Despite this, however, more and more marriages are taking place in winter. Contrary to popular belief the wedding in winter can be no doubt a pleasant diversion from the traditional ceremony that can take advantage from many original features but also can take advantage of many features of the tradition.
Surely the first "problem" to solve when you decide to get married in winter is the one related to the bride’s dress. For if, in the traditional ceremonies that take place in the hot season the main problem is given by the groom's dress, which accomplice the emotion of that day is likely to be the poor man feel like a popsicle in the sun, in winter one of the problems to be solved is that of the bride. Fortunately there are many alternatives to the classic fur that are proposed by the collections of many contemporary designers: from handmade capes to woolen shawls and much more warm clothes for all needs without a doubt.
The second "problem" to solve what is undoubtedly the location for the marriage banquet which in the summer, you can enjoy the gardens and pool, but in winter you should aim for cottages and country houses equipped lounges within which to entertain guests without that unpleasant feeling of suffocation. Just definitely a thorough search on the internet or some agency request catering specializing in event organization and this problem will be easily resolved in the best way of course.
The third issue to be resolved is about the menu of marriage. There are two possibilities in this respect: we rely blindly or in a restaurant where we decided to hold the banquet or customize every little detail, from centerpieces to table.
Surely if we wanted a particular location, the second hypothesis is the most plausible and we will need the full cooperation of the expert catering manager and the event that any serious agency may put provision. Surely we can be daring with winter dishes of our rich tradition of Italian cuisine and well but we also dare with dishes from other traditions. From choosing the menu and will also depend on the choice of decorations and music that will be complementary to give that air of a unique and inimitable event to measure. An original idea is to take a main theme as a base and build from there throughout the event: an example may be the subject of cold, or that of mountain life on which we can develop the rest with the use of fabric squares, chocolate, wood and fire live in the rooms but there are many other possibilities, many of which also call foreign traditions such as Siberia or the rustic of the Trentino and South Tyrol.
It is important; however, respect the most basic principles of harmony to form a group to go to make the best day of our lives, a moment of joy and celebration for all guests!
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