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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Complete Personality Development

Complete Personality Development

Each one of us wants to be perfect, in every field and choice of our life. But the fact remains that not everyone can be perfect in all the aspects of life, We are humans and we are always prone to do mistakes, be it intentionally or unintentionally. Having said that, there is always a scope for improvement, improvement in our thinking, abilities and your complete personality development on the whole.

The first key factor in improving our personality would be understanding ourselves completely, our weaknesses and our strengths. That's how we get to know our abilities and capabilities. Our personality is a combination of our thinking patterns, behavioral actions, management abilities and problem solving attitude. In short, it is the complete personal management that you should achieve, in order to develop and maintain a strong and successful personality.

Personality development is not something that can be achieved in a day or a week, its an ongoing process that you need to achieve to keep up your personal growth and prosperity. You need to work on your mental abilities first, developing high spirit, IQ of mind and being emotionally strong. Also you need to maintain a strong physical condition, as it is a fact that a healthy mind prevails in a healthy body. More importantly, you need to learn excellent management abilities that will develop a successful personality. These 3 factors put together will inherently develop the kind of person that you want to be, that will surely make you consistent, spontaneous and very practical in overcoming all the problematic situations.

All these factors and many more are clearly discussed in my website below, where in, you can get a complete personality development guide, covering all the important aspects our life.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Things to consider when it comes to your spiritual growth

Things to consider when it comes to your spiritual growth

When most people think of the notion of ‘spiritual growth’, they have a tendency to confuse the idea of the ‘spirit’ with organized religion. For many people, however, who have benefitted from spiritual healing and seen the truly transformative effect that it can have on their lives – including their creativity and sense of identity – growing spiritually is not about religion, but instead stands for something more, quite literally, ‘energetic’.

If this misunderstanding arises, it is perhaps because many people simply do not take the time to enhance their awareness and extend their experiences over the course of their lives. If you feel that life is a struggle or think you have certain deep-seated, sub-conscious fears that you feel are holding you back, you may wish to pay more attention to spiritual growth as a way of deeply and profoundly changing your life.

The value of the Internet for those with an interest in spiritual growth:

One of the great news about matters of the spirit is that there is no reason for geography to be a barrier: by searching online for the right people specializing in spirituality and complementary medicine, you can benefit from the right help with your spiritual growth, either over the phone or via email.

The Internet has long been a highly valuable source of a variety of products and services. Indeed, simply by performing a search for ‘spiritual growth’, you can find the right practitioners in complementary medicine to help you on your spiritual journey.

What else do I need to know about spiritual growth?

Unbeknown to so many people, there are different realities that exist, not only here but also extra-terrestrially. As human beings, we appear to have long lost our ability to interact with these planes of reality. To be able to do so once again, however, one must get their energetic system into the best possible condition and begin to ride the cycle of time.

Taking our process of spiritual growth seriously allows us to resolve our long-held energetic issues, meaning that we can become increasingly in tune with our personal lives in addition to reaching an unprecedented level of personal awareness.

Friday, March 25, 2011

15 Ways To Enjoy More Happiness In Your Life Now

15 Ways To Enjoy More Happiness In Your Life Now

Perhaps , all of us want to be happy. For this objective, we are constantly searching by all means. Even in the U.S. Constitution , it has been stipulated that we all have the right to “life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.” Below are 14 ways that you can experience happiness right now in your life.

#1- Follow your heart- Do what makes you happy. Whether its doing a craft, or helping someone out, teaching the piano, follow your bliss, your heart always knows.

#2- Letting go- Don't hang on to disappointments and talk about what didn't go right. Focus on what has went right in your life and let go of the past.

#3- Don't dwell on the negative- Stop dwelling on your problems. Stop focusing your attention on what doesn't work and start thinking about what you can do differently. Plan for the future and the steps you need to take you there.

#4- Happiness is now- You create happiness every day through the things you choose to think about

and do. Try to do happy things. You can only go back in memory for the happiness of the past. You can only think about the happiness in the future, but can't enjoy it yet. So why not enjoy the happiness of now?

#5- What you expect, you get- We get our expectations. Did you expect the best out of a situation or did you expect the worst? What you expected is likely what you got. Always expect the best, if that's what you'd like to get!

#6- Be thankful- Be thankful for what you do have and for what you don't have, such as an illness or other problems. Be grateful for your blessings and all that goes right in your life.

#7- Agree to agree- Saying yes more often brings happiness to your life. Help out others when you can. We get used to saying no too much, but that creates negative energy. Say yes more often, agree to agree, and you will create more positive energy in your life.

#8- Random Acts of Kindness- What little thing can you do that would make someone else happy? It can be as little as to say “Hello”, or hold the door for another, or how about letting some one cut in traffic? It's the little things in life that bring joy to others and to yourself.

#9 Just love- Love creates happiness. The more love you put out, the more love you get back. The more you love, the more you create happiness. Love your dog, love your family, just love life!

#11- The simple things- It's the simple things in life that make us happiest. Sleeping in, enjoying the company and love of a pet, or the time we spend with loved ones. What simple things can you do today that will bring happiness in your life?

#12- Acceptance-Don't live in the memories of the past or in the fantasies of the future. Accept what is and enjoy the now.

#13- Nutrition and Exercise- You are what you eat, they always say. What are you putting in your body? Is it processed foods or fresh foods? Do you respect your body and give it the exercise it needs each day? Exercise can be as simple as going for a walk. Treat your body with respect and allow happiness to grow.

#14- Laughter- Laughter really is the best medicine! Let yourself laugh out loud more often. Don't hold it in, let it out and see how much better you feel because of it.

#15- Dream- Allow yourself to dream. How would you like things to be? What do you want in your life? It's ok to dream sometimes, just don't get caught up in it, forgetting to enjoy the now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Developing the Leader-Manager Concept!

Developing the Leader-Manager Concept!

A very strategic consideration in this subject of comparing leadership and management is in the comparism of the differences in effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness is doing the right things while efficiency is doing things right. Leadership is about doing the right things, ethics, morals etc. while management is about being very efficient, doing things right, maintaining the status quo without distorting due processes. So while the ethically-minded leader is asking whether right things are being done, the task-minded manager want to know if things have been done right and properly.

It is important to note however that there is no better approach to leadership amongst being effectiveness-driven, or being efficiency-driven. In been effectiveness-driven, the leader cannot achieve wholesome results by concerning him/herself mainly with doing the right things without being bothered about ‘how’ (the processes through which), the ‘right’ things are done, because, one can actually do the right things wrongly. In the same vein, the manager whose leadership parameter is mainly in ensuring that things are done right without been concerned about whether the right things are being done is also only right by half. This is because most of the times, things can be done properly, or rightly without being the right things.

For an individual’s optimum leadership effectiveness, one must neither be efficiency-driven or effectiveness-driven but should work assiduously toward a perfect combination of both efficiency – doing things right, and effectiveness – doing the right things. This is the state that John Maxwell and other leadership experts describe as ‘excellence’ which is the perfect combination of doing ‘the right things, right’ at the right time, all the time. In other words, it must matter to the leader or the manager to do the right things, as it must matter to them to do things right. In which case the right things do not suffer at the mercy of processes through which they get done, while at the same time, processes do not suffer at the mercy or the’rightness’ of what is being done. The most effective and indeed most efficient leader or manager therefore is the leader-manager who has developed his/her expertise to the point of being able to effortlessly or naturally DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT, AT THE RIGHT TIME, ALL THE TIME. That will be the excellence-driven leader or manager, the goal for every leader and manager.

The leader-manager is interested in being efficient and also in being effective. The leader-manager is keen at being people-driven as well as in being target-driven so as to achieve the greatest happiness of the greatest number. While it gives the leader good feeling to be loved, appreciated, admired and acknowledged by their followers, they must also be motivated in being accepted and acknowledge by those that placed them in power – their employers and superiors. When the satisfaction of the subordinates comes at the mercy of the satisfaction of the employer, the leader suffers the lack of recognition and promotion. Also, when the satisfaction of the employer comes at the mercy of that of the subordinates, the manager is seen as a bootlicker, oppressor, sycophant and a self-serving bully. S/he will lack in the respect and dignity of genuine heartfelt-followership. S/he cannot enjoy his/her leadership. But the leader-manager is that which is able to create a balance and ensure that to a high degree, his or her followers as well as superiors are satisfied with dividends from their leadership career.

For more information on Leadership and Management visit:


Monday, March 21, 2011

Healthful Maturity Starts With The Help Of Stress Lessening!

Healthful Maturity Starts With The Help Of Stress Lessening!

Everyone is generally unaware of precisely what tension can do with their body and mind. Stress is usually detrimental to one's heart. Stress and anxiety will provide you with mild to severe headaches, or allow you to come to feel feeling hopeless. Emotional stress is capable of many damaging circumstances to your own mind and body, however now and again emotional tension is without a doubt very good. Controlling emotional tension would be the key for you to living healthier.

Should you live with bad stress and anxiety, you simply must take action to lessen the amount. You've gotten several choices to relieve anxiety.

Just where does emotional stress originate from?
Emotional stress develops out of several elements. For instance, debts might cause people anxiety. Possibly not having to pay an individual's monthly dues in time thanks to insufficient financial resources could cause stress. Not having an occupation or even kids might stress you out towards max. In addition, terrible romantic relationships can wear on your nervousness.

Exactly what do you do to receive a lot of relief from emotional tension?
A lot of the elements that will assist you to find relief from stress and anxiety comprise of reading through a good e-book. Wrap oneself up within a comfy quilt or maybe cool place with regards to the temperature and luxuriate in a superb publication. Publishing is one of the leading ideas that will allow you to reduce anxiety. When you're overloaded with anxiety, write down ones own feelings, thoughts, thought processes et cetera. Writing is a good exercise, put it to very good usage. Keep away from overdoing it, so that you learn to take pleasure in writing rather than experiencing annoyed at the idea of writing.

You may want to have a pleasant very hot, bubble bath. Add some candles surrounding the bathtub, soak and enjoy. There are many techniques people can find relief from tension; you will need to determine the most beneficial way to realize that relief. Select what ever is ideal for you.

In case you find it difficult to discover a way to try and do it on your own you may pay a visit to your loved ones health practitioner, a good counselor, family member or friend that could help you for you to lowering your emotional tension. Assistance is a superb resource. Build up some sort of help group in which assists you to live life far healthier, rather than wearing you down.

What exactly can stress and anxiety do to my own body system?
Emotional tension can do a good deal with your entire body should you allow it. It will command ones own emotions, thought processes, actions, behaviours, bodily functions and the like. When you let stress to regulate you, it will bring you right down to nothing, making you feel worthless. Stress and anxiety is able to do a lot of damage to your system together with your thought process.

What can I actually do so that I am not so anxious?
Emotional stress could be lessened by way of reducing lousy patterns. Attempt shelling out ones own expenses by the due date when possible. If you cannot pay off ones own debts promptly on account of inadequate cash, pay off an adequate amount of to avoid shut-off notices. You ought to put in place a budget in order that you pay smartly. Assistance is only a telephone call away to boot. Pick up your current phone publication, communicate with people in your neighborhood, etcetera, while you just may find money open to help individuals with low-income pay bills.

An additional excellent way of avoiding emotional tension will be to steer clear of those that pull you down. When you have buddies or perhaps family members giving you massive doubts, let these individuals go and locate good friends instead. Sometimes tough love is actually our own technique of indicating, "I've experienced enough."

In addition, you'll be able to learn to eat wholesome, exercise and also put away those things that will wear on your own wellness. For instance, in the event you smoke cigarettes, drink excessively, make use of pills, and so on, you are wearing intensely on your nervous feelings. Put these matters in back of you if possible; in any other case seek help put these matters right behind you. You have many options; check your own methods to know what is accessible to you.
