International development cooperation is a very important aspect in this twenty first century. Since the past two decades, there have been developments in various sectors of different nations. These include developments in transport technology and information communications. There has been great rise in globalization since the beginning of the twenty first century.
There is great movement of information sectors across borders of nations and great interdependence between nations worldwide. International cooperation has had developments and benefits to people worldwide. The major aim of international cooperation for development is to see to it that there is progress in needy nations. However it is evident that international cooperation for development has not been very successful. This paper basically suggests policy reforms towards international cooperation for development.
Research reveals that international organizations have in the past conducted development assistance to nations using their own ways. This is however no longer effective since there is quite inadequate coordination. This is the coordination between programs in the international organizations and the individual projects. The other major reason as to why they have been ineffective is due to poor capacity on the part of the recipients of aid to actually take in the assistance. A good example is
Research carried out in the year two thousand and seven indicates that sector wide approach has been proposed especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa. This is whereby both the multi-lateral and the bilateral agencies carry out the overall formulation of programs in specific individual sectors.
After the developmental programs are formulated, they are then executed. Examples of these sectors include education and health. This in most cases is carried out in alliance with the needy nations or rather the nations that are to receive the aid. Research also reveals that some nations are not in favor of this program. This includes
Policy reforms towards international cooperation for development are very necessary. This is in political management. In order to attain the overall results, it is very important that there be implementation of sound management especially of the economic policies therein. Research also reveals that there is so much delay in the implementation of the policies. This is clearly illustrated in the existing current account deficits which actually depict arrogance in the whole scenario. It is therefore very important that reforms be made in accordance to policy management.
One of the major reforms that are needed in international cooperation for development is self controlled analysis. Reforms have to be carried out in this sector to ensure that the policies formulated are being effectively implemented. This is because previous years indicate that while there has been quite a lot of policy formulation, there has been no self-controlled analysis in this sector. This is in relation to the overall policy management of the integral issues in international cooperation for development.
Reforms also need to be made such that there is overall analysis of the maximum capabilities on the ground. This is because research indicates that in the past, this has not been merged with the policy management and formulation.
To ensure international promotion is promoted, it is very important for the stakeholders to actually reform their attitudes. This is through maximum recognition of the significance by these stakeholders of this noble venture. Another aspect is actually going by the laid down principles of international cooperation. For instance, Japanese stakeholders need to maintain the right attitude in their involvement in international cooperation issues. The involvement is not just enough, but they need to actively get involved. The Japanese stakeholders need to change their attitude completely in order to have maximum results.
Reforms are also necessary in developing international cooperation development like its technical assistance.
This will greatly improve the capability of the recipient nations to make good use of the assistance. Looking at overall implementation of technical assistance, the reforms need to aim at the available needs in recipient regions or nations. It is also very important that necessary structures for technical assistance be set up in international cooperation for development.
This can be carried out through ensuring that their officials make good use of their knowledge. This is also to ensure that their skills are maximally used. This can automatically help in helping recipient regions or countries. Other reforms that are necessary are in relation to the support measures that have to be incorporated in the whole exercise.
It is very important that a reliable database of experts be put in place who knows how to speak foreign languages. This has to be carried out in
To ensure that international cooperation for development is a success, there needs to be education of officials in the recipient regions or nations. The necessary materials required for implementation need to be incorporated in order to achieve maximum success. The other reason as to why reforms are needed is because there is great underestimation of the great danger that lies in capital markets.
Research carried out by many scholars in relation to this issue reveals that the financial market cannot be liberalized before trade. It is therefore very important that domestic markets gain the liberalization first. This has to be done and then the external sector be liberalized in order to enhance effectiveness of international cooperation for development.
It is very clear that the current strategies in international cooperation for development are not quite effective. It is therefore important that reforms be implemented to enable recipient nations to benefit. One of the major reforms that have to be implemented is in relation to market speculation.
It is very evident that financial markets are greatly linked together. Considering the system of market economy and worldwide diffusion, it is very important that the financial system internationally should be greatly re-examined. This is to ensure that there are no loopholes therein. It is also very essential that a safety net in international levels be established so that the available crises do not go overboard.
Sector-wide approach has been recently used in relation to international development. In this case, donors, governments and all the stakeholders are brought together. There are various principles that are set in order to operate the policies available. This works towards broadening of the policy dialogs in relation to international cooperation for development.
Reforms are very essential because they will play a big role towards the stability of the international community. There needs to be great movement in international cooperation by means of alliances. This is through the alliances with essential entities like United Nations. This should also be done in relation to other international organizations. It is very important that good governance be implemented in relation to international cooperation because it plays a big role towards global development.
So much has been carried out in international cooperation development since the twenty first century. It is however quite evident that these efforts have not been quite effective due to various reasons. One of the reasons is that there is quite inadequate coordination between programs in the global organizations and the individual projects in beneficiary nations or regions. It is also evident that recipient regions or nations have poor capabilities of absorbing the assistance. It is therefore very essential that reforms be carried out in relation to international cooperation for development in order to achieve optimum results. One of them is that there has to be adequate implementation of sound management especially of the economic policies therein. Reforms are quite essential in developing international cooperation development in accordance to its technical assistance. This will significantly improve the potential of the recipient nations to make excellent use of the support. All in all well calculated reforms will play a big role in achievement of goals in international cooperation.
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