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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Steps That You Can Take to Improve Your Memory

Most people are fortunate enough to be blessed with a good memory. In spite of this we, there are times when we forget things such as our house or business keys, people’s names, and other essential items that we need. It is perfectly normal to occasionally forget something, but when it starts to happen on a regular basis, then it tends to make us stop and wonder if something is wrong with us. When frequent memory loss occurs, it can lead to many unhappy moments in our daily lives. A good example of this is to imagine that you are driving to your business and you have been tied up in traffic for hours and when you finally get there, you discover that you have left your keys at your home.

There are several factors that can be responsible for memory loss. Some of these include not getting the proper amount of sleep, leading an unhealthy lifestyle and negative events that take place in life. The good news is that there are steps that you can take to improve your memory.

One of the best ways that you can contribute to good memory is to eat a healthy well balanced diet. Eat plenty of foods that contain fatty acids in them such as flaxseed, linseed and salmon. It is a proven fact that fatty acids are very good for your brain as they improve your ability to concentrate on things. Another important element is to add plenty of fiber in your diet as this helps your brain to function properly. Foods rich in fiber include beans, fruits and vegetables. Also Vitamin B12 and Niacin should become part of your diet as they help the brain to operate effectively. The majority of people do not follow a healthy diet and their bodies do not receive the required foods that they need and this contributes to memory loss over a period of time.

Lack of sleep is one of the largest culprits for memory loss. This affects people of all ages. In many cases, this is responsible for teens receiving poor grades in their schooling. When we think about rest, we always think of resting our bodies, but we seldom realize that we also have to give our minds the proper amount of rest. If you are a night person who believes in staying up all night partying, then you might want to think about making some changes in your lifestyle so you will be able to enjoy the long-term benefits of good health. You should get at least 6 hours of good restful sleep a night and if you are studying, it should be increased to 8 hours. Getting the proper amount of rest will help you to maintain a good memory over a period of time.

There is another way that you can improve your memory and have fun while doing it is to play a good memory game. This is great for your memory. There are many psychologists who use this method with their patients for improving their memory and helping them to remember things. Playing these games will help you to remember things that you would normally forget and most of all it is a good way to keep yourself entertained. There are several memory games that are available to buy and most of all, they are very reasonable and they will not break the bank.

I hope that you found this information useful and if you would like more information on ways to live healthy, and then please visit my healthy living web site where you will find great information to help you live a long and healthy life.


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