As regards to mass communication, Media Ethics is an important subject to be informed about. What exactly do ethics mean? According to the literature, it refers to ‘moral principles’. But the questions arise: who the hell sets these moral principles? Ourselves! Ethics is an open concept to be beheld voluntarily, in the basis of one’s moral values.
As stipulated in our constitution, everyone are endowed the freedom of speech. It therefore depends on the conscience of the media persons to maintain the general ethics. There are two major theories in media ethics –
1. Authoritarian theory- According to this theory, the press was seen as a very powerful tool, and those in power used it to convey only that information that they wanted the public to know. The rulers controlled the press.
2. Social responsibility theory- Authoritarian theory went into history with the decline of monarchy. With the spread of modern day democracy, the Social Responsibility theory of media ethics has become the norm now. This theory inspires self-control by the media, for the good of the society. In terms of this theory the media should-
• Accept responsibility towards society by providing information in a truthful, objective and balanced form, while respecting privacy and importance of secrecy of issues related to national security.
• Avoid publishing information that could lead to violence or social disruptions.
• Expect societal intervention if the media fails to meet the professional standards.
• Collectively reflect a diversity of content.
How should media practice self-restraint?
There are certain major areas where the press and the media should essentially practice self-restraint. Broadly these areas are-
1. Details of crime- Crime reports form an essential part of media reporting. Certainly we need to know what kinds of crimes are being committed in the society. These reports alert us. But the media should restrain from giving away too much detail of how the crime was committed. Such reports may inspire many more criminals in the society, particularly the vulnerable youth in need of quick money and adventure.
2. Police investigation- Police investigation is a step by step process, one clue leading to another. If every action of the police is continuously reported, it will alert the criminals and make the work of the police difficult. The media should help maintain secrecy till the investigation is complete. In any way, the criminals should not know the ways of the police.
3. Objectivity- The media has to be neutral in certain cases and maintain a balanced approach. This holds true for cases like Kashmir and Naxal problems. If the media backs the armed forces or state, it may anger the people of these areas. While if it backs the people, the armed forces may get demoralized. It’s a tight rope walk. This should be reported in a way that it highlights only the facts, that does not ignite further violence, but at the same time bring out the grievances of both sides.
4. Sensationalism- This is the biggest drawback of today’s media, to gain TRP. A relatively insignificant news is presented again and again highlighting not much what actually happened, but what all could happen. Every channel is trying to capitalize on the fear factor or the mere gossip material. The Doomsday prophecy should have been ideally, just brief news. But our news channels went on hankering about it so much that people started complaining of anxiety and depression. News items like burning some religious books should be played down so as not to disturb peace in the society.
5. Role model- Mobs pelting stones, burning vehicles, parliamentarians shouting and throwing chairs on each other…..! These kinds of news should be covered but should be discouraged in strong words.
6. Country’s Image- What can be a better example of this case than the common wealth games in New Delhi! The media should certainly point out and bring to light the drawbacks of the project implementation. It’s an eye-opener and an alarm bell for many concerned. But certainly it should not be projected in such a magnitude that the entire country’s image is tarnished. We are shouting out our own weaknesses by reporting them daily as front page headlines, for the whole world to see. The situation is such now, that we have lost all enthusiasm for this big event and its difficult to find any positives in it.
7. Advertisements/commercials- Commercials are a big source of income. But here too the media should accept only genuine, decent advertisements for publication. It should avoid misleading and obscene ads. Whether its politics, crime, business, fashion, education or parenting, media guides us and sets trends. It should guide us towards truth and from darkness towards light.
Media is the last voice of people, it should be people friendly not power friendly and impartiality which is fundamental of journalism hardly exists now as things are blown out of proportion by the media.
While working in the conflicts zone, journalists have been bearing the brunt from power holding quarters despite all odds we have been trying our level best to report the ground with objectivity.
Much has been issued about social violence and and daily events now, the attention is required to paid on grievances of the rural and far off areas which have received least media attention. Despite all odds, Media in Jammu and Kashmir is responsible for reporting the reality. Still, there are some areas being ignored by the media.
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