“The best way to subdue an enemy is without the use of force” - Sun Tsu –
What will power suggest to you on the face value? It could be described as a display of authority, force or physical strength. Others described power as the ability to control or influence the behavior or responses of others, influence or exact influence on others to act in particular ways different from the way they would ordinarily have. In a rather more comprehensive term, power could be described as the capability of human beings to organize or manipulate their environment – including other human beings: their thoughts, motivation, needs and desires as well as their creations and artifacts - for human ends.
Power further suggests the physical and mental energy to do work; the internal force that enables one to act in certain ways, the ability to enforce the productive will of self or others to get things done.
Power can be expressed through the following ways: push, pull, dormant, subtle, physical, and oral. It can be conferred, usurped or inherited and has the potential to be deployed positively to create, liberate, construct or rebuild causes; or negatively toward oppressive, self-serving and destructive purposes. This is actually where power connects with leadership and leadership effectiveness. According to Becky Brodin, “leadership is not wielding authority but empowering people”. Genuine, result-driven, legendary and time-tested leaders do not possess power for sheer display of strength or natural advantages, nor for the show of any social or intellectual prowess. One sole domineering purpose of power for leaders is to conscientiously empower others.
Power can only be said to have been deployed to positive ends only to the extent to which it impacts others, enables them, empowers them, or inspire them to be able to do what they ordinarily would not have been able to accomplish. And this in turn impacts yet a lot more others to also perform greater feats.
What true leaders do NOT do with the power in their possession?
Flaunt it.
Wield it.
Oppress and suppress with it.
Destroy with it.
Self-destruct with it.
Aggregate for self-importance or self gain.
Intimidate others with it.
Or terrorize and harass the weak and less privileged.
No! With true leadership, the more power one possesses, the more humble, humane, other-people minded, less self-serving they become.
For more information on leadership and power, visit: http://www.leadershiptruth.info.
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