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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Online Degrees Courses - Online Education and Degrees in one Click Away

Online Degrees Courses - Online Education and Degrees in one Click Away

Online degrees also allow you to absolute courses much faster than what an off line course would allow. There are some folks who want to get the degree faster because they can spend more time per day at home completing the credit requirements and online degree courses give them the ability to do so. This also helps such folks to move forward themselves professionally as they are able to get raises and sometimes even get promoted because of this added qualification, provided the online training programs they do is well recognized and accepted by industry. This is one of the main reasons why people should make it a point to assess the validity and the industry acceptability of the online degrees courses that they wish to complete. After all, there is no point in taking up a course and spending time and money on it without bothering to evaluate its utility going forward. The objective is not to just get any degree, but to persevere and get a degree that will add significant value to you professionally and also personally.

An online education is the perfect solution to advancing in your chosen career or landing that job you've always dreamed of. online makes obtaining an online degree easier than ever! Online degree programs offer the flexibility and convenience that can make it possible. will connect you with the resources you need to get your education off the ground. You can do Online degrees by degree level : Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, MBA Degree, Doctoral Degree, Degree Completion, Certificate Programs, Post-Baccalaureate, Post-Grad Courses and online degrees by subjects are Business, Health, Technology ⁄ IT, Education, Law and Criminal Justice, Human Services, Engineering, Trades and Careers, Science & Math, Liberal Arts, Hospitality Management, Art and Design.

There are lots of folks who take up vocations just after online middle school and high school also agreeable online high schools. These people get addicted to jobs as they need to financially support themselves and their families. But they may have an inner desire or perchance a long cherished dream and aspiration to be graduates and be the proud owner of a degree, no matter what the discipline they choose. It is here that online degrees courses come to the rescue of such degree aspirants, because such degrees can be pursued even when you are doing a job. You can weave your hours of revise and pace of education around your daily work schedule, which means it gives rise to a level of inimitable flexibility that a regular collage degree will never afford. Even working moms or housewives can pursue online degrees courses without having to trudge back to college each day.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

How to Determine If the Online Degree Program Will Be Recognized by Employers?

How to Determine If the Online Degree Program Will Be Recognized by Employers?

There are lots of online degree programs available today. You will be able to earn your college diploma by finishing your course online. Your diploma will be awarded by an online university or college upon completion of all the requirements of the undergraduate program. However, not all undergraduate programs of online colleges and universities are created equal. Some programs will be recognized universally while other will not. So you need to determine if your online program is accredited to ensure that your credits will be recognized by employers and other higher learning institutions.

If your online degree is recognized universally in the academe and in the business sector, then it means that the online university is accredited to provide higher education credentials. An online university or college should pass all recognized standards so that its programs can get official accreditation. It is very important therefore to take your course online from an accredited institution. Most employers will hire you if you studied in an accredited online university and college. Unfortunately, your chances of landing a job would be slim if your online degree program is not accredited. So there is a good reason to verify the accreditation of an online college before you formalize your enrollment.

The highest accreditation that an online college or university can get is regional accreditation. In the United States, a regional accreditation for an online college or university is a guarantee that its online degree programs will be recognized universally across the country. This type of accreditation will give you enough confidence to take the college course online. Your undergraduate diploma will be recognized as a valid proof of educational attainment by employers and other higher learning institutions. This means that you can be hired immediately by companies because your online degree is universally recognized. Your college credits will also be recognized by other universities so it is possible to further your education in the future.

Another good accreditation program is the one conferred by the Distance Education and Training Council. This is a prestigious accreditation recognized by most employers. You can be assured that your undergraduate course online will be recognized by employers if the course program has been certified by the Council. So you will not find it difficult to look for jobs if you have a degree from an online university accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. However, some higher learning institutions will ask further proof from you before they credit your degree and accept you in their Graduate studies programs. But for the purpose of getting a job, an online university accredited by the Council is a good option.

Before you register with an online university or college, it is really very important to verify the accreditation of the institution. An accredited institution can offer programs that will be recognized by the business community and other universities. In order to avoid troubles, make sure that you can take your online course from a reputable online college or university that has the right accreditation.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is There a Need for a University Education?

Is There a Need for a University Education?

Society is constantly evolving. In the past, a university education was considered a luxury. That is because society then was more forgiving. You can build a career even if you only have a high school diploma. Today, you cannot survive in the modern business environment if you do not have a higher education degree. Unfortunately, it is also very costly to pursue a four-year course from a traditional school. But you have to remember that society is always evolving. You have better alternatives today because there are colleges online that can confer a respectable degree for you. But do you really need a degree? Here are three reasons that will answer this question.

A university degree means more money for you. The economic implication of a four-year course is so lucrative. If you earn your degree from colleges online or even from traditional institutions, then you will be able to magnify your earning potential. This is one of the main reasons why there are so many working professionals who are returning to school. The prospect of getting a promotion is brighter if they have a degree. It is quite obvious that if you get promoted, then your pay scale will also increase. You can build a better life for yourself and for your family if you have a degree from prestigious universities.

Second, a university degree is your social insurance. If you have a degree, then you are highly employable. You can easily find jobs and opportunities. You can also easily edge out anyone who does not have the right educational qualification. Fortunately, it is now easier to continue your education because there are universities and colleges online that will accommodate your busy schedules. Once you earned your degree, you will definitely enjoy a competitive edge in the job market. Even if the economy is gloomy, companies will always look for professionals who have the right education and experience. So a college degree is a sure guarantee that you can always have a good job no matter what happens to the economy.

Lastly, a university degree will give you greater confidence. Having a personal sense of worth is a great asset. You can conquer big challenges if you have a strong belief and confidence in yourself. Confidence in your own abilities is also a big factor in getting leadership positions. If you have great confidence in your capabilities, then you can maintain a take charge attitude which is highly valued in the corporate world. Your degree will also give you the right skills and know-how to solve problems. That is why it is very important to pursue your degree and continue to enhance your education.

The big challenge for you now is to find the right educational institution that will confer a college degree for you. In this aspect, you can find great value from colleges online. These colleges will enable you to finish your degree even if you are too busy with work. All you need to do is to act now and get your college degree from online educational institutions.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Online Education and Degree Courses – New World of Education Mode of Studies

Online Education and Degree Courses – New World of Education Mode of Studies

With the progress of technology and world economy, our lifestyle and fashion has been changed in many ways. Different sectors like politics, medical, engineering, education and other departments changed at the large extent. One of the biggest examples of technological advances is the World Wide Web in the form of using of internet technology which has completely revolutionized the way of living. Today we largely depend on online technology for various types of information, booking, online services including online education that brings students again on the education track. Because of online technology, the modern concepts of online degree courses have come into being with different stages. All developed and developing countries are using online technology for various purposes; there will be hardly any person who does not know about World Wide Web and its valuable utilities. Today as the internet has become a part and necessity of life where different colleges and universities have come up with their different degree courses through online mode of education. Today number of prominent and well reputed colleges and universities offers online degree courses for different students from different themes.

As per the research, professional organizations together with the academic institutions, both have agreed on the concept of online education. They have shown their fully support to benefits of the online degrees where they have mentioned that online education environments have the ability and capacity to offer great education benefits to the students.

With the online technology, online middle schools, online home schools and online high schools have gained awesome popularity and excellence in offering quality education and providing an interesting and fun way of learning things. Students, who are not able to attend regular colleges and universities because of their any personal problem, can go with online education mode where they find flexibility of time, location and they can create their own education environment as they like. Different colleges and universities offer different online degree courses at different level. Capella University, Grantham University, University of Phoenix, Walden University, Ashford University, California State University, Arkansas State University, Baker College Online, Bowling Green State University , Carrington College California online, Creighton University, Colorado Technical University Online are some of the famous and reputed online colleges and universities that offers wide verities of online degree programs at different level like graduate, under graduate, doctoral and PhD level courses.

Wide verities of online programs give an opportunity to different students to choose from. Online degree courses are wider concept that includes proper conference among teachers and students; you can go with your studies with social duties and responsibilities that offer great career opportunities. Online MBA nursing, psychology, online management courses, online medical courses, online teaching courses, criminal justice degrees, online health, engineering degree courses are some of the hot online training programs which are always remain on the high demand by the students from the different fields. There are many resources available on the internet that offers complete information about online degree courses, admission, study criteria / material, about accredited, examination procedures and lots more. All these types of information one will easily get from online resources.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How Distance Learning MBA has been converted into Online Learning Program

How Distance Learning MBA has been converted into Online Learning Program

Technology has been the bridge between the North and South Poles. It has also removed every inch of distance between premier universities and the rest of the world. The educational landscape all over the world is undergoing remarkable transformation by means of technology. With the use of technology, distance learning MBA is no longer distance education. It has rather become online learning. For the past few years, the computing and internet technology has been regulating the teaching and learning system. Both students and teachers have taken recourse to it to facilitate higher education outside classrooms. Degree online is an epoch-making outcome of technology.

Many think about the computing and internet technology from negative viewpoint. They demean the effectiveness of technology by considering the disadvantages of its use. The transformation of distance learning MBA into online learning program is a major advantage of this technology in the education field. The internet, websites, multimedia applications, desktops, laptops and software programs have reached out with information from across the world to the grasp of both students and teachers. The application of these technological tools has revolutionized the way a degree online is bagged. It is technology that has put online educational opportunities in the hands of dropouts, minorities and the handicapped.

Technologies have facilitated the deliverance of instructions online irrespective of distance between students and teachers. Internet-based teleconferencing, satellite videoconferencing and interactive multimedia classrooms are the modes of delivering instructions to the students of distance learning MBA in information management. Knowledge of how to integrate strategic management and information management systems in the infrastructure of an organization is critical to organization management. MBA in information management delivers this knowledge. Similarly, the use of information technology is crucial to the conduction of degree online.

Information technology is such knowledge without which the pursuit of economic activities in any industry is impossible. Knowledge of information technology is difficult to apply without the exercise of management skills. Distance learning MBA is now an online learning experience partly because of information technology. Information of the industry is critical to one’s performance in a corporate organization. That is why; the success of online education depends on the advancement of information technology. Using the information technology tools is imperative to the collection of information from across the World Wide Web. With so many facilities available, the pursuit of a degree online has become much easier. To say in brief, information technology adds to the potential of online education.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Make Career in Teaching through Online Education Mode!

Make Career in Teaching through Online Education Mode!

Teachers are the very important role in a student's life. It is the teacher to the great extent who decides the shape a student's life will take. So, for this purpose it is very necessary to be adequately equipped with resources that will make the teacher a perfect role model to the students. To achieve this Bachelor of Education course or the B. Ed was introduced, which will explain a person about teaching and the various aspects associated with teaching.

If you want to have a strong foundation of teaching, it is always prudent to seek admission in some of the reputed B. Ed colleges in India.

Some of the colleges are listed below:-

1. Jamia Millia Islamia, Maulana Mohammed Ali Jauhar Marg, New Delhi

2. A.G. Teachers College, Ahmadabad

3. Himachal Pradesh University, Department Of Education, Shimla

4. D.M. College of Teacher Education, Imphal

5. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

6. University of Bombay

7. St. Xavier’s College of Education, Patna

8. College Of Teacher Education, Kozhikode

9. NSS Training College, Pandalam

Online nursing degrees

There are many factors which have importantly contributed in popularizing the profession of nursing among the people. The stability of the job and wide scope for career development has led to the growth of the nursing profession.

There are a wide number of institutes which offer online nursing degrees for the students to join like:-

1. University of Phoenix

2. Walden University

3. Jacksonville University

4. Kaplan University

5. The Chamberlain College of Nursing and American Sentinel University.

Online engineering degree

Engineering degrees online courses are imparted through a number of institutes best known for their world-class infrastructure and educational facilities. Engineering is said to be the one of the most lucrative career options and offers plenty of job opportunities for the suitable candidates.

There are plenty of institutes where you can enroll yourself to pursue your online engineering degree. Students who are successfully qualified the eligibility criteria can join the stream of their choice in the online institutes. You may call down to collect the names of the institutes that are offering engineering degrees online.

National Technological University at Minnesota

Columbia University

Florida State University

Iowa State University

Michigan Technological University

North Carolina State University

Keiser College

Westwood College Online

Champlain College

Regis University

Walden University

Devry University

Western International University

University of Maryland University College

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Illustrating shift to challenges-an experience

Illustrating shift to challenges-an experience

In all honesty I have had a fairly easy life. I’m not adopted or orphaned, my parents never abused me physically or verbally and I have no learning disabilities of any kind. I grew up in a suburb, danced ballet, played sports in high school and graduated at the top of my class. I never broke a bone (knock on wood), sprained my ankle, contracted a disease that put my life at risk, had a major car accident or been diagnosed with any kind of illness. In fact I’ve never even been hospitalized and the only time I have been to a hospital is when someone in my family gave birth (to bouncing, healthy babies) or when I volunteered to put on a Christmas program for the children’s hospital as a part of my high school senior project. I have never felt racially discriminated against and I can’t say that I come from a socioeconomically disadvantaged family. In fact, when I applied for universities, I was astonished at how little scholarships and grants I qualified for because of my idyllic childhood and background. I can say that I have had a virtually care-free life. But my most challenging life experience was during my freshman year in college when for the first time, I was faced with having to stand up for myself, my beliefs, and my morals.

After PSATs, SATs, ACTs, and electronically filling out various applications to several universities, I chose to attend the University of California in Los Angeles. I started fall quarter and was officially declared as Chemistry major, knowing I would most likely change majors eventually. My parents had helped me move into my dorm room the week before and my roommate was friendly enough--she seemed clean and studious but at the same time not too conflicting with my naturally chaotic personality. We had a few meals together, but it was pretty clear we would only be roommates and not close friends because we had different interests that put us in very distinct social circles. She played the cello in the orchestra and I was on the track and field team, running short-distance. So while I was up early for practice and training, constantly watching what I ate and conditioning during most of my free time, she had rehearsals late into the night, spent lots of time sitting and ate tons of junk. All the same, we were amiable toward one another and could have a laugh or two when it was just the two of us.

Our different schedules made it so I was constantly out of the room and spent very little time in the dorms while she was almost always in the room or very close to the dorms. I didn’t think anything of this--after all we were consumed in very different activities and part of college and the dorm experience was learning how to share a room and compromise. However by the end of the first month together I started to notice little things that made me suspicious.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Parents release hand then kid can be independent

Parents release hand then kid can be independent

The core hints:

Under the dual pressure of study, employment, parent and school first think greatly of be still the only sons and daughters' study result. Entirely ignore doing laundry, folding a quilt etc. sorting domestic affairs. Their ability to independently study and live is gradually deteriorated. How to train an independent kid? When the topic is issued, teacher, parent, student taking part in is numerous.

Parent's standpoint force a kid of independence.

In childhood, because the parents’ sons and daughters were so many and they were occupied in a work. Compelled under this situation, when at the primary school of grade 4-5 kids can take care of themselves. In fact, not those at that time the parents are cruel. Because subjected to various conditional restrictions at that time, just we are compelled to learn the ability of independent life.

Parents should the malicious, makes the kid do their own things they can do. Only so, the kid then can get away from mental dependence gradually, make good study, and take care of own life.

Changing the rules to habit.

Habit can form personality, the personality decides destiny. So, foster the kid's independent consciousness, the parent must change idea and change spoil to sign a rules. Combining kid’s reality and drew up the rule of developing physically and mentally to match a kid, made him understand which is right which is wrong, which affairs is needed to be independently finished, gradually trained a kid consciousness of independent existence, thinking. Parent insists unremittingly, urge a kid change independent consciousness to the good study and live habit.

The adult lets go the kid to begin.

The parent should have the principle of "the adult lets go, the kid begin" and lets the kid does some affairs of what lies in one's powers. In the home, parent can according to the kid's interest and ability through concrete and meticulous demonstration, starts to do from the nearby small matter, from easy to difficult, teach the technical ability. Such as study wipe a mouth, wipe nasal, wash hands, brush teeth, wash face, wear clothes, tidy up bed...etc..These like small matter, but actually created for kid good toughen opportunity, invisibly strengthened a kid’s ability to independently live. After the kid completes, the parents should give appropriate applause, this can to a large extent bolster the kid's self-confident heart.

The parent should train kid’s ability to think independently.

Everything that the kid can take part in, let the kids take part in, for example where should go in the weekend, let kid as a member equally participates. If that practicable to and then can adopt.

Train the kid’s quality to overcome difficulty.

The kid meets a difficulty very easily and is subjected to frustration then gives up, the parent should insist, encourage, help the kid at this time.

So I think, parents in good time can release hand will foster the kid's independence gradually, such as alone sleeping, cook a meal, do laundry, sweep floor. Give public recognition reward appropriately when the kid does these affairs; satisfy the kid’s “vanity", by encouraging forming the good habit of independent life.

Some parents worry that the kid suffers hardship and excessively shelters, even spoil again and again, this will make the kid be getting indulgent. Don't experience rains and winds, how can see rainbow? The kid sooner or later will independently live. And releases hand in good time, the kid will more and early and independently grow up, its personality will also firm and unyielding, personality will also perfect earlier.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Online Examination and Assignment Help For All

Online Examination and Assignment Help For All

Tutorsonweb provides email based and live assignment help and homework help in a variety of subjects. This helps you do your papers, essays, projects and homework better. The team at Tutorsonweb is well qualified to provide help with all kinds of student assignments, whether it is writing assignments or other homework assignments including essays, research papers, lab reports, literature reviews, and senior theses. We provide assignments help for all levels, from school to college, and for all subjects. From short and easier assignments to long and complex ones, Tutorsonweb is the place to turn to for Assignment help.

It is proven that the more detailed and specific Student Assignments are, the better the student papers tend to be in response to that assignment. Our aim is to provide the requisite assignment help to any students who do not understand how to go about the assignment or who are otherwise desperate for help in their homework assignments.

At Tutorsonweb, we are the team of highly skilled, diverse and expert tutors who provide the student with that much-needed edge with Homework assignments. Our team comprises of experts in varied fields - Math, Chemistry, Physics, Writing, Thesis, Essay, Accounting, Finance, Data Analysis, Case Studies, Term Papers, and Projects etc. We provide online assignment help service to students in schools and colleges. We make available solutions of the problem in Software languages such as C/C++, Java, Python, Mat lab, .Net etc.

Tutorsonweb is the place to find the needed support, advice and guidance with student assignments and Tutorsonweb tutors are ideally suited to provide such assignment help. Tutorsonweb tutors will help complete homework assignments without hassles! We offer assignment help, which ensure:

No Plagiarism – We use software to ensure that there is no referenced content taken from
publicly available resources.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tailoring your CV!

Tailoring your CV!

There was a time that when updating your CV it sufficed to create a general resume of your experience and skills. However these days it is advantageous to update your CV each time you apply for a new role. With the availability of online CVs it is now possible to tailor your CV quickly and easily as each new role comes up. In the competitive UK job market this is a fully justified and sensible approach to take as it can make all the difference to securing the job that you are looking for.

With each job application you need to assess what skills are required for the job role. Think carefully about the expertise and achievements that you need to highlight in order to sell yourself for the position. Think about who you are selling your skills to and why they would be seeking certain skill sets for the job. Another effective way of designing a good CV is to think about why an employer would choose you over other applicants.

Try not to ‘over target’ your CV. Using CV templates you can ensure that you don’t forget some of the more general information that an employer will be looking for.

When writing the introduction to your CV you need to make it sound individual. If you are applying for a sales executive role then it’s likely that 99% of applicants have introduced themselves as ‘dynamic, results-driven’ individuals. Take a few lines to summarize your experience and past achievements. Only include skills and personal attributes if you are a school leaver or graduate with little work experience. You can round it off with a statement detailing your aspirations for the job vacancy - but remember you’ll need to tweak this each time.

At Innovate CV we offer a range of online CVs to help you achieve a good CV to get you noticed.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Basic Tips on Choosing the Right College!

Basic Tips on Choosing the Right College!

With the end of high school comes a responsibility much greater than just graduating. The most difficult task is choosing the right college or university to attend to best fulfill one’s educational needs. With a plethora of competitive universities and colleges to choose from, a student and his/her parents can become easily overwhelmed with such an important task. Therefore, it is crucial to identify a few basic needs of the student to make the right college choice.

First and foremost the student should have a clear idea of the kinds of things he/she would like to study. Many find it difficult to choose a major; however, an idea of subjects the student enjoys and is talented in should help to set him/her on the right path. Identifying strengths and weaknesses and taking career-placement tests often serves as a guide in determining what kind of career one would like to pursue. Those who already know their area of interest are one step ahead of the game.

Once you have identified your interests, analyze the job market of your profession. See what kinds of positions are available and how your particular area of interest is progressing. Research the demands of your desired job and see what you can do to enhance your resume to make you stand out from the competition. Also spend some time looking at statistics about your area of interest and the current status of its condition in terms of job availability.

Next, select a number of universities/colleges that specialize in your area of interest and compare/contrast the strengths and weaknesses. Consider factors such as location, school size, tuition, financial aid, internship opportunities, and the school’s relationship with the job market. Take the time to study school statistics, especially graduation rates and professor evaluations. You want to make sure you are getting exactly what you want for the money you are paying. Also take into consideration whether the college/university is public or private as the tuition rate may vary significantly between the two. A helpful tip when making this choice – if you are certain about the career you will choose to pursue, select a private university if its program is stronger than that of a public’s. Although you come across higher costs, the degree from a private college will put you ahead in the competition for jobs. If you are not certain about your exact career choice, you may want to choose a public university/college which allows lots of leeway and exploration of subjects before declaring a major; it is also usually less costly than a private institution.

Finally, study the competitiveness of your colleges of choice. Apply to a school you are certain will accept you, as well as to a school that may be challenging to get into, with a higher competition rate. Most importantly, do your research on each school you are applying to so that you know exactly what you’re signing up for and investing your future into. Make sure to follow up with all applications and deadlines, and keep up your GPA.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

School Education Plays Crucial Role In Achieving Success in Life!

School Education Plays Crucial Role In Achieving Success in Life!

A school serves as the most important medium of education in the life of anyone. A person as a student spends minimum twelve years of his life in school. To be a graduate, you study for fifteen or sixteen years, out of which you spend twelve years in school. As compared to the three or four in college, a student spends the longest span of his academic life in school. So, where a student spends most of the time in his academic front, then it will surely affect the future of a child. To which school, a child belongs to, greatly affects the professional and personal life of one. The education that the students possess in his initial years of educational life, matters a lot in the career and personal life ahead. The basic values, thought and knowledge he is going to acquire in the initial years of his basic school education, decides the direction of the future of the child.

The parents are the first teachers of the child, but the proper education of the child starts, when he was admitted in school by his parents. The formal education of the school decides that the way the student is going to follow in his entire. The thoughts and values in which a child starts to believe and follow from his childhood days are the one which are the deciding factor of his life. If a school is very rigid about the rules and regulations in the premises and make in the habit of students to follow the same, then the student of the school are likely to follow the rules and regulations of the society. A school can make a child hard working, if the same habit is developed in his initial ages.

Schools must watch the progress of the small children very minutely and should keep an eye on the children that they will never get an impression that they are free to do anything. Teachers in the school should be able to develop in them a sense of responsibility and good team player qualities which help them a lot in their professional life. As a student, children always believe blindly the teachings of his teacher and follow them in entire life. So, for a school and its teachers, it is very necessary to give the right education and direction to the students. If the school fails to impart the right values in his students, then it will be regarded as the failure of the school. School life is very important in the life of a person, so it is the duty of the schools to make the most out of it and impart the students with best of the discipline, knowledge and values in students. If one gets success in life, he will be brightening the name of the school itself. Schools must realize their social responsibility and make the society proud.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How Do Students Affect Their Families' Participation to Improve Family Involvement?

How Do Students Affect Their Families' Participation to Improve Family Involvement?

In some school contexts, using poetry in a program to promote family involvement has been shown to increase participation because it provides opportunities for participants to use their own language and understanding to reflect their experiences (McKiiiney, Lasley, & Holmes-Gull, 2008). These programs also create a space where teachers can learn with and from students and their families.

The goals of the literacy program are an important indication of whether families will be involved; two significant factors are that the activities should relate to the developing needs of the adolescent and match the Clearance MBT Shoes ways that families are able and comfortable with participating (Spielman, 2001). Writing poetry has been described as a way for students to express themselves and explore important aspects of their identity through descriptive and metaphorical terms (Jocson, 2005; Steinbergh, 1999; Wiseman, 2007). There have been many studies that describe how powerful poetry can be for giving students voice, allowing for opportunities for critical engagement (Kinloch, 2005; Staples, 2008; Wissman, 2007) and even increasing academic language through songs and hip hop culture (Morrell & Duncan-Andrade, 2002) and by encouraging multiple languages and dialects (Hadaway, Vardell, & Young, 2001). Not only should school practices support adolescents developing autonomy, but also they need to support students' complex home and school literacy practices, and poetry programs have the potential to do this.

Hoover-Dempsey and Sandier and colleagues (Green et al., 2007; Hoover-Dempsey & Sandier, 1995, 1997; Walker et al., 2005) described three primary sources of motivation for parents to be involved in school-based programs: beliefs about their parenting roles and their efficacy for supporting children in school; perception of invitations for the school from both their children and others; and life context variables such as parents' skills and knowledge as well as the time and energy that they have for involvement. As a result of the developmental needs of students at this age, cultural and economic factors, and ways that literacy practices can either support or exclude families, it is necessary to expand our understanding and conceptual frame regarding how we define and encourage involvement in a literacy-based school program.

Through conversations and observations with students, I have examined how students perceive these points within a MBT Shoes poetry program that was developed for families to participate in various ways at the school. The question my research attempts to answer is, How do students' attitudes, actions, and feelings affect their families' participation in a poetry program designed to improve family involvement?
