Apart from setting the desired goals a person has to put in place the necessary steps that need to be taken so that the formulated goals are achieved. This paper is dealing with the formulation of a personal career goals and how the degree that I am pursuing will help me to achieve them.
Career goals as earlier on illustrated, can be both long term and short term. The short term goals of course take a short duration for them to be accomplished. The long term goals on the other hand take quite a long time. Long term goals can take several years while short term goals can take a few days or months. The following are my career goals; both long term and short term.
This is our short term goal at the moment and we want to ensure that we complete it within a span of eighteen months. We are having online classes and currently working hard to ensure that we pass all the required examinations highly.
This is our short term goal at the moment and we want to ensure that we complete it within a span of eighteen months. We are having online classes and currently working hard to ensure that we pass all the required examinations highly.
This is our long term goal at the moment. We want to ensure that we finish our PHD within a period of two years. This will be carried out by attending online classes. We may be currently working very hard on my master’s subjects so that we will be in a position to start our PHD within the planned time.
Timetable of our goals
Masters degree
Masters degree
18 months
At our age we have got many responsibilities which need my attention. We have a family to take care of, business and also we do go to work. Considering all these commitments our optimal learning time is always late at night and early in the morning. We find this very effective for me because have online classes. We have the Internet connected to us computer in our study room and therefore we easily do our studies at the specified time. This is because at this time the children are asleep and therefore we can have maximum concentration on our work. We do not have many things to attend to during the night and very early in the morning because we go to work during the day and also run our business during the day. For this reasons we find that online learning works best for us.
There are various methods that we use to retain course information. One of them is whereby we after reading or studying we come up with questions of which we type and save on the computer. After a period of one hour we may answer the questions and then mark them. We may ensure that we are doing all the questions that we have failed. This really helps us to retain all the information that we have learnt quite easily. I then ensure that we revise all the questions just a week before the examinations. This helps us to retain all that we have read.
Another way through which we retain what we have learnt is by writing some short notes on the studied subjects; it becomes very easy to retain what we have learnt. We go through the previous short notes before studying the next topic. We also carry out extensive research through the Internet on the topics given in the online classes this helps us to thoroughly understand the topic and therefore makes be to retain all the information that we have learnt. We also like to attempt very many examinations that are available online in relation the subject that we are handling. We may apply what we have learnt in our real lives especially at work and in my business. Through this it has been very easy for us to retain all that we learn.
Adult learning theory entails the following; it is noted that adults will always commit to learning when objectives and goals are important and realistic to them. This is in line with application in the real world. Many adults most cases resist learning ventures that are an attack on their personal competence. They would rather be the origin of their own learning. The professional development needs to give them control over when, where, how, what, who and why of what they learn. Adult learners always want to see that their learning is related to what they do in their day to day lives. These essential components of the adult theory have influenced how we learn because online learning gives me the freedom of choosing when, where, how, what, who and why of my learning. I case what we are learning is beyond my personal competence then we can easily switch to subjects that can help us understand it.
Among the time management strategies that I implement includes doing the right thing at the right time. We may ensure that we finish my work on time and do not carry some over when going home. We may ensure that the next day’s schedule is done the day before. We always ensure that we wake up on time and we keep time even in my appointments. Each task always has its allocated time of which we strictly adhere to. This simple time management strategies enable us to meet the course requirements.
One aspect of stress that we clearly know is the attitude. We can implement by changing my attitude towards returning to school. This will help us to manage stress associated with returning o school. We can manage stress by seeking for professional counseling. We can also manage it by identifying the major sources of stress. For instance if it is from the family we can get extra by employing people who will help us manage matters that need our attention at the family level.
Developing a career goal and learning plan is very essential especially for adult learners. This is because people of this age have got very many responsibilities that need their attention. Developing career goals helps adult learners to stay focused on what they need to accomplish in short and long term goals. Essential components of adult they always need to be considered when planning. These essential components include having the freedom to choose when, where, how, what, who and why of learning. Time and stress management are important aspects in career development.
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