Did you know that number one reason new college students drop out of school in their first year, is because they don't feel like they belong? Your desire to make friends in college is often underestimated by adults. That you want to make friends in college is very important.
Every person is different, knows different things, acts differently, does different things, and you wonder how we all get along? Well, some of us do get along with everyone; some people don't get along with many people. Some people need encouragement and some people need advice and some people need compliments.
Although your new environment may be intimidating, don't fret - there are plenty of opportunities for making new friends! Here are a few tips for making new friends I've gathered from my first week of college that will hopefully make your transition to college a bit easier!
One of the key points to remember when making real friends is being real. An authentic person can sustain a relationship whether it is a friendly, work or romantic relationship. People that pretend to be someone they are not will eventually turn into their real selves and you will probably lose interest.
Review Your College Website. The absolute first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with your college website as to what's happening on campus. Look at the various student clubs and organizations and try to find one or more that interests you.
Another way to make friends in college is to strategically make friends with people who I call "social connectors". A social connector is someone who is very well connected with other people. They know just about everybody. They are just friendly with everyone.
Keep in Touch once you've met someone for the first time; make an effort to hang out with them the next day or later that afternoon. Go to a dining hall together to get dinner, explore the campus, and hang out in your dorm room. The more effort you put in to keeping in touch, the more likely that they will do the same in the future.
Keep Your Door Open - Your room and you yourself are a lot more accessible and easy to talk to if you keep your dorm room door open. This gesture is kind of like saying, "Hey, I'm open to talk if you want. Feel free to pop in and say hi."
Introduce yourself to your class and/or your dormitory where you are staying on campus. Show up early for orientation. Make sure that you attend parties, sports events and special gatherings where people socialize. Remain open to new cultures, ideas and values.
Get Involved but Not Too Involved - If you're constantly involved in lots of activities like organizations, study groups, clubs or what have you, and are meeting lots and lots of people don't be surprised if you haven't found the closer type of friendships that you desire.
Join a Fraternity or Sorority. The Greek Life! Joining a fraternity or sorority is a great way to make new friends, have a support structure for academics, and get involved with campus activities, community service and leadership opportunities.
The key to getting good, true friends is to be the kind of person others want as their good, true friend. When you do that, a connection will be made that will not get broken. A good friendship based on honesty will last.
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