If you want your kids to learn to speak and write English, it is advisable to look for some interesting and interactive ways to teach English. Hiring English language tutors or sending kids to English language schools is not fruitful in most cases. Kids get bored with the structured English language classes that aim to teach English language rules, grammar, and phonics without making them enjoyable.
In fact, some of the best ways to teach English to kids include storytelling, drama, songs, games, and craft. All these methods of teaching English are informal, but highly effective. With the help of English songs and stories, you can teach kids the English phonics. Kids are able to learn the sounds of various letters in an effortless manner. Similarly, there are games and crafts that teach kids English grammar and vocabulary.
As well as English songs and stories, you may also use English worksheets. Printable English worksheets can be put on your refrigerator door, wardrobe, doors, or practically any place of your home. It is a good way of helping your kids identify and thereby remember English letters.
English language CDS and DVDs containing funny songs and interesting stories are easily available over the Internet. Some websites even allow free downloadable MP3s. You may use such online resources to teach English to your kids. Download the English worksheets and teach English right from the comfort and convenience of your home.
Another wonderful method to teach English to young learners is to enroll them to an after school club of repute. Most such clubs use highly interactive and interesting methods to teach English. Songs, stories, games, group activities, and individual exercises are used to help kids learn English in a smooth and hassle-free manner. Kids love the fun-filled English teaching methods and are able to quickly grasp the nuances of the language.
For English worksheets, CDS, and MP3s, you may consider LCF Clubs. It is the largest provider of after school clubs in the UK. LCF after school club uses several stimulating and engaging activities to teach English to young learners. Storytelling, games, songs, and crafts are some of the ways adopted to make English teaching and learning a fun-filled activity.
Also, LCF club offers English worksheets, CDS, online English tutorials, English practice papers, white board resources, and much more to teach English.
For more information about this after school club, the online English tutorials, English worksheets, and fee structure for enrolling your kid to one of the LCF after school clubs, please log on to lcfclubs.com
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