The primary goal of agricultural sustainable development is to maintain stable growth of agricultural productivity, improve food yields and ensuring food security; secondly, is to protect and improve the ecological environment and utilize the natural resources reasonably and sustainable that meets the needs of the people's living and the national economy development.
The goals of agricultural sustainable development have contained three aspects:
sustainability of rural economy,
ecological sustainability, and
the sustainable development of society.
The most significant of agricultural sustainable development is beneficial to harmonize the relationship between the agricultural development and environmental conservation preferably. Pay more attention to the natural resources protection and environmental protection should be while economic developing, so that natural resources and environment may be able to sustain agricultural development. Meanwhile, promote effective protection of natural resources and environment by means of agricultural development. It is necessary to combine natural resources with the development, use and protection of environment organically. Another meaning is beneficial to reconsider the fundamental position and the importance of agriculture, and also is beneficial to adjust agricultural developing strategies and development direction in view of specific conditions so that using natural environment reasonably and facilitating sustained development of agriculture.
The Basic Conception of Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture is the foundation of protection and management the natural resources, perfecting agricultural technical measures and adjusting the direction of mechanisms assure that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. For this reason, sustainable agriculture is one that, over the long term, protects and safeguards lands, water resource and as well as plant and animal resources, which does not lead to environmental degradation; at the same time, sustainable agriculture is technically proper and feasible and economically vibrant can be widely accepted by the communities.
Agriculture and Sustainable Development of Rural Areas
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development or SARD:
Putting natural resources and the environment to rational use and protect, simultaneously, carrying out the reform of rural economic system and technical renovation in order to produce enough food and fibres that meet the demands for food production of the present generation and future generations for stimulating agricultural and rural all-around development.
There are three strategic objectives of SARD:
1. The first goal is to solve the subsistence problem.
2. The goal is to promote the rural integrated development for getting rich.
3. The goal of sustainability and beneficial cycle for protecting natural resources and environment.
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