There used to be a time when many people stayed in one job for the majority of their working life. These days, it's a very different story. Most people are likely to move around when it comes to their career now, either switching between a few different professions to see which best suit them, or moving to new companies within the same sector in the hope of climbing the ladder. While this can be a great thing for many workers, offering them the chance to try new things and advance their career, it can have some side effects.
For example, it's far harder to retain the friends you make it the workplace when you end up at another job several miles away. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Even if you let your relationship drift initially - after all you are likely to find you have a lot of things to take care of when moving to a new job - it is still possible to reconnect with and maintain a relationship with old work colleagues. The wonders of modern technology make it easy to keep shooting the breeze, even if you aren't working nearby.
While you may not be able to share gossip over the water cooler anymore, you could find yourself enjoying the same kind of atmosphere online. With the help of forums, instant messaging and even social networking, you can make connections with the people you used to once be able to see every day. What's more, finding your old work mates online could be easier than you think.
With the help of a website dedicated to helping people get back in touch with people they care about, you could soon to be chatting to the folks you thought had been left behind. Simple details such as the place you worked together, the amount of time you worked there and when, and the names of your old colleagues can be all you need to start finding your old work friends online.
Once you've made your connection, it should be easy for you to continue to stay in touch - no matter where your careers take you in the future. Find people you shared your working life with and you could find that not only is it great to catch up, but you each could now have the kind of experience and contacts that make it possible for you to help each other continue to further your careers.
Isla Campbell writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
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