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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Using Cheap Web Hosting Service to Fight Poverty

The impact of cheap web hosting services has been felt in most countries in the world including those that are still developing. Most multinational companies have set shop even in the third world countries. Setting shop is not what they have only done; they have introduced the modern, methods of doing business in these countries too. 

In this case, most people in developing countries have become aware of the use of the internet to start businesses and generate money. 

Cheap web hosting services in particular have had a great impact in the efforts to fight poverty. Most governments in the developing world, where most people live under the poverty line, have come with strategies on sensitizing people on how they can take advantage of the cheap web hosting services to come up with businesses and improve the existing ones.

This is a very good strategy to fight poverty, since it takes a global approach and tries to train business owners how to think globally and act locally. In this case, business owners get to know the importance of having a global presence, since most local markets have been saturated. Therefore, the only way that these businesses can keep on moving is to market your products or services in markets that are far away.

Cheap web hosting services enables individuals to have their own web sites where they can invite like minded people to share ideas on how they can improve their lives. There are a good number of businesses that have been started this way in some countries where poverty levels are deemed to be high.  Similarly, people have also been able to get high quality products from countries that are far away, like drugs and food supplements. 

This is because of increased use of personal web sites where access of information is easy and unlimited.


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