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Friday, April 26, 2013

Life is to struggle

In the saddest time, you cannot forget conviction. In the happiest time, you cannot forget frustration of life. Life does not fully spread rose of path, every day is to struggle. Everybody’s life process, is continuously struggling; the purpose of life is to fight for victory and honor. Person from childhood which begins with a cry, all the time are in the state of struggling.

When see a person's biography, the success of their business, nothing is not without struggling. Even the generally mediocre life also comes from struggling.

Life at the young period, in addition to being subjected to parents' protection, teachers and friends’ instruction, have to fight with coldness and hotness, fight with disease, if the financial situation is needy, then you have to struggle for life.

Arrived a youth period, you should struggle more with yourself, this was preparation period for the life to greatly struggle.

All the strength that establish a career are completed and stored through studies at this period, and it is a key of life.

Let the health in a good condition, the character is cultivated, academic research be studied well. In the meantime, fighting for happy opportunity, even need to greatly struggle on the feeling field.

The prime of life period is the time to struggle the most vigorously. The chief attraction period, whether you can win other person's applause, express your outstanding aspect, all depends on how you make great effort.

When you firstly enter into society, what you see of the outward appearance is magnificent, is brilliant, you will feel being full of temptation, whereas set out trap everywhere, at every step there is thorn, everywhere there is obstacle.

You want to be a righteous person, or famous person, or great man.

You need to take out all your spirit, struggle with society and struggles to fight out a road to business.

Wait until you seize the base, your heel stands firmly, then use your position, power, economy all the strength that you can make use of.

Develop your ambition, develop your ability, and accumulate over a long period, from small thing to bigger one. You need to always keep to continue, try for the best o to improve, enrich, and expand.

So did the life struggle have a period? -- No.

We live for a day; have to struggle for a day.

Live for a minute, a second, you have to struggle for a minute and a second, so we say that the life is to struggle.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The true cause’s poverty

A wise was once quoted as saying that “poverty is the worst of all human evils and also the worse of all known human crimes.” Indeed, this might seem very subtle, but the truth still remains that poverty is an ugly reality that has been with the American civilization in decades and continues to pose a serious developmental challenge.

Frank Stricker weary of the appalling state of poverty in the American social milieu took it upon himself the onus of investigating the true nature of poverty in the United States. His findings as published in his monumental work entitled, “Why America Lost the War on Poverty and how to it Back,” gives an explicit presentation about the central factors underlining the failure of successive governments to wrestle down this evil.

The paradox of the American poverty can be likened to the proverbial adage that the fool thirsts in the abundance of water. Either covertly or overtly, this discrimination might appear very extreme. After a closer examination of what the legendary Stricker asserts to will serve a useful purpose in creating a favorable platform to vividly examine the veracity or otherwise of this assertion.

In a rather unconventional manner, Stricker chooses to make the capitalist economic philosopher the main target of his uncompromising punches. In the heat of the cold war that was characterized by the radical competition between the leading economic ideologies, the capitalist economic model rose out of the ashes of an ailing and collapsing socialist cum communist ideologist unscathed. A major point of glory for which capitalism claims utter credit for is its so-called self-regulatory economic systems that ensured a natural steering of economic activities to an optimum output. Consequently, massive job creation becomes an abiding legacy of a capitalist economy.

It is a system that does not deprive any member a fair chance of rising above poverty and its attendant mediocrity. To this end, capitalism had at its core the combating of poverty as a premium goal.

Regrettably, in retrospect, America which is widely hailed as the true prototype of all there is to capitalist economic ideologies brazens on the brink of a miserable urban poverty. A natural byproduct of such a social trend is that social apprehension and meteoric crime indicators becomes inevitable.

Contrary to what capitalist economic theorists are espousing, Frank Stricker makes a strong case against this congenital economic fallacy. He is not a utterly against capitalism in its apparent sense, however, his source of contention is the evasive tendency generated by capitalism and further entrenched by high income inequality along demographic lines. It is a system that is highly debasing to the inherent sense of satisfaction generated from the dignity of labor.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I am still my father’s little child

“Are you willing to tell this for daddy?”

This is the worst things. I am only 17 years, it’s hard to tell mother that I have a baby, and personally told the story to my father is impossible. My dad has always been an inexhaustible source of courage. He was always proud of me, and I always try to make him proud in a way of life until this happened. Now, everything will be destroyed. I'm no longer daddy's little girl, he would not re-use the same kind of attitude towards me. I sighed in frustration, leaning on mother's body for comfort.

“When I told the story to your father, I have to take you to somewhere else. You know that is why.”

“Yes, mom, because he would not like to watch me, that is the reason.”

That night, I stay with the church clergy, Lu. At that time, he is the only person that makes me feel comfortable. When mother returned home and phoned me that my father still at work, and Lu priest advised me in my side to comfort me.

All of this is so unreal. At that time, stay with a people who will not judge me is so comfortable for me. We pray, talk, I began to accept and understand the road in front of me. Then I saw the car from the window lights.

Mother take me home and I know my father could be with her. I was so scared. I ran out of the living room and rushed into the little bathroom, closed the door and locked it. 

Lu priests followed behind me softly rebuked me: "girl, you cannot do that, sooner or later you have to face him. Without you, he will not go home. Do not, out of it." "Well, but you are willing to stay with me? I'm afraid. "

“Of course, my girl.”

I opened the door, and slowly returned to the living room along with Lu priest. Mom and dad have not yet come. I think they are sitting in the car to give dad a little time to prepare, so when he saw me knew what to do or say. Mom knew how much I fear. I am not afraid my father would yell at me or to my rage, I am afraid of is showing in his eyes to the tragedy.

They are back. I hid behind the priest in the Lu. Mother hung Lu and her eyes are soaked in tears and some swelling. She did not cry in front of me. Then, I saw my father. He stood there; he did not even shake hands with Lu priest, only when passing from his side and nodded to him. He came up to me with his strong arm crowd in my arms, holds me tight and whispered in my ear, "I love you! I love you; I also will love your baby. "He did not cry, but I feel that he was shaking. I knew he was struggling to control his feeling, and I therefore am proud of him and thank him. I saw in his eyes the light of love and pride. Even in that difficult time, he love me and proud of me.

“I am sorry daddy but I love you, very.”

I am still daddy’s little girl. In this spirit armed with weapons, the world that I cannot climb the mountain, not I cannot stand the rain.

Thank you, dad.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Environment as a Course

Environment refers to the compromise with the surroundings and human beings. Meanwhile, it will completely satisfactory for human soul when systematically involved with human interaction. You can imagine the word Environment is like a feeling because if you create any disorder with the system of environment, definitely reaction will come out. It is obvious if you want to make healthy environment, you should involve yourself in this subject.

Rather to say it’s the study of interdisciplinary approaches. There are fields such as natural environment, physical environment, chemical environment, biological environment etc. Environment between human and nature has always an interdependent relationship, and to know each other one human being has to understand the nature and for that they have to study the details of environmental condition that why this subject is named for environmental studies.

Why to study

Every human beings love nature, their environment, because everyone is surviving due to nature reacts! Yes, without this the whole atmosphere has been wiped out. So to understand the environment have to know them, feel them, touch them, and hug them, to do all this you have to study the nature have to realize their language, and for that this subject has great significance. Presently, in US about 90-95% students choose this subject for their career course because they showing much interest to know that the meaning and the value of this subject. Not only in US but the whole world is suffering from the disaster of environment, we are not surviving peacefully everyday every moment we have to face lots of problems due to environmental issues. Environmental studies include the details study of Ecology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Chemistry, and Geology. So, the priority and necessity of this subject has become top.

Career in Environmental studies

There is a vast career opportunities in Environmental sector, you can become an environmental scientist, a technologist or get jobs in pollution detection control, and soil or water testing laboratories. You can also get government jobs and many companies in science and technology field. Here are some other fields where you can engage yourself. Employment includes careers such as environmental engineers, nature and wetlands analyst, GIS, technicians, chemists, earth sciences / geologists, policy and law, wildlife conservation, planning, education, wastewater treatment and operations, program and project management, natural resources, etc.


Distinguished categories are available for every environmental departments and the pay scale varies against different skills. Normally the median Salary starts from $43,300 in U.S. and median Salary (mid-career) is $78,700. You also have an opportunity to make your career as a scientist level where your earning level will be unlimited. Therefore, those who have intimacy with environment can opt for this subject for career.
