What do you live for? Some people will say happiness, some people will say success, but nobody will say that they live for angry. Sometimes, people are always angry for the little things. Actually, they forget that what they live for.
A monk liked to cultivate orchid. He spent a lot of time to cultivate orchids. One day, he had to leave the temple to sturdy, and then he asked his disciple to take care about his orchids.
The disciple took care of the orchids carefully after the monk leaving. But one day, the disciple slipped down and made the flower shelf fallen down. All the flowerpots were broken; the orchids lied down on the ground.
He is so scared that could not sleep and eat well. Until the monk came back, the disciple gave an apology to the monk. When the monk saw that he was so sad and scared. The monk didn’t blame to him and console him:” the aim to cultivate the orchids is to enjoy myself, not for the angry.
The first wish to cultivate orchids is enjoy him. If he was angry for the disciple, he was contrary to his wish. Maybe we can get some revelation from the monk’s words. In our normal life, the vexations are around us. Come think of them, they were not very important what the things made us angry at that time. So when we meet the thing what make us so angry, think over and over, why we do those.
Here are some ways we can control our emotion. The first method is to keep silence. The famous author had told us:” silences is the best strategy when we out of control.” When we realized that we will get angry, we must compel us not to say anything. Because at this time, all the words are not really we want to say. We just want to hurt each other, so we choose any terrible words.
The second method is to avoid that thing. If we cannot hear anything or see anything what make me angry, how can us angry for.
The third thing is to think others. I think they are good methods could help us to control ourselves.
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