Getting a good CV is critical to getting our foot in the door with companies. It is our chance to catch the attention of the people who will be choosing a new employee and we often have just two pages of A4 to do it with. Here are some tips to creating a winning CV:
1.Making sure your CV refers to the level and job type that you are applying for. This will ensure recruiters are interested in you as a candidate from the outset.
2. Thinking about where best to place some emphasis. Do we want to expand the knowledge and education section if we are a recent graduate or do we need to focus on results? Alternatively, will we need to refer to transforming company cultures? It will depend on the roles we are applying for and our stage in life.
3. Taking time to prioritize the information we include. The most important should come first to grab people’s attention. Don’t focusing on trivial information and making sure we include all the detail that is relevant.
4. Providing evidences that we can do the job and make sure it comes across as convincing and credible. However, avoiding gets entrenched in descriptions that sound like job descriptions as you could put an employer off.
5. When writing a good CV bearing in mind CVs have their own style. We don’t need to use full sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points will do. Thinking how a recruitment consultant might write a report about we and we’ll be on the right track.
6. Keeping our CV attractive, this means opting for simplicity. Don’t using boxes, photos and graphics and use a readable font such as Verdana or Tahoma. 9.5 font sizes can be used, which will give you plenty of space.
At Innovate CV it has been offered excellent CV templates and CV examples.
“CV in English” how to write it?
Here we can introduce a more suitable format for mass, the most common and most popular model of a resume:
1. First of all, their name, addresses, contact details, such as telephone or e-mail and so on. Are as follows:
Phone No. Home
Cell phone no.
Email Add.
2. Then write objective (job options). This column is the most important one of. Many companies look at one of the main content is in line with their requirements, or close to. For example:
OBJECTIVE: A sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, and advanced technical skills will be continually challenged. I aspire to senior management responsibility and seek a company that embraces growth and change, where compensation is performance-based and increased levels of responsibility offered those with demonstrated potential. (sales manager and business development positions or positions that can make my strategic mind, sales capabilities, the ability to establish cross-cultural relations, team capabilities, business management capacity, organizational capabilities and advanced technology capabilities can further play and progress.)
3. The following summary of the write, that is, (Personal Profile). This is to show our skills, but a good opportunity, we should praise our own and do not make the other feel like we were boasting.
4. Experience working experience. In this connection, someone else can not help us, write it ourselves. But in what form of writing, a suggestion, for example:
2005 - Present Company
Sales Executive
Also, to be noted that if a lot of work experience, there is no need to list completely, we can pick a few of the most proud of their own feelings or to raise us to write the greatest.
5. We went on to write education (educational background). General from the university began to write, time, schools, and professionals and have received the degree, as well as awards that is received awards, in particular, is a special awards. (Note: If the educational experience little, if general education and awards to write together, but if the educational background or the award is very prominent, then we can separate out in a bar.)
It is necessary to write content. Some may have selective write, such as: Associations (the participation of community organizations), the company now has a computer or certain requirements for foreign language skills, it also can write your own Computer background (computer skills), and Language skills, finally you can write a column Personal profile (individual evaluation), such as:
A dynamic, articulate, talented leader, manager and sales professional who inspires confidence and respect, grasps ideas and concepts quickly, is adept at organizing complex projects, recognizes or creates solutions to problems, believes in setting and achieving goals, and possesses the integrity and commitment to high quality performance that produces outstanding results of lasting value.
In addition, we can also add some personal circumstances, such as marital status, health, hobbies and so on.
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