Last 30 years, China's environmental destruction is shocking.
1. Soil erosion, land desertification. Area of soil erosion in China has reached 3.67 million square kilometers (accounting for 38.2% of national territory). Only 50 years, the average area of soil erosion will be added up to 53.5 thousand square kilometers. Of desertification in China (including desert) land area of about 2.674 million square kilometers, accounting for 28% of total land area; Secondly, the area of decertified land increased to 2.622 million square kilometers (accounting for 27.6% of national territory), of which 94.5% are man-made factors. Finally, in the remaining three million square kilometers of land on the population has multiplied, so "in less than half a century, people's per-capita living space has been compressed to the original 1 / 5." In addition, the world's population of more than 50 million of the 26 countries, China's per capita arable land area ranks third from the bottom, but in recent years, the annual loss of 7,900 mu of cultivated land were as high as much can be.
2, Water pollution. Sewers and sewage load per square kilometer of the world average of 16.5 times, the country's 50,000 kilometers of major rivers 3 / 4 or more are so polluted that fish cannot have the degree of pollution of coastal waters is governed by the Bohai Sea into the Dead Sea a few.
3, Air pollution. Urban air pollution in the world's first, if to break the national boundaries, only the degree of pollution ranking, then the former 20 may include the vast majority of Chinese cities.
4, Garbage pollution. Garbage everywhere, piles of garbage piling up every year by 10 million mu of land abandoned.
5, Wild animal extinctions. Indiscriminate killing of wild animals caught mad the past 50 years, resulting in a large number of animals become extinct or endangered.
6, Energy waste. Per capita energy reserve is less than the world average of 1 / 2, while the energy consumption per unit output value is as high as three times the world average. China is now six times higher than the rest of the world towards the speed of resource depletion.
In recent years, despite the bureaucratic group shouted GDP has maintained a 7% -8% growth rate; it is a good quality of life. But people do not look at the growth of the first real information or not, just from the calculation point of view, the Chinese Communists have never counted the cost of environmental damage into GDP. Excluding the ecological costs and production waste, over the past 20 years, China's true national wealth will shrink 22 percent, there are some data indicate that, if the annual consumption of the environment taken into account, China's annual GDP is negative growth; mainland high energy consumption products , Yuan GDP energy consumption is the world's average of 3 to 4 times. Every year, China consumed 40% of the world's cement, steel production 30%; oil production of 30%. Resources of this continent to fight, fight human, high input, high consumption and high pollution, the extensive model of development of the world's energy pose a huge threat. Comprehensive energy efficiency and the mainland is only 33%, 10 percentage points lower than in developed countries; energy consumption per unit output value is more than twice the world average; the main product unit energy consumption is greater than that of foreign advanced high standard of 40%.
In addition to the devastating destruction of the environment, the Chinese mainland public private system will eventually become a bureaucratic group the main form of plundering of national wealth. Mainland China's market economy is not a normal market economy, human beings, but elite-led market economy. This market is just and plans corresponding to a concept, only as a means of deploying resources there, rather than the rule of law, freedom and democracy that corresponds to the free market system, not as a social system to arise.
Public private institutions in mainland China in order to destroy the environment at the expense of resources for future generations to survive at the expense of the exchange for the wealth, but also through elite mode of operation of the market economy, the majority shifted to the red hands of nobility. Some people say that China holds 0.4% of households had more than 70% of the wealth that is truly the hands of the people (including the so-called middle class) in the hands of very few resources. It can be seen that the fall of China's economic system completely centralized in the hands of bureaucrats. To make China's economic environment, political environment, and living environment back to life, we must abandon the model of public private system; restore private ownership, and the establishment of genuine democracy and the rule of law under the premise of a market economic system.
Of course, as all countries for their consideration, do not want the public benefit of all mankind to give up their country's interests, as the mainland authorities will not give up their interests to the nation. But I do not advocate violent revolution tempest-like, while looking forward to all the people's peaceful reform, the reform movement. It is the popular movement, the existence and details of the lives of every citizen. Respect for private rights, emphasis on private rights, in order to safeguard private rights and the fight, but also the details.
I firmly believe that once China from the public the plight of the private system model freed, when the Chinese totalitarian dictatorship from the obscurantism of tolerance and liberation of the Chinese in the treatment of the world's modern ecological and political importance of a symbiotic relationship, the possibility will be prominent. Own humanity, "the wisdom of tolerance," "the wisdom of reconciliation," "change, Wisdom," "Symbiosis of wisdom", and the world to date, the various "community of interest" (or called interest groups, including political parties), will give way to science and democracy, freedom and human rights of "citizens of symbiosis." Human near term ecological revolution, that is a no smoke, no pollution, no damage, has not been insulted and being prejudicial to the revolution, is a rich global perspective, the East feelings, treat him who symbiotic harmony means that the revolution, it will open a new era in the history of the universe.
China but also in this revolution must find its own path of sustainable development.
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