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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Affirmative Actions lead to the facets of controversies!

Affirmative Actions lead to the facets of controversies!


For many years, there has been controversy regarding affirmative action in America. Even today, affirmative action still creates intense debate in the public domain. Some proponents of affirmative action point out to the representative importance which affirmative action as brought about, while others note the conflict created by affirmative action in of limited resources such as job opportunities that have to be competed by different groups. As Helms (2003) clearly observes, proponents of affirmative action see it as an acid test of America’s commitment to upholding racial and social justice, while the opponents of affirmative action view it as deplorable contravention of equally opportunity principles. To further explore these varying viewpoints different studies have been carried out by various scholars to try and explain the issue or find some clarity. This research paper is going to examine a number of past empirical studies carried out on the subject of affirmation action. The paper will proceed along this course: Affirmative action will be defined for the purpose of academic clarity, different findings from previous studies will be discussed in length, and research methods used in his finding will be highlighted. In addition, various theories or hypothesis will be underscored and finally, a conclusion will be given to sum up the paper.

Affirmative action

The phrase affirmative action elicits various meanings, some of them are; campaign to widen the grouping of suitable people to include in special groups; compensatory education aimed at upgrading the grades of these special groups; time lines to assess progress of uplifting /upgrading these groups; actual quotas given to these groups or preferential treatment. Affirmative action came up as a result of legislations, executive decrees, and court orders or even planned action by major companies.

Including discussion of the authors’ findings

To have a good understanding of affirmative action, it is worthwhile that we take a detailed review on some of previous studies carried out by different authors regarding varying aspects and impacts and outcomes of affirmative action.

Creating equality

Affirmative action remains important in creating equality, as citizens of one nation, it is important that equality should be cultivated. (Helm, 2003) The best equality is economic equality. Thus, it follows that each individual has a morally obligation to make the society a better place to live in. Many feel that the only solution is affirmative action. Ultimately if affirmative action is not taken, there will be group in the society with an increased proportion of jobless, poorly educated people and socially unequal. The question asked is: should affirmative action then be used to try and balance these inequalities? To many the answer is yes as it beings equality in the society. This viewpoint is supported by a study carried out by Helms (2003) which found out that, the number of blacks in managerial positions have doubled when affirmative action was introduced, at the same time the number of blacks in the police force also have highly increased basically due to affirmative action program. (Helms, 2003) Thus affirmative action remains a way of improving the status of those who are not privileged (Helm, 2003).

Affirmative action is Inefficient

Tyler, (2004) in his study to establish how effective affirmative was particularly in setting of employment quotas; Established that, many people who do not support affirmative action see the affirmative action program as not effective and should be down away with. They add that the only effective way of hiring workers in a company is through qualification and the only effective way of admitting students to colleges is through merit. This is what should be used instead of resorting to affirmative action which is ineffective (Tyler, 2004). However, the participants who support affirmative action program argued that, affirmative action was aimed in helping those who were persecuted in the past. Tyler (2004) concluded that in the real sense such programs are known to harm the very people who are supposed to benefit from the program. For example, many American will refuse to visit a black under the assumption that the doctor was admitted to college and to the current position he has through affirmative action or through “special preferences” (Tyler, 2004). This is also being observed in other professional and it is hurting the minorities who are supposed to be benefiting from the same action. The unfortunate part is that even those professional who have qualified without benefiting from affirmative action also are shunned because of the stereotype that has been created by the affirmative action. (Tyler, 2004)

Affirmative action is unjust

In a study carried out by Gryphon (2005) to find out if affirmative action brings justice or not, he revealed that, when an individual is denied employment or an admission to enter college because of affirmative action program, then the affirmative program can be termed as unfair. This somehow becomes unclear, since it is not clear what should then be considered as being just. The system remains indeed with unsolved issue of what is fair to be done. In fact different people supporting different sides will give different arguments. For, Gryphon (2005) affirmative action is not fair since it appears to replace professional or academic qualifications with racial inclinations. Others see it as unfair since it judges the qualification of an applicant on the basis of belonging to certain group instead of looking at the credentials of the individual. Many participants in this study of Gryphon (2005) alleged that, affirmative action is a new way of discrimination, and any form of discrimination that is based of any attribute such as race or gender, by definition is not fair and should not be practiced.

Research methods

The previous studies this paper as reviewed were carried out using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. In a number studies researchers as well included secondary research methods where previous findings were incorporated. In qualitative research, the methods used to get information were through interviewing and through questionnaires, which were designed to get specific information from the respondents regarding specific information on affirmative action.

Hypotheses and theories

In carrying out their studies, different researchers used formulated different hypotheses to guide their studies. For example Nacoste (1985) formulated the following hypothesis; affirmative action enhances inclusion and diversity in tackling common societal discrimination. In another study carried out by Tyler (2004) who sought to know the effects of affirmative action on the society. He formulated the hypothesis that affirmative is good for the society and it is ethical to practices. To further expound this point we shall examine some and theories.

Affirmative action is ethical

Tyler (2004) states that, it is inaccurate and misleading to claim that affirmative action is unethical and that it only cares for the people on the basis of race or that affirmative action embraces selection of persons who are not well qualified. Affirmative action does not encourage this and it is just the wrong interpretation. Yet, race is simply one aspect that affirmative action is taking care of. Tyler, (2004) adds that, affirmative action remains ethical and fair because the program plays an important role in assisting to dismantle the unjust system of racial disadvantage that unfortunately is still present in the United States even today. (Tyler, 2004)

Affirmative action create equality

Many others argue that affirmative action is creates equality in the society. Proponents of affirmative action feel that affirmative action will create some equality in the society and balance by crafting means where the minorities can also benefit. As Helms (2003) points out, the common good comprises basically in making sure that the social systems, social policies, and the environment as a whole in which we live should be used to benefit all. Those as members of one society it will be unjust one group to prosper while another groups remains behind. For the purpose of common good it is therefore important that the community resources be made in way that they can also benefit those who are minorities.


Affirmative action remains controversial and will continue to draw different arguments depending on which side one. Different studies have been carried out on affirmative action, and different authors have made different conclusion. To some Affirmative action is just another way of discrimination that should not be allowed to happen in America as one can not correct a wrong with another wrong. To those who support affirmative action view the program as the only way of correcting and uplifting those who were left behind economical and social. Thus, it remains to be said that the issue of affirmative action will continue to be debatable depending on which view point one is taking.


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