What are things you usually do in your spare time? Watching TV, playing computer games, or going shopping? No matter what you do, you can spend your spare time doing everything you like, well, things permitted by law. However, if you can take some time to study and improve yourself, you may feel a fulfilling life and benefit from it in the future.
Actually occasionally making improvements can be achievable easily for many people, and if you can strive for it, it will help in separating the winners from losers. There are many areas that you can spend your time to improve, such as career, relationships, learning new things and skills, finances, emotional or mental, and spiritual.
If you are willing to improve yourself, but you don’t know where to start, you can try the list below.
? Take a day out of your work, and stay with yourself in a quiet and peaceful environment that allows you to think deeply.
? Motivate yourself. Believer you can become the one you want to be.
? Set short-term and long-term goals, and develop a support system that can make sure you won’t give up easily.
After that, you can start.
1. Finish your work in a good mood.
You can make your work a game. You can make a game out of anything. See how many widgets you can crank in 10 minutes. Pretend that your coworkers are evil villains.
And you can also brainstorm some ideas for a project of your work. You can also consider it as a few minutes’ break from work. Whatever you’ve got coming up in your work or personal life, you can benefit from it. By the way, it won’t cost too much time in your work.
2. Organize your living and working place.
Take a glance around your work place, and see what you need and don’t need. You can ask yourself; Does that really need to be there? How can I simplify this?”
3. Educate yourself, or improve your skills.
You can take some courses, or just improve your knowledge online in any area you are interested in-no matter it is related to your work or not. Be your own college instructor. Wikipedia is a great place to start, but if you’re going to have a specialized knowledge in anything, branch out from there.
You can also choose a skill that needs sharpening, and challenge yourself to get better at it. By perfecting your skills, you can further your career, get a new jov, or just become self-employed. Or only you can have the satisfaction of knowing you’re the best you can be at that skill.
4. Write a blog post, or study notes.
Write a blog post to review your life or your view about things happened. And you can also start to write a novel in your blog, or make your own study notes, which will also help the readers to study.
5. Update your personal finances.
There are many online solutions you can apply to track your finances. They will help to make your financial system simple and easily tracking. You can do it once a week or so, so that you can avoid overspending.
If you don’t have the habit of making your personal financial plan, you’d better start it right now. It is a good thing to take responsibility of your life.
6. Do some exercise?
It will never cost too much time. 10 minute is enough to get off some pushups and crunches. Do that 2-3 times a day, and you’ve got a fit new you.
Take a walk to stretch your legs, and it gets your creative juices flowing. If you’re ever stuck for ideas, taking a walk is a good way to get unstuck.
There are many other things that you can do to improve yourself and your life. You will get more information through books and internet.
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