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Friday, August 26, 2011

Things Immigrants Miss from Their Countries

Things Immigrants Miss from Their Countries

There are so many people across the globe that have no other option but to migrate to another country. Though some people only migrate because of work and education opportunities, some are forced to do so because of more serious problems such as war and discrimination. But no matter what the reason for immigration may be, one truth about migrating is that there are still some things that the immigrants would miss from their countries. Here are some of these things that would make the immigrants feel like going back home:

1. Family and friends

They say, “No man is an island”. People who stay in a community, especially when it’s for a long period of time, tend to be associated and attached to other individuals aside from their families. They build friendships and most of the time healthy relationships that are hard to give up when migrating. This therefore makes the immigrant miss not only his family, but even those people who have been part of his life.

2. Culture

It is a great experience to see cultures of different countries when travelling, but this is hard when you are an immigrant and you need to adapt to an environment that is much different from where you lived before. There are certain cultures that an immigrant may find inadequate to what he believes which would make him miss his way of living before.

3. Food

Different countries have different cuisines or specific set of cooking traditions and practices, often associated with a specific culture. It is primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade while some religious food laws can also exercise a strong influence on cuisine. This would then be difficult for people moving from a different continent to adjust on their eating traditions. For example, it would be hard for Asians to appreciate British food as the two cuisines are very different from each other.

It may not always be easy to adjust in moving from one place to another. Good thing there are now a number of ways to enjoy migrating to another country and still not miss so much of what we have left. Modern technology has now enabled us to call and visit family and friends much faster or have our favorite food delivered right on our doorway. Even if you’re in the US, you can now find a British food deliverer to your area. Thanks to the modern technology as we start a new life in a new welcoming community.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Power and Leadership Effectiveness

Power and Leadership Effectiveness

“The best way to subdue an enemy is without the use of force” - Sun Tsu –

What will power suggest to you on the face value? It could be described as a display of authority, force or physical strength. Others described power as the ability to control or influence the behavior or responses of others, influence or exact influence on others to act in particular ways different from the way they would ordinarily have. In a rather more comprehensive term, power could be described as the capability of human beings to organize or manipulate their environment – including other human beings: their thoughts, motivation, needs and desires as well as their creations and artifacts - for human ends.

Power further suggests the physical and mental energy to do work; the internal force that enables one to act in certain ways, the ability to enforce the productive will of self or others to get things done.

Power can be expressed through the following ways: push, pull, dormant, subtle, physical, and oral. It can be conferred, usurped or inherited and has the potential to be deployed positively to create, liberate, construct or rebuild causes; or negatively toward oppressive, self-serving and destructive purposes. This is actually where power connects with leadership and leadership effectiveness. According to Becky Brodin, “leadership is not wielding authority but empowering people”. Genuine, result-driven, legendary and time-tested leaders do not possess power for sheer display of strength or natural advantages, nor for the show of any social or intellectual prowess. One sole domineering purpose of power for leaders is to conscientiously empower others.

Power can only be said to have been deployed to positive ends only to the extent to which it impacts others, enables them, empowers them, or inspire them to be able to do what they ordinarily would not have been able to accomplish. And this in turn impacts yet a lot more others to also perform greater feats.

What true leaders do NOT do with the power in their possession?

Flaunt it.

Wield it.

Oppress and suppress with it.

Destroy with it.

Self-destruct with it.

Aggregate for self-importance or self gain.

Intimidate others with it.

Or terrorize and harass the weak and less privileged.

No! With true leadership, the more power one possesses, the more humble, humane, other-people minded, less self-serving they become.

For more information on leadership and power, visit:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to Control Anger Before It Destroys Your Future

How to Control Anger Before It Destroys Your Future

“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city” King Solomon. Anger is destructive and is a destroyer of destinies. Many people have lost jobs, relationships, and opportunities, all because of anger. Also, some people are in prison houses, wasting their fruitful years simply because they did not control their anger. Anger is an emotion that must be controlled before it destroys your great future.

You need to understand that anger stems from selfishness, lack of wisdom and understanding. In Ecclesiastes 7:9, Solomon made it clear that anger rests in the bosom of fools. A man of wisdom and understanding will control his anger and overlook certain wrongs done to him. People get angry because they are considering themselves, how bad their pride or ego has been injured, how their time, energy or money was wasted, etc.

Does it mean you are never to be angry? I will say NO, because there is also time for you to be angry. For instance, you need to be angry enough when things are not working well to force yourself to take steps to change the situation. The question is what do you do when you are angry? Also how long does it linger? Ephesians 4:26 says, “Be ye angry and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (KJV).

So, how do you control Anger before it destroys your future?

· Make a decision not to be easily angered.

When one of my mentors, David Oyedepo, learned that anger lies in the bosom of fools, he made a decision to forgive people even before they wrong him. This attitude will keep anger far from you no matter what people say or do to you.

· Don’t consider you first.

Sometimes, people don’t intentionally do things to make you angry. Be wise enough to take a breath and consider the scenario before acting. Through experience, I have learned that such short breaks diffuse the anger and allow you to think well and make the right decision.

· Make no friendship with a hot-tempered man.

Evil communication corrupts good manners. If you continue with such a person, you will learn his/her ways and snare your future. Proverbs 22:24-25.

Watch your words.

Words are powerful and are seeds that when declared will bring forth a harvest. Don’t confess how easily you get angry; instead say how difficult it is for you to get angry. Let the words - anger or angry - not be part of your usual vocabulary.

· Walk away.

This is not a sign of weakness but of strength and great wisdom. When you sense anger building up within you, you need to just walk away from the scene or person. That moment is not the right time to say or do anything. Anger stirs up strife and develops problems that could have been avoided.

· Ask for God’s help.

God crowns your effort to control anger with His own power. Many people have tried to control anger but failed because they didn’t ask for God’s help. Anger is a force that is out to destroy you, so you need a higher force to overcome it.

· Don’t be angry with yourself.

If in the process of learning to control your anger you miss it, don’t tear yourself apart. Every success story had failures to fight with on the way. So, learn from your mistake and be determined to overcome next time.

Anger is a snare that should not be played with or tolerated. Many success stories were cut short merely because of anger. Your future is bright, great and colorful. Nothing should be allowed to destroy it, especially anger.

How else can you control anger?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Going Through a Divorce

Going Through a Divorce

Divorce is never easy. It is always traumatic and painful. When one marries another, there exists a relation which both the spouses want to nurture. However fate has something else in mind and when due to unforeseeable circumstances and forces, this bond of love and trust breaks, it is bound to be painful and difficult to deal with. It is one of those hard times, where one needs any helpful information from whom one can trust.

The process becomes more intricate and complicated when there are custodial issues involved of a child, which leaves much impact on the child, seeing his beloved parents getting into ugly battles with each other. There are a lot of issues to be decided upon in a divorce, the custodial issues, issue of division of property, alimony, visitation rights, etc and the procedure can be exhausting and requires legal expertise.

It does not matter that the divorce is contested or uncontested; appointment of a divorce attorney is a must for handling divorce cases that is at your side to guide you through whole of the proceedings. There are numerous norms and regulations to be adhered to and a divorce attorney specializes and is an expert in this field, so he can guide you consequently.

In every city, there is no scarcity of divorce lawyers, who hover like a vulture to feed on your pain, who charge exorbitant fees and take advantage of the client mental setup and exploit the opportunity to become rich. They can be typically compared to ambulance chasers. Hence one should choose a divorce attorney who has a successful record and legal expertise in the field.

Divorce Law firms of New York City has a team of highly skilled New York Divorce Lawyers. They work with the best of client’s interest at heart and are renowned their skills. Working with them will end all your anxieties; you will get to know the advantages, risks, strengths and weakness of your case. They believe in the policy that one should get a representation he deserves and thus are very cost-efficient and the fee charged by them is very reasonable.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Don’t just dream about success, Go achieve it

Don’t just dream about success, Go achieve it

A majority of the people dream of being very famous and getting all the success that they ever wished for. However, only a few can achieve that milestone, that too in a few simple steps. Out of those few people you will definitely find some who use the success tricks of success facilitation, for reaching to the top ranks.

Turn your dreams into reality

In the real world no fantasies happen, which can just give success with some magic trick. However, in this world the magic lays inside you, and it is you only who can make this magic work in your favor. The success tricks of success facilitation only helps you to cast the spell on yourself and assists in bringing out your true nature. This success tricks has proved to be a blessing for many, who felt underestimated all their life. The programs of success facilitation are designed in such a way that it will help you to identity your own importance in life and will get you out of the miserable feeling that you suffer from. If you are a salesperson, then you might face a lot of competition, and if you perform badly, then you will find no work and no success. This is where you need a program like this one.

How it helps salesperson?

In an industry sales are considered the most important factor of success, and a salesperson is in charge of the sales. Many people lose heart when they are not able to sell the products. However, a program on success facilitation can change you completely. It teaches you how to make yourself pleasant and presentable and how to convince others to believe in you. These skills will make you a great salesperson, and this makes such programs the most success tricks for achieving success. The success facilitation program is taken as most success tricks, which provide you added skills of maintaining your focus, motivation, energy even in the toughest circumstances.

What else will you get from these programs?

The list of benefits that you will gain from using the success tricks of success facilitation programs is pretty long. With an success facilitation course or program, you will also be able to take on any behavior, skill or subject and can master it within some time and very easily. This makes this the most success tricks of lessening the distance amid you and your dream success. The methods that you are thought in such programs for achieving success include many kinds of persuasion techniques. These techniques make you more confident as improve your skills as a salesperson as well. You just need to find a suitable success facilitation program and let this success tricks work its magic on you.
