Giving your time to a good cause benefits everyone -- plus you will feel more energized and centered.
By Family Time
Most of us are so busy, just the idea of volunteering our time is exhausting! But once you decide to take the plunge, you won't be disappointed.
Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the community, to meet new people and to learn about local and broader issues. Start with a small commitment; most likely it will grow as you become more involved.
Getting Started
Look at your schedule and decide how much time you can spare. Ask yourself what you like to do and what you are good at.
Volunteering is a good way to learn something new and to challenge you. It is also an opportunity to put your special talents and skills to work.
Do you prefer working with adults, children, or animals? Perhaps you are more interested in governing boards and policy decisions. Do you dream of working outdoors? Do you want to help the environment? Are you interested in a health issue?
If your children are in school, consider volunteering at the school. You could tutor, work in the library, volunteer in the office, or work on a special event.
Check the bulletin board at the public library for ideas. Look in the paper and even in the Yellow Pages. Think about established organizations that might need volunteers, such as the Boys or Girls Club, Keep America Beautiful, The American Cancer Society, the Audubon Society, the local nature center, food bank, or hospital.
To get your feet wet, volunteer to work on a fund-raising event for an organization. It's a good way to learn if you want to get more involved.
Making Volunteering a Family Affair
Find a way to get the entire family interested. Volunteering teaches kids about helping others and about conditions that exist outside of their home. They are never too young for these lessons.
Ask your children what interests them. They might like to help at the local nature center, participate in an environmental clean-up, work at the animal shelter, or take part in fund-raising road races.
Even volunteering now and then instills in children the desire to help and to join.
Feeling Good
Volunteering puts life into perspective. Trivial problems lose significance, and the good things in our daily lives take on a new shine.
When we extend ourselves beyond our homes and offices, we meet all sorts of people. This broadens our horizons and makes life more interesting. You learn new things every step of the way.
Take Care of Yourself First
First-time volunteers can be unrealistic, which can lead to over-extension. Remember to save time for your family, friends, and work.
If you overdo, you run the risk of fatigue and burn-out. By taking care of yourself, you will preserve your energy and resources for others -- and that's what it is all about.
Just as you voluntarily signed up for a committee or organization, you can cut back or quit. Try not to leave anyone in the lurch, but don't do anything you no longer have the time and energy for. You can always sign up again!
Keep Expectations Realistic
You may want to jump into a project or group with all your enthusiasm but it’s usually a good idea to start slow. Be realistic about your time commitments and your energy. As you become more involved there will be ample opportunity to take on more responsibilities.
Be prepared to see the rest of your life gain some new perspective. Trivial problems lose significance, and the good things in our daily lives take on a re-energized shine when we give of our time and ourselves.
When we extend ourselves beyond our homes and offices, we meet all sorts of people. This broadens our horizons and makes life more interesting. You learn new things every step of the way about life and about yourself.
What could be better?
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