlight to its living and nonliving projections on earth in sense of hard (short) wavelengths of UV rays.

As a matter of fact only very short wavelengths can come to near vicinity of earth providing energy for living and hygiene for nonliving aspects. When these rays strike to them a part is been absorbed and the rest of made long wavelengths is reflected back to the atmosphere, which, when come in contact in combinations cause the reactions.

As an effect the short wavelengths absorb much energy level from the greeneries to reflect behind the far contingencies causing weakness in living and existence. A severe effect of charge dissipation in energy form. A more struggle for stability in existence. Much parts being consumed for less evitable causes leaving less to living in genuine.

From long it is been as a more scientific phenomenon in necessity of natural and ever increasing artificial nurseries. It could save high profound energies in collaboration for mankind.

As a process, the long wavelengths of sunlight when reflected from greeneries are been trapped through non- permeable glasses to maintain warmth for the incubated environment for long survival existence.

Thus, a far technical than logical could lead high energy levels for ever increasing need assaults of human and its living and material resources. Should be globally attempted not only in the sense of business but formalizing it as a formula of nice and long living not only by adults, but, as a natural subject to be learned from the very childhood.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ozone layer depletion- a drastic risk for life!

When oxygen molecules in upper atmosphere strike to react with the existing nascent oxygen’s in presence of required quanta of UV rays from sunlight it results an enormous polymers in attachments as ozone layer as a consequence which has covered at almost all of the upper stratosphere. This is evident as a boon for saving lives from dangerous evils of intermittent UV rays.

As a phenomenon as process of ozonolysis, most of the heavy parts of UVs is been absorbed by the ozone layer in the upper stratosphere. The loose parts is been send to earth for absorptions by the living and nonliving aspects which provides energy levels for their survival. Usually, for the process of charge separation in permeability of body surfaces.

With men and their increasing endeavors they are always been in the course of using more and more energies in different forms and formats for their unlimited choices for limited resources revealing unproportionate consumption in ever increasing capitalistic regards causing introductions of inevitable products like CFCs and their different near accompanies without to be regarded environmentally.

This has caused serious and severe pollution levels upto upper atmosphere making contingent intolerable and uncontrollable vigorous chemical combinations in reactions to give rise to ozone layer depletion as a repercussion to serious environmental problems.
As a consequence, all the living and nonliving models and modalities are projected to severe disaster as fatal and deterioration as been spoiled by very high UV strands in acoustics.

Thus, it is very significant alarm to life without which the lives and resources for them could not be saved and conserved in earth which needs a very global attention through its very effective risk assessments in no time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Isomeric number states the success of delocalization!

An energy charge always exists in delocalization for stability until sustaining as a unit (compound), for which, it can be seen going through different “resonating structures” as an extent drive of it through a positron as a positive carrier in an inner circle of electrons cloud. The more the number of them more will be the isomeric number.

It is evident that it would not be better to have much of isomeric numbers because it will make large the time phases of such delocalization which will push the time of such stability. It suggests the more need of rehearsals through a series of resonating structures requiring much time necessity enlarging the transitional phase.

The two resonating structures can be called as isomers of one another having some energy level differences with origin, extent of delocalization and time reference. The later would be more prominent and profound than the other. The resonances vary in atomic number but not in atomic masses which when can merge would reveal the whole compound.

The whole phenomenon involves in changes in positron or electron units in the overall process making over changes in atomic number (number of outer electrons in equivalence to the number of inner positrons). A draw up changes in energy level can nurture to a close atomic number compound.

They exist as nearby clones to draw up to stability in neutrality having difference in energy level in delocalization. A sentenced to the existence of a compound as a unit. Not as competitors but as contenders. Transformations resulting from timely delocalization making the different phase evidences for the success of the delocalization.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Capitalism-a growing inevitable"

As every country is likely to be involved much in free trade through there unlimited production resources to be re tended much in market privatization for quick revenues in more aggregates providing much wealth then goodwill in capturing at almost all exchangers having no senses for others.

This has reduced all entrepreneurship as more likely for maintaining a suitable market whorl.A sense of fear and dis gratitude built in causes in elasticities of demand and income.

Those in very low profiles in trade will certainly be extinct alarming the middle liners with all beneficiaries to the top ones.

A peer for sustainable trade could never exist revealing poorer being growing poor while riches more wealthy there always existing a demarcation for the same originals resulting discrimination's for unlikely conflicts for survival and recognitions.

Fats always have much to such maintain making over leaner ones in deficits.That unnecessary fat has corrupted the minds to growing mentality to conquer rule their lowliness up to their fatal making them struggling for ever extremely up to their existence.A very inhuman psychosis can be called as carnivorous in behavior making them for no loss, many times, leaving nothing for others.

Disregard to the awareness and consciousness for social welfare and justice always thinking for oneself in capturing all rights of others without a single reaction.A growing evil to mankind making over global hard some to live and leave.

A competitive globalization ever increasing.

A severe retardation to go up by besides with full will and power of the low margins as been back forced by the up margins in a tide of competition.

A means of poverty in underdeveloped nations with ever increasing regards for its likely alleviations.

A excess of stratification's in economic, cultural and political backgrounds making over this world only for riches.

No stands and strands of any liberalization.

A conquer through making increase global trade territories.

A sense of unlimited commercialization.

A game of power and attorney.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Feudal to federalism!

Feudal to federalism!
We have gone through the feudal advocacy's up to the federal contenders in compassing the conservative behaviours of having keeps in households and as farm workers as servants to do anything with all assurance for nothing but a mere food for survival conquering all the lands and its productions for nothing as return and in turn hoping for receiving gifts and presents in all of their secured properties and achieved as well.If, being kind a feeble portion of production with mere approach of their own without any consolidations as they being as a pure tenants to serve them any time at any cost.This custom has been changed with the time government reforms to make them lords of their own land which they have been cultivating from a long ago.

They as farmers should have equal rights on their productions as equity returns in affirm to their level of labour commitments which would make their children's to achieve all their rights of education, health and services not leading them to the bad times as their parental ancestors so that they could make their own rights with their own will and power.They should feel themselves as freedom to do anything without any interference as masters of their own.They should prove themselves in all socio-economic, cultural and political bureaues with their self stands to support the national agendas with their own legacies.Of course, this would lead to global humanitarian.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The government sectors with its accompanies would felt short due to increasing push of entrepreneurship's to compete for survival.This makes over necessity to overwhelm inclusive stands of private sectors as synergy for holistic attempt as enterprise.This would lead a compromise in public autonomy by the type of summation(through compensation) of private funding and obligations with overall settlements and re- settlements.

This context can also go beyond the boundaries of a nation involving international curiosities.Can lead to loss of public sovereignty with direct inevitable interferences.A vital subject to globalization.An always recommendable with ever increasing demand.A maintenance of business quanta through fulfilment of organizational whorl.A matter for institutionalization.An economic as well as financial restoration.A unity for ever elasticity to restrict collapse through empowerment.A cross(or anti) conglomeration for a formal deed.An involvement for success of a major project.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Economies in economics!

Economies in economics!
A economic quanta should always be in further stand as;
Economic development--->Economic growth--->Economic progress--->Economic welfare in a cycle of epistemology that could lead up to a consequence as desirable.
Economies as a result of monetary transactions always stand for a level and type of economics which is an evidence of superstructure from an infrastructural through a technique of developed mentality.It reveals an incremental growth through progressive sequences making over socio-economic, cultural and political empowerment and uplifts surmounting to always needed welfare of common peoples.It prepares an industrialized mode of commercialization.Reduces unemployment through increased " capitalism".Could have severe implication of "fatalism" through intolerable levels of competitions.Does not stands similar to all.Can be a major causality for gap between poor and rich through ever increasing discrimination's in stratification's.A major source of dialectics of conflicting functionalism.Could lead a developed underdevelopment.Could welfare rich only.Must be empirical rather in theory.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sex gender and development!

Sex gender and development!
Reciprocal sex(men & women) rely on their degree gender.
It is the socio-economic, cultural and political status revealing their ground position.
It is a indicator of development.
High to such approach reveals high gender and vice-versa.
It would uplift women to the levels of men.
It would make up women in men circles.
Development could be nurtured through defeat to the discriminations.
It would bring up men and women in one line with equal participation to role.
So, should be ever recommendable.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

(WTO)-between losing and winning nations!

(WTO)-between losing and winning nations!
WTO always tends for managing and compensating winning to the losing contemporaries through these three guidelines as;

1. As one and only one alternative to go by the WTO requirements,

2. Paying compensations to the winning nations, &

3. Setting trade-off negotiations to WTO.

These three points has set very strict regulations to the losing countries with much comfort zones to the winning ones.

There exists a capture on free-trade by the next resulting debt-crisis for the former.

Thus, Poor countries are going more poor while rich ones are drawing more and more beneficiaries revealing a severe global context.

(SFFT)-mode of environment!

(SFFT)-mode of environment!

An environment can be defined by the four terms as;

1. Space: Local, regional, national and international territorial notations.

2. Factor: Ecological, economic, social, cultural, political, physical, historical, legal and others.

3. Force: Technological, economical, financial, human resource, regulations and policy, government, competition, entrepreneurship and others, &

4. Time: Time respect definitions of the above three elements.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Induction, Deduction and Generalization!

Induction, Deduction and Generalization!
Nurtured in a bulk by screening one best and realized empirically.
Presenting evidence of a theory.
Data basic actualization.
Senses to direct survey.
Making context cognitive.
Can't be neglected up to absolution.
At almost universal.
Posing more reliability.
A mass connection.
Up to real aftermath.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Workforce Diversity!

Workforce Diversity!
A "young" loses commitment but an "old" does temperament.

Impatient to time doing.

Impulsive to sensible.

Aggressive to peace loving.

Quick output to high security.

Working to workaholic.

Indulge of views to the guidelines.

Modern to traditional.

Innovative to conservative.

Motivated to deliberate.

Conflictive to calm.

Risk to safe orientations.


A personal cognition.

Saying "me" to the context.

An initial case of decision making process.

A means of "pronunciation".

Accommodation passing by.

Surveillance's as a host.

Analysing and optimizing oneself.

Encoding with personal assertions.

As preparing for a decode.

Resulting liable consequences.

Hierachy Vs Stratification!

Hierachy Vs Stratification!
A regular "instantaneous" slot of positioning to a discriminative "vertical" stand.

An evidence of "functional performance" to "power to function".

An internal cease of conflict to a external violating severe mode of conflict.

A sign of equal bases but unequal caliber to disparity in authority.

A simple administration to inequality through sex, age, ethnicity, background, religion, power, position and region.

An always acceptable to inevitable.

A logical to empirical.

Post modernism Vs Eurocentric!

Post modernism Vs Eurocentric
Pro to post "Americanism" and the"European" companion.

The next regarded as the first and foremost origin of human civilization.

"Americanism" tends to deceive the claim.

A shift as all to the next is in reality.

A next evolution with high nurture of modernism.

A flat of mind with mental extravagances.

Needs a slot mind of control.

Inevitably surmounting to global social landscapes.

A ever increasing symptom.

A matter of maximum curiosity.

An evidence of "globalization".


Integration of ecology, economy and politics in an international order.

A cognitive standardization.

Pro-settlements towards post reconciliations.

A cycle of improving stereotypes.

Counterbalance of subjected risks with timely re solvency.

A most prominent and profound content for a local context.

Going beyond the boundaries.

Shifts from underpinning technologies.

A balance of reclamation.

A global peer for a most crucial implication.
