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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wondering at How Online Education can pass off as Adult Education!

Wondering at How Online Education can pass off as Adult Education!

Today’s education landscape is changing as fast as in a blink of eyes. It is no longer divided into two different directions – classical education and online education. They rather serve as complementary building blocks of the modern education picture. The volume of output from an organization’s workforce depends on the work force’s knowledge-based profession education and skill-based professional experience. Mere experience minus required knowledge and requisite holds no importance in the corporate world where fast thinkers and quick decision makers gain recognition. It has led to the harmony of professional education and adult education.

Professional education and adult education have become synonymous with online education, a result of the revolutionary scenario of global education. Adult education is recognition of education via online. It holds ground for students and employers alike. Prospective and responsible job profiles are promised to those employees who are determined to head their organizations towards progress through their own professional uplifting by means of online education.

It is no wrong to refer to online education as adult education as majority of working adults opt for this alternative education to complement, update and enrich their professional knowledge. Here lies the relevance and significance of online degrees for the present as well as future generation. A departure from traditional schooling, online education has witnessed a pickup in the internet-based teaching methods and the development of highly practical challenging courses that were beyond imagination a few years back.

Online education is backed up with dynamic environment and e-media content. The pursuers of advanced online degrees are supplied with varied study materials in various e-media formats. Though lacking in the classroom atmosphere, it aims at polishing the skills of adult working individuals. Judged on the standards of focused, practical and flexible study programs, online education is the best alternative to adult education. Two forms of online education are there – degree programs and continuing education. Software training, computer programming and medical courses are categorized under continuing education.

Continuing education an advanced term for adult education finds its objective in educating fresh individuals and updating experienced professionals in order to sharpen their competitive edges. Degree focused programs include certificate, diploma, bachelor, master and PhD. The leading colleges and universities across the globe have given a run to degree-oriented online education. Its popularity as adult education for knowledge enrichment and skill enhancement is on the rise among the working population. It has given rise to the endless career possibilities and opportunities.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Role of the Community in Preventing Youth Crime!

The Role of the Community in Preventing Youth Crime!

In recent years crime rate has been increased in double and most of the violent events are committed by youths than the adult offender. Nowadays juvenile violent behaviors became one of the global issues and tough measures initiated in national level all over the world like increasing the range of penalty for the youth who committed violent activity, strict procedures for school safety and so on. The traditional alternatives for this problem are separate unit of police department to target school areas and youth groups wherever youngsters get together, very strict ruling and judgments and finally high penalties 1.

Many researchers and psychologists working to identify the root cause of the juvenile violent behavior but they not able to provide definite causes for this fact. Public health researchers and social welfare units continues the analysis to identify the environment and agents of the youth violence. This analysis resulted about what kind of people involving in these violent activities, at what environment and at what time. And these type of results very helpful to elaborate the search of solution for the youth crime act. Hence it is a public health issue which should not be a puzzle to prevent it 1.

The role of communities in the youth environment is very important. Their relationship with the fellowmen in their community impacts the activities, aspirations and interests of young people. The influence of community has a power to change the mind and behavior of youths. The main factor is community can create opportunities for a youngster to take leadership and it will prevent the disengagement. Youths get a better platform to actively involve in local services. It is responsible of the communities to make them realize the importance of their contribution in the particular community and their participation in social activities. To attain that, communities should be responsive enough to the requirements of the youths and youths should be treated with good respect 2. The achievements and success of the youngster must be recognized by their communities to create a positive relationship with them. Teen centers, pools, skateboard parks and arenas are the best places for the youngster to get engage. Inspiring communities increases the aspiration of young peoples. They need support for their effort especially in the situation of depression, anger, and confusion, because at that stage youngster easily get induced to do immoral and violent activities. And those youngsters are said to be a youth at-risk 2.

Community recreational services are like rescue hand to the youths at risk because youngster without engagements in recreational involvement are at high risk for criminal behavior.

Saturday, June 26, 2010





Thursday, June 24, 2010

Advantage of Getting Best Online Special Education Resource!

Advantage of Getting Best Online Special Education Resource!

Special children need special attention due to their less mental and physical abilities. These special children need special care and thus, their needs should never be ignored thinking about their disabilities. For, there are some special children that might be only physically disabled but not mentally. Such children are very much talented and with the special education courses, they might get groomed well.

For this purpose, it is very beneficial to get the best online special education resource for the special children around you and your family. Getting the best online special education resource gives you lots of advantages that can be seen as given below:

· Online special education resource not only provides the best online special education to the special children, but also to their parents to a very higher extent, which trains and guides them the techniques to handle their special children with special care and ways.

· The best online special education resource helps the special children to get trained well for their life, which is not possible through the regular education schools because of many vital reasons. The best online special education resource helps the special children to get the best education with the best techniques.

· As some special children are mentally incapable, their education techniques are bound to be in a different and special manner. And so the best online special education resource that has the best techniques to provide the special education to the special children, dependent on their mental and physical capacity, such that they can learn something with great eases and comfort.

· The best online special education resource can be used at any place and any time, without any barriers, and that too by anybody. The best online special education resource gives the higher flexibility, wherein you can use them anywhere and at any time, for which you do not have to know the techniques or experienced ways to handling it. Any person, who has never even known the way to teach the special children, can use the best online special education resource to educate the special children very efficiently. The best online special education resource is so efficient and effectively designed in such a way that any person can use it to educate the special children.

· The best online special education resource helps you save lot of time and money, as you need not have the complete syllabus on paper, but only online, from which you can easily have the special educated with the best online special education resource.

· The best online special education resource includes various parameters, through which the distribution of the complete syllabus is done on the basis of the age of the special children, the degree of their disability and also the nature of their disability.

It is thus very advantageous getting best online special education resource for the special children, as the benefits that the special children would get with this technique are very substantial. Also, with the best online special education resource, the special children get the confidence in themselves to lead a very independent and strong life in the society.

Get more information about getting best online special education resource to educate the special children around you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010










Monday, June 21, 2010

Taking Degree Courses Online and Enjoying Unsurpassed Freedom of Learning!

Taking Degree Courses Online and Enjoying Unsurpassed Freedom of Learning!

The great advances in Internet technology encouraged many universities and colleges to offer courses online for students and professionals who find traditional learning too restrictive. Even the most prestigious universities are now conferring higher learning credits through online methods of learning. Although some online colleges have limited course offerings, you will still have plenty of opportunities to finish your associate, bachelors, and Masters degrees. In fact, you can also get your PhD through online education. This is the reason why Internet based universities can offer greater leeway and unparalleled freedom of learning for you.

The level of education that you can receive today is unlimited. There are several options available for you as long as you are willing to invest time and effort to finish your courses online. Online universities and colleges can offer the right courses for you whether it is your first time to get a college education or a returning student wanting to get new degrees. Traditional colleges and universities have distance education programs that might be suitable for your lifestyles and schedules. This means that you can still earn your university diploma without leaving your full time job. You can study during weekends or at night after your office job. The flexibility provided by online colleges and universities will enable you to boost your career prospects without neglecting family and professional duties.

On the other hand, even if you are not seeking new degrees, you can still widen your educational horizons by taking special courses online. You can take crash courses or certificate course on a special field of specialization. Such special trainings and education will definitely look good on your resume and will further boost your professional expertise. It is very easy to take highly specialized courses from online institutions. The lessons are delivered through self-directed educational modules. The online college will provide you with different course modules and you will be given access to the virtual classrooms where you can interact with online instructors. So without leaving your home, you will still get the special education you need to earn your certificate or diploma.

But you should never underestimate the modalities of online education. Getting your degrees from an Internet based institution or college requires plenty of dedication and stronger discipline. You need to face the fact that courses online are specifically designed for people who can handle self-directed studies. You need to read a lot and pay attention to the virtual instructions. You can get the best aspects of online learning if you are willing to forget personal distractions at home. When it is time for your studies, you have to take them seriously so you can pass all the requirements and get your new degree or diploma.

Taking courses online is the best method to get new degrees. Online education also opens new opportunities for you to expand your learning experience. You can enhance your competencies by simply taking online trainings and special courses. These additional educational achievements will substantially improve your career prospects and will definitely boost your earning potential.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Student Loan Modifications Can Provide Affordable Payments!

Student Loan Modifications Can Provide Affordable Payments!

While a student is enrolled in school, their student loans can quickly accumulate into the tens of thousands. Once their education has been completed, the monthly payments can often be burdensome. However, by using a student loan modification, borrowers can reduce their student loan payments to make them more affordable.

Lack of Employment

A graduating student may not always find a job right away. Although there is normally a 6 month deferment period, the looming student loan payment can cause a lot of stress to an unemployed individual.

Even when students find a job, it is typically an entry-level position and does not offer the highest rate of pay. This can lead to a stressful life that involves a constant juggling act in deciding which bills are going to be paid one month and which ones will be skipped another month.

Changing Circumstances

Sometimes former students can manage their student loan payments until they face changing circumstances. For instance, a borrower may find their hours reduced, they can laid-off, fired or have other extenuating conditions. In this type of situation, a borrower would need to have a student loan modification in order to make ends meet.

Returning to School

Many students will work for a year or two and then decide to return to school to obtain a higher degree. This is usually the result of an employer-paid education programs that make it free to go to school. Yet, even when this occurs, the current student loan payments can become overwhelming when the borrower is working fewer hours in order to attend school.

How It Works

A student loan modification can result in a temporary extended deferment period, extended repayment period, an interest rate reduction or forbearance. This affords the borrower the ability to carry out their financial obligations to their student loan company, while also being able to manage their finances better. A student loan modification provides a viable alternative to delinquency and negative credit reporting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Innovation in Education in India!

Innovation in Education in India!
Are you looking forward to get admission into the best senior secondary school in Delhi? Are you concerned about your child’s learning ability and want him/her to be in a good school? If your response to both these questions is yes, then Presidium is the ultimate solution for all your needs of education of your kids. With the philosophy of “Be what you want to be”, the school ensures an open and free learning environment for its students. More so, students are made to learn newer things in the life to become a good individual with proper knowledge and manner.
Being among the best senior secondary school in Delhi, Presidium encourages the students to explore within and without. The school guides students to learn by doing. More so, only few schools would stress on the all-round development of a child's personality and Presidium is certainly one of them. With a robust and apt infrastructure, the school is able to deliver the best possible results through overall growth and skill development of its students.
Children here are given every possible opportunity to grow and learn as per their needs. With an open and free ambience of learning, students show more enthusiasm towards learning and excel in their respected areas. The building of Presidium includes every possible facility for the children. The school is centrally air conditioned and ensures that students remain amid the ultimate comfort and joy while learning the vital lessons of life.
The school has been built spaciously with designing done in a tasteful manner. The striking setting of Presidium campus gives it the feel of warmth. These apart, Presidium works to bring total change in the outlook of students. It works with the aim of transforming the lives of students so that they could learn the best possible lessons in life and excel.
For its infrastructure and approach, Presidium is ranked among the best senior secondary school in Delhi. It has been giving excellent results in terms of skill development and learning. In its infrastructure, the classrooms have been spaciously built with some of the most comfortable round edged furniture. More so, students’ comfort is given the utmost priority at the school.
Smart board is a norm with each classroom to enable the teachers to have interactive sessions with her students. Wi-fi connectivity is also there with each smart board so that children can learn and gain information freely. The teachers work with the approach of instilling the best possible knowledge into students, thus they go beyond the text books to add to the knowledge of the children. For more information visit here:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Helping to take the drudgery out of marking!

Helping to take the drudgery out of marketing!

Modern day teaching can be extremely demanding. Teachers will therefore always welcome ways of helping them in their efforts to inspire and encourage pupils. In primary schools, targeted use of school stickers and rubber stamps has been found to be of enormous benefit when marking pupils’ work.

Assessing the written and creative efforts of pupils is one of the most important and demanding, yet under-appreciated, tasks regularly undertaken by teachers. Feedback and positive encouragement are of course vital for a child’s educational development, and teachers will therefore spend much of their time trying to respond to pupils’ efforts with meaningful written comments that provide a mixture of firm guidance and positive reinforcement.

Providing insightful feedback in this manner however can be extremely wearing, particularly when many teachers find themselves having to devote time to marking work in the evenings and at weekends. A good teacher will always try to avoid reducing his or her comments to that of a cliché; pupils can be sensitive to over-generalized statements and will certainly be fewer incentives by such formulaic pronouncements.

At primary level many teachers have found that careful use of reward stickers, rubber stamps and, even in some cases, certificates, can take a lot of the hard work out of marking. Such devices, sourced from specialist design and manufacturing companies, will come with a variety of wordings and creative touches, all produced in a sophisticated and professional-looking format. Some companies will even be able to produce custom stickers, utilizing themes and ideas developed within the school itself and which are therefore likely to carry extra resonance for pupils.

Provided such reward devices are used with thought and care they are welcomed and appreciated by primary school pupils.

At Brainwaves our reward stickers are available in a variety of designs at extremely competitive prices, and we have a commitment to speedy dispatch.

Monday, June 14, 2010

How to Normalize and Formalize School Safety?

How to Normalize and Formalize School Safety?
Detailed analysis of school safety
Safety is an important factor in any learning institution that is focused to achieving its mission, vision and goals in the future. So the most important thing to be enforced in such institutions is thus safety. Although there are other factors that contribute to the success of students in learning, safety form the core foundations for all activities that are undertaken by any learning institutions. The need to provide better learning environment to students begins with the provision of physical safety that leading to the provisions of emotional well being to the students. (Atkinson, 1996)
However, in the recent past years, many schools within the country have been faced with a number of problems which led to the compromising of schools safety. During last year’s perilous event that took place in our school, many of us as part of the school community were affected. Follow such consequences, the school administration formed a committee to research on the safety conditions and control measures in our school. The following is the report that was hand over to the administrators:-
Outline of the issues:
The rising indiscipline behavior among the students
The misuse of drugs and the utilization of illegal drugs within the school compound
The rampant violence act among students and teachers
The movement of outsiders and non- students as well as students within the school compound (Trump, 1997)
While the above four issues were tackled into detail, it was clear that in the first matter, students were becoming uncouth and rowdy. There were many cases that involved students fighting in classes and outside classes. Furthermore, some of the sources indicated that some students had even blackmailed the name of our school to the outside communities by misbehaving in public. Some students have been alleged not to respect the elders and those in authorities while they are in public places. The second issues of using drug and illegal drugs indicated that most students have been caught by watchmen either drinking or drunk of alcohol, beer, or they have been found smoking cigarettes, marijuana and others addict able materials that may stimulates and affects the normal functioning of body or nervous systems. I think the applications of these substances are the consequences of the first and the third issue of rampant violence among the students and to the teachers. The most important matter that perhaps has lead to all these scaring actions is the lack of school fence. This has paralyzed the efforts of the guards to regulating and control the movement of all the people getting in and out of the school ground. In fact this has given a great opportunity to drug traffics to access the clients within the school without much struggle or impairment while the same applies to the addicted students who would like to sneak out to go and obtain their materials. (Huff, 1996)

Control measures
To alleviate to the crooked ways of the students’ behavior, the administrators being the closes guardians to the students should be taught guidance and counseling courses. They will then help them to mould the students and even rescue those who are drug addicts from the scathing killer drugs. While this is being implemented, the school can invite sociologists and religious leaders to give words of advices to the students periodically.

Moreover, to accomplish their mission, there is need for the administration to coordinate with the parents and the local communities as well as the public in general to act as role models and to give corrective measures and check the behavior of students. Final the school requires to be provided with a physical fence to check the intruders and students movements. (Trump, 1993)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Instances of nexus between Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility!

Instances of nexus between Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility!

Corporate social responsibility has been embraced by both local and international organizations in this twenty first century. In this case, the organizations put in high regard the society’s interests. This is carried out through the organizations being responsible for the overall effects of their endeavors on environment, shareholders, employees and even customers. In this case organizations have the overall obligation to abide by legislation.

They actually do more than what the statutory obligation demands. Most organizations just volunteer to improve the quality of life o the entire society, community, their families and the employees too. This paper focuses on Coca Cola as an international organization and why it shows interest in corporate social responsibility. This is in terms of economic, social, cultural, legal and technological factors.

Coca Cola Company is a widely known organization that produces a non-alcoholic beverage. It is one of the largest marketer, distributor and manufacturer of this drink. This Company’s headquarters are based in United States. Its Coca Cola product was first invented in the year 1886 by Pemberton John Stith. Later on in the year 1889, Candle Asa bought the formula and it was incorporated in the Company in the year 1892. This Company currently has more than four hundred brands which are sold in its branches that are in more than two hundred countries.

Coca Cola Company has also taken part in corporate social responsibility. This has been done through very many ways. All these have had very enviable positive implications in the society. One of them is the promotion of diversity. Through this venture, this Company was regarded as one of those that care for the minorities in the society. Due to this aspect, the Company was ranked by Fortune magazine to be 26th. This Company is among the many that has been supporting Michigan University policies of affirmative action.

This Company also offers health benefits to its employees. It is known to give them orientation on sexual matters which is part and parcel of its employment policy. Coca Cola Company also plays a big role in helping in HIV/AIDS pandemic. This Company spent approximately $5 million every year since the year 2002 to help HIV/AIDS victims in Africa that are working in this Company. Initially it had also helped one thousand two hundred employees in Africa who were infected with the disease.

This Company employs approximately 58, 000 people in its Africa’s bottling system. This Company also has plans to support programs in line with HIV/AIDS. This is part of its budget propagated to cost $50 million. This cash is to be given to organizations dealing with this pandemic that are African based.

It is known for charitable donations during the Hurricane Katrina. In this case the evacuees were helped through the 30 million donations. Asia also benefited during tsunami where Coca Cola donated approximately $ 10 million for relief. Food, water and other supplies were also delivered by Coca Cola employees to the affected people. When there were terrorist attacks on Pentagon and World Trade Center, this Company gave $12 million to assist in efforts of relief in the area. The graph below shows Coca Cola Company’s CSR ventures in the education sector in Africa. The amount is in $million. The efforts made by this Company in education sector in Africa are worth credit.

Research shows that very many international organizations are incorporating corporate social responsibility into their operations. International organizations are using development projects that are community based to reach out to the society. There are very many reasons as to why international organizations are engaging in corporate social responsibility.

There are various economic reasons as to why international organizations get involved in corporate social responsibility. Many international organizations engage in this activity because they want to expand their economic niche. Many organizations know that when they get involved in the society’s endeavors, it will gain favor among the people and therefore the community will embrace its services or products. This can be described as a calculated move.

Many international organizations aim at growing economically even as they incorporate corporate social responsibility. This venture gives the Company the acceptance in the foreign country because the locals see its importance to them and in the long run expand economically through its increased profits. It also helps them to create a right environment for expansion of their business. This in the long run has very positive effects on the organization’s interest rates.

There are also social factors that make international organizations to get involved in corporate social responsibility. When these Companies get involved in CSR, they seek to create good relations with people in the society. These relations are healthy for the organization because they help both the society and the Company initiating them. International companies aim at being friends with its employees and the community. Social factors include health consciousness of management in relation to the Company’s employees.

International organizations clearly understand that their employees have to have good health for them to give their service and also this maximizes their potential. Career attitudes of the people determine whether an organization will have employees or not. Therefore this is one of the reasons why international Companies engage in CSR so that career attitudes align with the organization. Safety of international Companies is important and this is one of the factors that make international organizations to go beyond the borders to engage in CSR so that safety is enhanced in its business environment.

Culture among other factors also influences international organizations to venture into corporate social responsibility. Many international organizations carry out CSR because it is part of their organizational culture. In this case the organization has put in place a culture where they are concerned with its employees, the society, community and the environment at large. In this case this organization’s culture stipulates that it puts part of its profits back to the community and the society at large. CSR is also carried out by international organizations because they intend to know more about the society’s culture. In order to get to understand these people’s culture, they seek to interact with them through educational programs and other CSR approaches.

There are technological factors that are making international organizations get interested in corporate social responsibility. The reason as to why these organizations are interested in CSR is because they desire to improve the technological environment in the areas where they are operating. This is in line with diverse sectors like communication, transport among others. Many international organizations are involved in CSR through this sector because they are also affected in one way or the other by them.

For instance when they help improve communication networks in their area then their businesses will thrive. For example improvement of technology in the society by improvement of road network, then a Company dealing with products will be in a position of transporting their goods fast. This is very beneficial to Companies dealing with perishable goods like flowers and other horticultural products. International organizations understand that when they help in developing technology in branch nations through CSR, then they will automatically improve business relations.

There are also legal factors that make international organizations to be interested in corporate social responsibility. There are some nations that require the international organizations to participate in corporate social responsibility. This is in terms of government policies. For instance an international Company based in United States that wishes to have branches in Asia may be required by the Asian government to get involved in CSR. This is normally carried out by the government in order to benefit the community and its nation. In this case, the nation that does not adhere to these rules may not be allowed to continue with its businesses. In order to continue with their businesses, the international organizations are forced to adhere to the laws of the land.

Political factors also influence international organizations to get involved in corporate social responsibility. There are environmental regulations that international organizations have to adhere to and this sometimes is part and parcel of them depending on the place. This is sometimes part of the trade restrictions imposed on international organizations.

The other reason as to why many international organizations are interested in corporate social responsibility is because of human nature. Human beings have the tendency to help others and the society even if they are strangers. These international organizations feel the need to help the society because of the nature of humans. It is very evident that after someone achieving what they want or rather what is enough for themselves, they tend to help the society. This is the same case with international bodies. Many of them after achieving their targets feel they also have to do something for the entire community and society at large because they feel the need to.

Management teams in international organizations live with people in the society, interact until they become friends. This normally affects the management such that problems faced by the community become their problems too. They feel they are part and parcel of the people and therefore they naturally have the burden to help. Take for example people around an international organization suffer from a natural calamity like the case of Hurricane Katrina. Since this people are the organization’s customers, they just have to get involved to help them regain their normal lifestyle.

The table below shows the amount spent (per annum) by international organizations in CSR projects. That is in helping HIV/AIDS patients and awareness, educating the poor and maintaining of the environment. This is for the year 2007.





Coca Cola

$ 5m

$3.1 m

$ 6m

British American Tobacco

$ 2.5 m

$ 3.5 m

$ 4.8 m


$3.4 m

$ 2.6 m

$ 3m


$4.5 m

$ 1.3 m


The strategic issues that are involved in addressing corporate social responsibility are quite diverse. They include issues of education of the community. In this case international organizations sponsor needy students’ education. Most of the needy students that are sponsored by international organizations are bright students. Issues of poverty are also quite essential in CSR matters.

Educational forums and projects are normally organized by international organization to train and educate people on poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship. Environmental factors are also taken with their deserved seriousness when international organizations plan for CSR. In most cases international organizations help in keeping the environment clean by employing cleaners to clean the town.

They are also concerned about beautification of environment and conservation practices like tree planting. They plant flower gardens that are well manicured in towns as efforts of beautifying the environment. Another strategic issue that is highly addressed by international organizations is health sector where they help build hospitals and also sponsor needy cases in terms of medical upkeep.

International organizations have in the past become quite concerned about the HIV/AIDS pandemic. These organizations ensure that their employees are well educated concerning their HIV/AIDS status. For instance Coca Cola Company normally educates new recruits on sexual matters that affect their health. Those that are already infected with the disease are counseled to live a positive life. They are also supported financially so that they can get or access health facilities. This enables AIDS infected workers to access anti-retro viral which are very expensive with ease.

Corporate social responsibility is all about organizations being involved in society’s interests. International organizations are influenced by various factors to get involved in CSR. These factors are political, legal, economic, Social, technological and environmental based. Without getting involved in corporate responsibility, international organizations may never thrive in business in foreign nations. The rate of growth would be very slow. Strategic issues in corporate social responsibility endeavors by international organizations are quite diverse. They include education of employees, the health sector, technological sector and the environment. It is however very evident that involvement of international organizations in corporate social responsibility has brought plausible results in many nations.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Making inferences of cheap student health insurance for hassle-free education!

Making inferences of cheap student health insurance for hassle-free education!

If we are a student and we wish to live a healthy life then having a cheap student health insurance is almost mandatory. Student health care is of prime concern all across the globe. A student has to worry about his/her studies, books, rent and a lot more other things. At any point of time a major accident or a severe illness may occur to him or her. At this hour either a cheap student health insurance or any other student health care option is needed. In this way their academic plans will never be affected. A cheap student health insurance does not fail to show up even in the case of emergencies or in case of claims.

A particular student health care plan caters to the needs of student traveling abroad for their further studies. There are cheap student health insurance which may be annually renewable and provides the perfect medical coverage. These cheap student health insurance plans cover areas like visa requirements, mental health, sports and international student health care and emergency care facilities. Some of the student health care and medical plans include health insurance coverage over checked baggage loss, personal accident, personal liability, and bail bond, disturbance in studies, sponsor protection and lot more.

Some colleges try to take care of the student health care facilities themselves. Many health care officials and college administrators are coming up with a number of innovative ideas about organizing student health care programs. A model student health care plan demands one flat rate per student. These are called decapitates models. It enhances the quality of student health care and also provides an additional amount of money to spread awareness about public health.

Many colleges have made it compulsory to have either a general or cheap student health insurance before taking admissions into the college. This gives them a chance to have a way of earning profits from the insurance payments. The demands of these kinds of colleges actually help in making students realize the need for a cheap student health insurance. Students having no health insurance are guaranteed by the universities that they would be provided with student health care and benefit plans.

There are many students who sustain their living and studies with scholarships or jobs. Cheap student health insurance finds its importance in order to protect the student health care needs of such students who literally have to struggle in order to earn their degrees. In such cases, parents of the students cannot afford to pay much for the medical facilities and an appropriate insurance plan will make their life easy.

Cheap student health insurance covers all the major treatment that may be needed for a student. Living without cheap student health insurance is like welcoming a financial disaster with open hands. Students who indulge in active sporty life often experience leg sprain, wrist sprain or fractures. These health hazards demand immediate and special care and hence health insurance coverage is a must. If we want to live a healthy education life then do not hesitate to avail the online plans that offer cheap student health insurance. There is a student health care solution for all the students to give them the freedom to function freely even during any kind of medical emergencies.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The role of International Development Cooperation (IDC)!

International development cooperation is a very important aspect in this twenty first century. Since the past two decades, there have been developments in various sectors of different nations. These include developments in transport technology and information communications. There has been great rise in globalization since the beginning of the twenty first century.

There is great movement of information sectors across borders of nations and great interdependence between nations worldwide. International cooperation has had developments and benefits to people worldwide. The major aim of international cooperation for development is to see to it that there is progress in needy nations. However it is evident that international cooperation for development has not been very successful. This paper basically suggests policy reforms towards international cooperation for development.

Research reveals that international organizations have in the past conducted development assistance to nations using their own ways. This is however no longer effective since there is quite inadequate coordination. This is the coordination between programs in the international organizations and the individual projects. The other major reason as to why they have been ineffective is due to poor capacity on the part of the recipients of aid to actually take in the assistance. A good example is Japan in relation to its security force.

Research carried out in the year two thousand and seven indicates that sector wide approach has been proposed especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa. This is whereby both the multi-lateral and the bilateral agencies carry out the overall formulation of programs in specific individual sectors.

After the developmental programs are formulated, they are then executed. Examples of these sectors include education and health. This in most cases is carried out in alliance with the needy nations or rather the nations that are to receive the aid. Research also reveals that some nations are not in favor of this program. This includes Japan.

Policy reforms towards international cooperation for development are very necessary. This is in political management. In order to attain the overall results, it is very important that there be implementation of sound management especially of the economic policies therein. Research also reveals that there is so much delay in the implementation of the policies. This is clearly illustrated in the existing current account deficits which actually depict arrogance in the whole scenario. It is therefore very important that reforms be made in accordance to policy management.

One of the major reforms that are needed in international cooperation for development is self controlled analysis. Reforms have to be carried out in this sector to ensure that the policies formulated are being effectively implemented. This is because previous years indicate that while there has been quite a lot of policy formulation, there has been no self-controlled analysis in this sector. This is in relation to the overall policy management of the integral issues in international cooperation for development.

Reforms also need to be made such that there is overall analysis of the maximum capabilities on the ground. This is because research indicates that in the past, this has not been merged with the policy management and formulation.

To ensure international promotion is promoted, it is very important for the stakeholders to actually reform their attitudes. This is through maximum recognition of the significance by these stakeholders of this noble venture. Another aspect is actually going by the laid down principles of international cooperation. For instance, Japanese stakeholders need to maintain the right attitude in their involvement in international cooperation issues. The involvement is not just enough, but they need to actively get involved. The Japanese stakeholders need to change their attitude completely in order to have maximum results.

Reforms are also necessary in developing international cooperation development like its technical assistance.

This will greatly improve the capability of the recipient nations to make good use of the assistance. Looking at overall implementation of technical assistance, the reforms need to aim at the available needs in recipient regions or nations. It is also very important that necessary structures for technical assistance be set up in international cooperation for development.

This can be carried out through ensuring that their officials make good use of their knowledge. This is also to ensure that their skills are maximally used. This can automatically help in helping recipient regions or countries. Other reforms that are necessary are in relation to the support measures that have to be incorporated in the whole exercise.

It is very important that a reliable database of experts be put in place who knows how to speak foreign languages. This has to be carried out in Japan’s police Force. This is because, in the past people have been used who do not understand the foreign languages. People who have experience working in the recipient nations need to be used. These can work hand in hand with the Non-governmental organizations therein.

To ensure that international cooperation for development is a success, there needs to be education of officials in the recipient regions or nations. The necessary materials required for implementation need to be incorporated in order to achieve maximum success. The other reason as to why reforms are needed is because there is great underestimation of the great danger that lies in capital markets.

Research carried out by many scholars in relation to this issue reveals that the financial market cannot be liberalized before trade. It is therefore very important that domestic markets gain the liberalization first. This has to be done and then the external sector be liberalized in order to enhance effectiveness of international cooperation for development.

It is very clear that the current strategies in international cooperation for development are not quite effective. It is therefore important that reforms be implemented to enable recipient nations to benefit. One of the major reforms that have to be implemented is in relation to market speculation.

It is very evident that financial markets are greatly linked together. Considering the system of market economy and worldwide diffusion, it is very important that the financial system internationally should be greatly re-examined. This is to ensure that there are no loopholes therein. It is also very essential that a safety net in international levels be established so that the available crises do not go overboard.

Sector-wide approach has been recently used in relation to international development. In this case, donors, governments and all the stakeholders are brought together. There are various principles that are set in order to operate the policies available. This works towards broadening of the policy dialogs in relation to international cooperation for development.

Reforms are very essential because they will play a big role towards the stability of the international community. There needs to be great movement in international cooperation by means of alliances. This is through the alliances with essential entities like United Nations. This should also be done in relation to other international organizations. It is very important that good governance be implemented in relation to international cooperation because it plays a big role towards global development.

So much has been carried out in international cooperation development since the twenty first century. It is however quite evident that these efforts have not been quite effective due to various reasons. One of the reasons is that there is quite inadequate coordination between programs in the global organizations and the individual projects in beneficiary nations or regions. It is also evident that recipient regions or nations have poor capabilities of absorbing the assistance. It is therefore very essential that reforms be carried out in relation to international cooperation for development in order to achieve optimum results. One of them is that there has to be adequate implementation of sound management especially of the economic policies therein. Reforms are quite essential in developing international cooperation development in accordance to its technical assistance. This will significantly improve the potential of the recipient nations to make excellent use of the support. All in all well calculated reforms will play a big role in achievement of goals in international cooperation.

Monday, June 7, 2010

How our Professional Liability Premium can be determined?

How our Professional Liability Premium can be determined?

Placing Professional Liability Insurance for Architects, Engineers and Environmental Consultants is our sole focus. As insurance brokers, we know that getting the best terms for our clients requires that we negotiate with underwriters the premium for each client. To do this effectively it is critical to understand how insurance underwriters view risk and the factors they use in setting premiums. The article below was written by Lee Genecki, one of our senior brokers. Lee was formerly the lead underwriter for the Travelers A/E professional liability insurance program. As the lead underwriter it was Lee’s responsibility to set rates and establish the risk assessment criteria for quoting premiums. This article describes risk factors underwriters assess and provides insight to design firms on how to complete an insurance application to present a firm in its best light. It also describes the role we play as a broker to negotiate competitive terms.

Michael Hall, President, Hall & Company

A Behind the Scenes Look
To those outside of the insurance industry it may appear that professional liability premiums are determined somewhat randomly by people with limited knowledge of the design profession. As a former underwriter turned broker, I am here to tell you that this misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. Your professional liability premiums are established through a process involving the assessment of several factors over which you have some power to influence.

Looking through the eyes of an underwriter, design professionals can gain an edge in obtaining the best possible insurance premiums with the use of a thoughtful application submission. The article below describes the factors underwriters use in developing quotes for professional liability insurance.

What your application tells underwriters
when an underwriter receives your application their immediate task is to evaluate your firm’s potential loss exposure. The two basic types of loss exposure are frequency and severity. Underwriters use the information on your application to calculate the probability of your firm experiencing claims over the life of the policy and furthermore, if you have a claim, how much it will potentially cost.

However, before even considering the merits of an individual firm, insurance carriers already have defined what type of firm is a “good risk” for their company based on previous experience. They try to attract as many such firms as they can with various coverage differences and program enhancements but the primary lure is price. Their objective is to set a price that attracts good risks but still allows for an underwriting profit. This is complicated by the catastrophic nature of professional liability claims in the A/E industry. Losses tend to be quite large with a recent statistic stating that the average indemnity payment for a paid loss is upwards of $350,000. As a result, the many end up paying for the few.

Design firms need to make their business look attractive to the insurance company in order to obtain the best possible terms. The first step in this strategy is to identify the different risk factors and then present your firm in the most positive way. While numerous factors determine the risk that your firm poses to an insurance company, for the purpose of this discussion we will focus on the most critical areas.

Area of Practice
There is not much that you can do to influence an underwriter in this category. You are what you are. But it may be helpful to understand how the insurance company evaluates each discipline when it comes to their exposure to risk. The most common discipline in most insurance companies’ books of business is Architects. As a result, insurance carriers tend to use their rates for architects as base from which to determine rates for other types of firms.

There are two disciplines that tend to pay a higher rate for their insurance than Architects: Structural Engineers and Geo technical Engineers. Keeping in mind that underwriters are always thinking about exposure to loss, the question they asks themselves is “ what happens if there is an error in a structural calculation or a Geo technical report?” In many cases the project is stopped or even scrapped with a worst case scenario being a collapse. Because of this, Geo technical Engineers take the unenviable position of paying the highest average rate in the industry with some carriers charging as much as two times what Architects will pay. Structural Engineers pay a much higher rate as well but they tend to be roughly 1.5 times more than Architects.

The professional discipline seen as having the lowest exposure to loss and thus paying the lowest rate is Electrical Engineers. Going back to the basic underwriting question, if an Electrical Engineer makes an error, the damage and corresponding fix is usually far less than a foundation issue or an insufficient support beam. There are always exceptions but the claims statistics strongly support this evaluation. Positioned somewhere between Electrical Engineers and Architects sits Mechanical Engineers, Surveyors, and Civil Engineers with Civil Engineers having a rate that most closely resembles that of Architects.

Location of Projects
The location of your practice or more specifically, the location of your projects does have bearing on the rate that is determined for your firm. Claims statistics show that the probability of a loss on a building in Miami, Florida is much different than a building in Flagstaff, Arizona. There are many theories as to why this is the case, but the statistics clearly show that a higher rate is needed in most major metropolitan areas as opposed to most rural areas. Again, there are exceptions to every rule, but the statistics on this topic are definitive.

Type of Projects
Rate factors in the area of project types, more so than any other, presents the greatest amount of differentiation amongst the various insurance carriers based on their individual statistics and beliefs. Understanding the “sweet spots” of the different carriers and matching your firm’s characteristics with the best markets is the job of your insurance advisory, your broker. As a design professional, you cannot possibly know all of the different markets and specifically which markets best suit your firm.

In general, project types that are seen as the least “risky” in the eyes of the insurance company are those which tend to have less individuality in the design and have less emotional attachment than other project types. This includes projects such as office buildings, banks, retail, and most commercial projects.

Project types that tend to be more of a challenge from a risk perspective are those which are more unique to their individual locations and have a much greater bodily injury exposure than the others. They can also run quite large in scale which increases the physical damage exposure exponentially. These include schools, jails, industrial plants, bridges, parking garages, and stadiums.

Finally, the projects that are considered to be high risk are residential projects, swimming pools, harbors and docks, mines, and amusement parks and zoos. The project type with the highest perceived risk is condominiums. The industry has determined that for every premium dollar received by the carrier for a condominium project, 3.5 dollars goes out. All of these projects either carry a high emotional factor from the end user or have a high inherent catastrophic loss exposure such as a mine or amusement park. It is not the intent of this article to discourage any design firm from performing services on high risk projects but it is prudent to understand the exposures and manage the risk as well as possible.

Internal Risk Management
Your firm’s internal risk management practices provide the best opportunity for you to differentiate your firm and illustrate to the underwriter why you are worthy of their absolute best rate, the rate that is given to the “best in class” type firm. Throughout the application are questions that on the surface seem benign and unimportant but they are there to paint a picture of the firm for the underwriter that goes beyond the discipline and project types.

These questions include, but are not limited to, use of written contracts, limitation of liability provisions, insured sub consultants, types of contracts, in-house education programs, attendance at risk management seminars, and professional society memberships. Individually and collectively these categories allow for the underwriter to apply debits and/or credits based on the responses given. In some cases the difference can be as much as 25%.

The unfortunate reality is that far too few firms are properly advised by their insurance representative as to the effect of these questions and thus do not enjoy the premium reductions associated with them. Again, it pays to be with an expert that knows your business and the ever changing marketplace.

Loss History
The area of risk that is perhaps most quantifiable is loss history. As was mentioned earlier, when a design firm does have a legitimate claim, they tend to be quite expensive. There also is a belief in the underwriting world that past claims are a pretty fair indicator of potential future claims activity. As a result, a firm with claims in their past generally pays a much higher rate than a similar firm with no claims. The industry standard is to look five years into a firm’s past for claims activity but it is not uncommon for a carrier to look ten years back when evaluating a larger firm.

The key for any design firm with a claim is to take the time to effectively articulate the circumstances regarding the claim and the lessons learned. In some cases, given the right approach and documentation, a firm along with its broker, can convince the carrier that it is an even better risk than a firm with no claims because of the experience and knowledge gained from the unfortunate situation.

Setting the price
Underwriters’ thorough review of these and other factors gives them a profile from which to develop a specific rate for your insurance. The rate is applied against your professional fees and a premium is determined. The premium is increased as the limits of liability desired increases. Conversely, the premium is decreased as the deductible that is carried increases.

Looking through the eyes of an underwriter, design professionals can gain an edge in obtaining the best possible insurance premiums with the use of a thoughtful application submission. However, an application does not speak for itself. As your professional liability insurance broker, we work with you to understand your practice and gather mitigating information on the areas that underwriters perceive as risky. Then, we negotiate with underwriters to favorably characterize your firm and prove the mitigating information to encourage the most competitive premium quotes. Integral to this task is our specialized knowledgeable and complete focus on the A/E industry.
